One of my roommates threw a party at my place yesterday, and it was....weird. And not just because it was full of hipsters. 1) Campus police came, when said roommate was black out and I was...otherwise occupied in my apartment. People kept coming to tell me bedroom door doesn't lock....There was a lot of confused yelling. 2) It went from 0 black people at the party (my roommate rolls with an indie music, hipster crowd) like, 15 people from Howard University. We have no idea how or why they were there. I don't object to their presence per se....but WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY COME FROM? 3) My blackout roommate asked one of them, "I know it's usually not cool when white people say this, but I listen to a lot of rap can I call you my nigga?" Luckily, they happened to laugh rather than kill him. 4) Said roommate made out with a dude (he's straight? I don't really understand this either) and...his girlfriend's best friend. In front of his girlfriend. Apparently, drunk him somehow thought this would be a funny joke. Neither me nor sober Matt understand this joke, in retrospect. She was not pleased. He went to go buy her flowers at like, 10:30 AM. While still drunk. He also bought lettuce that he was convinced was spinach. It was quite clearly not spinach, despite his repeated insistence. 5) We woke up to a big tub of butter on our floor (well, "buttery spread"). OK, messes happen. The weird thing? The butter belongs to no one in the apartment. WHO THE FUCK BRINGS A TUB OF BUTTERY SPREAD TO A PARTY?! Were they planning to make toast?
Beware... physics is a bitch, especially the first time you realize life isn't all Wyle E. Coyote and the Road Runner.
No, I'm not surprised that I draw attention in my car; I get cash offers for it from total strangers about once a month. Do you get that in your car? Why am I a shithead for driving/appreciating high performance cars? (Please define "white trash car")
DB, I'm kinda high (so I'm sure you can relate) but can you just type out another long post about being in jail? Lets get real here -- at least it's more interesting than our boring lives.
I think you sorta answered your own question there. edit: Dammit what did I do to have my user title thing get changed this time? Don't toy with me, data! *Shakes fist angrily*
I guess the best thing I can tell you is that we aren't that much different from you, or any other members of the Idiot Board. We did something illegal, and we got caught. How many times have you been a little over the legal limit or stoned and thought you could drive home? How many times have you been carrying drugs? How many times have you used drugs? Have you ever sent a harshly worded text message to someone (like a guy I spent a night in a cell with)? It doesn't take much to get on the bad side of the law, and that is a place that it isn't easy to return from. I'm about to shut up for the night, and I hope that all of you reading wake up in your own beds tomorrow morning. I'll talk more about this later if anyone wants to hear any of it.
What, I can't go spend the night at some nice young lady's house, and forget how I got there? THAT'S WHY I CAME TO COLLEGE!
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