I am off every Tuesday and pretty much have the same routine. I wake up at 7am when my husband leaves for work. I think about all the housework I have to do that day but decide that I can rest a few hours before getting started. So I consult the guide on the tv and choose a movie or show I need to catch up on. Around noon I realize I am hungry and have watched too much television. So I stumble to the kitchen and fix something to eat. I decide at that point a bath is in order. After lunch and the bath it is usually two o'clock or so and therefore too late to start on housework because I have to start cooking dinner soon. At this point I usually panic because I realize I have defrosted no meat for dinner. I hurriedly start trying to find things to throw together for dinner and begin cooking at that point. By the time my husband returns at 6 pm I am a stressed out mess AND no housework at all was done. Rinse and repeat every Tuesday.
I like to spend my off-days immersing myself in one task, e.g. a long day of rock climbing or a full day of tinkering with my motorcycle. I think Washington DC is a fucking terrible city to have the day off in, it's a pretty high-strung place, so it's a nice working environment for Type A personalities like me, but just a boring and mildly depressing place when you want to relax (especially if you have no interest in the bar scene). I always forget how much trouble I have unwinding until I leave the city and notice how much easier I can relax. This city has definitely turned me into a workaholic. I don't take days off anymore, there is always something to be done and until I reach certain career goals I am going to stop at nothing to achieve them. Doesn't mean I don't relax, but I never take a full day where I accomplish nothing.