Shinning example of how not to play... When the opponents switch their top and bot roles and send Ashe and Sona against Garen solo, you don't ignore him for 12 minutes and 4 deaths when he's screaming to switch. So annoying playing in non ranked games without a set team. On a lighter note, I played in a few interesting games this week. I've played at least 4 games in the past few days with a 1/1/1/2 line up, but with 3 AD/PC's, a super tank, and an off tank. It's been mildly unfair for whatever side doesn't have that setup. Is this seen a lot in the higher end ranked games or was it just a weird few matches?
I think that is just how it shook out. I don't see some overarching meta because there are only so many champions that'll fit and even though there are champions perceived to be "On top" not everyone will pick them. I still don't see how Cho isn't currently on permaban. My team has to be absolutely terrible for me to lose a game with Cho. His knock-up, silence and ult is too damn much. Plus he stacks that HP like nothing. I no longer feel like Shen should be on the list but he always is. I just had a great game with a Malphite jungler, he should still definitely be on the permaban rotation.
I used the blade of the ruined king on my build with Caitlin in a game last night and that totally rips through previously untouchable Cho's and similar tanks. You're fast as fuck and deal % hp. With a smart build, champs like that CAN be countered. Well, to be fair, he wasn't the best cho in the world, a smarter person could probably have done better against me. It's isn't an all is lost scenario though.
Well you can definitely counter them, especially if you combine that with Last Whisper. It's just I can kill you or someone else can help me kill you with a nicely landed knock-up and a silence. I just find it funny that Shen and Alistar still get banned even though they've been nerfed to focused skill play and Cho with the new HP Meta can fucking wreck havok on teams. - explanation of a pretty cool new site ( Basically, it shows your builds pros used in their matches. What differentiates it from other sites and marks its real value is that it shows you the order in which they purchased items and leveled each skill. Course it has to be taken with a grain of salt. Pro's don't always make the best decisions every game and lots of stuff can be conditional. But I still think it's pretty cool. Also, next free champion rotation looks pretty fun: 450: Annie, Sivir 1350: 3150: Sona, Akali 4800: Vayne, Kog'Maw 6300: Riven, Nautilus, Fizz, Kha'Zix
Interested in trying Fizz out, spent a bit of time playing Karthus lately, finally got enough IP to buy Voli so slowly starting to get more of a choice of heroes.
For all the new people that are lower level, I'd definitely suggest trying out Fizz, Kha'Zix and Nautilus. All three of them are game changing champions. Akali is pretty damn good as well, but she's pretty dependent on runes to start off her lane effectively. Riven is nothing but a high level Garen. Annoying as shit, requires no mana (or skill really) and can easily dominate.
Just had three ranked losses in a row with d/c's. Almost won the last 4v5. I don't understand why something can't be done about this. Having someone afk or disconnect during your game completely ruins the fun for me, especially in ranked. If you get reported for leaving or afk in a ranked game, you should have a one week ban from rankeds automatically. This shit drives me insane and they should fix it. It makes the game unplayable for me.
D/Cs during ranked are extremely annoying, except they can't up bans because shit actually does happen. Their system should be able to tell if people click the "quit button" vs an actual disconnect. You could be in the middle of a game and the storm takes out your power, or your router decides to cut off/on like mine did for two weeks. The issue is the difference hence why there isn't a penalty currently except if you do it a lot you get reported. It is total bullshit. But after your second game I would have taken a break to breathe and get that out your system.
I guess my view is that if you have fucked up internet, you shouldn't visit that detriment on 9 other people. You can always play normals if you have outages from time to time. Intentional leaving and d/c have the same effect on the game, so they ought to penalized similarly. Ranked games shouldn't be available to people who regularly d/c or ragequit.
Akali's passive got patched a few patches ago - she doesn't need dedicated runes any more. Full magic pen or hybrid pen reds work just fine, with the standard armor yellow/MR blue setup. 21/9/0 and just make sure you pick up spellblade, and it is borderline impossible to lose with her. Even if you get shut down in lane, you can hit 6 and pick up revolver and gank sidelanes and you're pretty much guaranteed kills. I'm nothing special at this game but I average like 13/3/9 or something with her. People think pink wards counter her, but they don't do anything to mitigate her stupid burst. A Q-R-Q-E-R-Q/E combo will take almost anyone to half hp or below early game. Taking her top she will drop bruisers to below half until they have MR and HP built. Akali is awesome. And easy,
Kha'Zix is so fun to play, he's so damn dominant. Easiest jungle ever. I'm not even a master of jungling yet and he makes it easy as cake. Just face rape he is. I'm slowly on my way out of Bronze. It is a scary scary climb as every game freaks me out. I swear I had teammates trying their hardest to throw, but I still made it. It's pretty annoying playing ranked because I know I HAVE to play Sona to get out of the dregs, because I'm so damn good with her. Maybe once I can get higher in Silver I can go back to playing Top/Mid champions.
I bought that. Shame on me. I knew the sale was coming, but I didn't know it'd be 2 for 1 if you used IP and not just RP. Fuck fuck fuck. Now I have 503 RP and I'm dying to know how much RP do I need to buy, and how to spend it to get back to zero. Whoever figures this out gets a prize.
Got called a nigger, told to kill myself, 2 DC's, 1 rage afk, and homophobic comments too numerous to count. I think I'm going to treat this game like call of duty and just mute everyone as soon as the game begins. I'm not spending another dime on this game until I see Riot actually do something about the toxic community. I have no faith in the tribunal because if it were effective in weeding out players like this I wouldn't have them on my team all the time. I wish I had the self control to quit completely but I do enjoy the game immensely. Also lost 70 LP today, which is definitely part of my rage.
So to everyone I played with when I was beginner and didn't know wtf I was doing, I just wanted to say "thank you" and "I apologize." Been playing with some friends who are relatively new (b/t lvls 12 and 16 at the moment), and it can be very frustrating. I wish there was a way for the game to explain roles better. Or maybe I've just gotten so used to console games holding me by the hand as they teach me every little thing. In other news, Vi and Lulu are ridiculously strong and fun. Looks like Zac is too.
Riot's April Fool's is up and pretty good. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -arrives-0</a> <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME. Tired of the shitty recommended builds? Boom, you can create your own and attach them to champions so you don't need to have your build memorized, written down somewhere or be reading it off a tablet (like I do.) You can create as many as you want and attach them to any champions. You can have more than 1 attached to a champion so you can have a "VS AP" "VS AD" "DEFENSE" "OFFENSE" "BALANCE" versions if you want. This is huge. Its also replacing the achievements tab because that was obviously a terrible idea and there are so little things you could actually do in game to make it worth it. Plus we don't want to be playing our qualifying matches with some dick trying to get the "Die by flipping over a wall and killing someone" or "Solo baron" achievements.