God help you if you ever move. I have one small to medium bookcase and moving the books from it is usually my least favorite part of moving.
Heh. We moved over a hundred banker boxes of books and countless magazines when we moved into our house 20 years ago. Needless to say more have been added. I still have a few Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan hardcovers I received when I was about 10. Collecting anything is a sickness. I long ago informed the wife I would be dying in this house.
Sports jerseys. I started collecting football shirts when I was a teenager. Always trying to get the more obscure ones like Penarol from Uruguay or Nagoya Grampus Eight from Japan. Then I started buying a jersey at any sporting event I went to on my travels. Around that time I moved house and decided to get rid of all the old ones of teams I'd never seen play. It's pretty cool some times when there's a guest coming to work from East Slovakia or wherever and I can throw on my HC Kosice jersey. I'm also not far off having a different scarf for every snow day in the winter. It's not a huge collection but sometimes I look at it and want to just get shot of it all. I like owning nothing more than I can carry. Five years ago I spent a week or two ripping 300 CDs then sold them all. That was incredibly liberating. I look at my bookshelf and wish there was a similar process, but instead of making money like I did with my CDs and records I'd have to spend money for eReader versions.