Yup, it's all this new generation; past generations of youths never rioted before: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LA_riots http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_Riot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoot_Suit_Riots
Those deaths/injuries occurred because a) a community uprising over an injustice or b) because national guard overreacted. They were also using opposing sides of community vs. authority (police/government). Political demonstrations that turned bad. These recent riots are for no fucking reason and against fellow community members. They don't stand for anything from the start. They are there for the sole reason to loot/steal/injure/kill. There is the major difference.
Uh... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LA_riots: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_Riot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoot_Suit_Riots: Yup, nothing but justified action there. Just to be clear on where I stand, I fully agree with this comment:
Back in my freshman year of college there was a riot in a primarily student housing area that is known for being crazy. I got caught up in it, but I was more of a bystander. The mob mentality is compelling, but more or less the people who start burning shit and flipping cars would like to do so anyway, but the mob and booze allows their inhibitions to go away and they do as they like. I saw a nice 3 series BMW get flipped, sad really. The riot was fun until the cops showed up with tear gas, rubber bullets and a fucking riot tank. That god dam riot tank is seriously frightening. The rubber bullets are very scary, they will fuck your shit up in a hurry.
By the way, for those of you arguing that this is human nature or that people will always jump on the chance to take part in this kind of shit, this BBC article from a few months ago: Why is there no looting in Japan after the earthquake? What is happening in London is an example of weak civil society—which is strange, given that London is a first-world country with citizens who hold strong ties to their country (despite the strong immigrant population). Whether you blame the people or the government is irrelevant, everyone is responsible for their own actions. This event is totally avoidable. I also wonder why militias haven't formed to protect certain blocks or quarters of the city. You'd think certain communities would band together the way the Koreans did during the L.A. riots (which they did relatively effectively, btw).
I was going to say, that's a natural disaster, people don't act the same in those situations. Then I remembered this guy:
What started as a peaceful protest in reaction of the police shooting a young man in possession of a gun has descended into absolute chaos. The whole thing is an absolute cluster fuck. The vast majority of the rioters are nothing more than kids out for nothing more than mindless destruction and looting Curry's and mobile phone stores. Most of the interviews I have seen of the kids involved have said they are doing this as a retaliation to the oppression and the lack of the respect they are shown by the community and the police. So naturally they retaliate by burning down local businesses and stealing whatever they can. BBC interview - not sure if the video will be available to people outside of the UK Fuck, this thing alone made me homicidal I have spent the past two nights glued to the news channel and my twitter feed keeping track of the riots, which last night spread 180 miles north to Liverpool and Manchester in copy cat riots and as I type, continue to escalate with department stores getting set alight in Manchester and Liverpool with the city centres in lockdown. The police in London tonight are fielding a force of 16,000 officers and a number of armoured vehicles and have been sanctioned the use of rubber bullets. I hope this is enough of a deterrent to end this madness, though with how quickly riots have sparked up across the country, I really doubt the police have the manpower and resources to control the situation in any way. For the first time I'm glad I live in a quiet suburban town, Thankfully the majority of my friends who live in the cities affected by the riots live in either secure buildings or areas that have so far avoided by the mobs. They have been, reports were coming in last night of Turkish communities banding together and protecting their businesses. With how things have progressed in the past few hours, I imagine there is going to be a lot of vigilantism over the course of the next few nights of rioting
Yup. I guarantee these kids have even half the gumption of the protestors in the middle east. When your cause is this weak, chances are most of the kids are just doing it to relieve frustration and have fun. Some tear gas and rubber bullets would send them crying to their mommies right quick.
There is no political (or otherwise) motivation going on whatsoever. In the case of the current Manchester Riot, it is looting. Nothing more, nothing less. They are specifically targeting high value stores, the only thing that motivates this scum is greed. The scary thing is that the looters are quite organised, spreading the police as thin as possible and rapidly moving locations so they can more effectively loot their next target. The Manchester Police are barely coping, they've got a long night ahead of them. But London is pretty quiet tonight. Funny how 16,000 police officers changes things.
I fully agree with what Net said about snipers. It's not harsh -- it's effective. Rather a few caught-in-the-act terrorists get taken out than millions in civilian property and uninvolved civilians get taken off the map. I believe in the right of people to peacefully assemble. I don't believe in the right to cause wanton, terroristic violence.
BBC News has some of the best coverage I've seen of the riots. Now they've got MPs considering disabling BBM service at night to stop the rioters and looters from organizing. Why we haven't seen any tear gas and water cannons is absolutely beyond me. So far the excuse has been a "different relationship between police and citizens in Britain" compared to other parts of the world. If they continue to refuse to use anything more than batons and riot shields, I see this going on until the rioters give up on their own or get tired of it. Way to keep control of a country.
The majority of these looters are under 20 years old. They arrested an 11-year-old boy yesterday. You people seriously think they should be shooting children who are stealing electronics and designer sneakers? Get a fucking grip, cowboys.
I live in the centre of Ealing, one of the riot hotspots yesterday. Last night, it was like a warzone, with hundreds of kids marching up the road 100 yards from my window, smashing glass with estate agents' signs, and then being marched back by a wall of riot police. Tonight, it's a ghost town. The streets are empty apart from pairs of patrolling coppers. This video emerged this morning: (Featuring an especially satisfying slo-mo riot shield hit at 0:28)
Where are you getting this from? In the articles I've read there's been no mention of any particular age category responsible for the looting, and the videos I've seen contain what appears to be mostly young adults.
Really? Because every single article I've read has contained the word "youth" in it, and made several references to teenagers and people in their early 20s, and next to none about people of adult age. And you know what? Age doesn't matter. You don't fire on crowds of any age for looting. Give them the fire hose, tear gas their balls off, shoot them in the abdomen with bean bags. Lethal force, though? You must be joking.
Actually, I'm not. Pick the leaders out of the crowd, and head-shot them. Maybe I'm just sick and fucking tired of people totally ruining other people's lives for no good reason other than they can, and get away with it. There are families who've had businesses since the late 1800's there that are no more because they were burned to the ground by these fucktards. Not because they are hungry, or poor, or oppressed... they're BORED and looking for fun. Fuck that. They are terrorists, pure and simple. We can't take them out simply because they're not wearing a turban? Fuck them.