This is my favorite one: Nice cigarette holder (or whatever the fuck you call those things), dipshit.
What kind of poop we talkin'? Is it a solid log or the piss shits? Is it a sticky log or one of those coiled jobs that never end, snaking around your face like a turban? The person's diet should be in full disclosure. I do believe the type of movement would affect the payout. Unless we go for some kind of wildcard settlement where neither party knows the outcome. Going to need witnesses too. Just to confirm package delivery. We'll need a notary.
If you can watch this and not want to punch your dog or anyone close to you I'll Paypal you $5. Given the opportunity, I'd uppercut every one of those dipshits at that meeting. Want to know how to pick up women? Don't be an insecure loser who needs a class taught by a guy who is incredibly annoying. On the other hand, he obviously has a huge market in Australia. Here's a tip that his stupid website didn't promote: Move to America! Chicks immediately drop their panties at the sound of an Aussie accent. You don't even have to move here, just visit. You'll be elbow deep in poontang before you get off the plane.
I have a problem. I've already talked to another member and her advice doesn't seem to be sinking in. As most of you know, I've got a kid. His mother is a total white trash fucking hobag. Unfortunately no matter how many nice stable and beautiful women I date, I cannot shake off this feeling of jealously that I feel towards her. I know for a fact she and I do not get along and we are the worst match ever made. Tonight we had a mutual get together with friends. Although I had a promising thing with another beautiful woman, I still felt a pang of jealousy when she showed up with some other complete loser douchebag. I won't get into details but I was thinking some VERY unusual (jealous) thoughts and actions which are very unlike me in a normal relationship. I realize these thoughts and actions seem very fucked up and stupid in my head but they sound OK when put into practice. I'm kind of at a loss of what to do since she is obviously going to be a part of my life for the foreseeable future. Does anyone have advice?
Does it matter to you that he was a loser douchebag? Perhaps subconsciously you believe that if she's dating a loser and used to be with you, then that must mean you're also a loser. Do you feel the same way when she dates someone who's really cool and not a douchebag? Also, this might help, or at least not hurt anything: Spoiler
The title of this thread makes me think it is a mashup between something Vancouver Canucks fans would yell at a game and a line from Good Will Hunting.
I can't tell you how excited I am that everyone loves Beyond Alpha. If only I could figure out how to wahoo him....