I didn't allow that to happen. I think he tried to like "tweak" the side of my lip. Kind of like tweaking someone's nose. Either way, I blocked it so that action never fully took place.
It probably doesn't help that, although I am 100% white, I look ambiguously ethnic. ONE OF THEM! ONE OF THEM!
So I think I may have been sexually harassed by a dude last night. I was at a bar and went to take a piss. It is was into one of those single long urinals. The guy was in there already pissing and as soon as I came in he started talking to me. Ok, drunken urinal chatter...it happens I guess. But the guy finishes peeing and then leans up against the wall and continues talking to me while I'm still peeing. Now this, this is not ok. He even tells me "don't worry man I'm not looking at your dick or nothing." This just makes me more uneasy. He then watches me as I wash my hands and is giving me a fucking pep talk while I'm washing them. As in, "yup yup get some soap...lather em up...there you go." Then, in case it couldn't get creepier he starts showing me a scar that is on his head and wants me to touch it. I politely decline so he points out where he is in the bar and tells me to come on down for a game of pool or something. What the fuck?
This is like the difference for a female between being hit on by a hot dude and being hit on by an old dude. At what point does it become creepy? So in your case: at what point does "hitting on" become "sexual harassment"? According to the first example, that line is "do I want this guy hitting on me?" In summary, you got sexually harassed. Congrats!
Y'all can be friends. Just not this bullshit platonic friends that people like to toss around. It might not be the easiest thing in the world, but as long as you are simply honest (Yeah, I would fuck you if you threw it at me...but I'm not actively trying to get the pussy) then I think it can work out. Or not.
This may have been the Ancient Art Of Fucking With You. There is nothing more fun on this God-given earth than freaking out other human beings while smashed. It's like running through a field of daisies with a winning lottery ticket in hand. Long trough urinal, huh? Sounds like a classy joint to be throwing the Don P. back there.
I think for functioning close male-female friendship, some near-requirements are: 1) At least one party, for whatever reason, has 0% interest in fucking the other. 2) The other party accepts this as undeniable fact. As long as the attracted party thinks there's the slightest chance of it happening, the friendship won't work. So in your case: at what point does "hitting on" become "sexual harassment"? According to the first example, that line is "do I want this guy hitting on me?" I don't know. Context is pretty key there. Who the fuck hits on people while they're pissing? That's just not right, no matter what the genitalia concerned are.
This never ever is the fact, and it never ever works. Theres no such thing as a true platonic friendship. If youre the one thinking "Gee, what a great friend he/she is," theyre the one wanting more. Cannot exist.
Consider: I WANT to win the lottery. I WANT to play in the NBA. But I'm resigned to the fact that it's never, ever gonna happen, and I basically go about my life with this assumption. I'm not unhappy because I'm not a lottery winner or starting shooting guard for the Celtics.
Yeah but you're also not constantly within an arms reach of your lottery winnings or an NBA contract.
I think it's hard to be friends with someone you are interested in. However, it is very possible for two people who are not interested in each other to be friends. My fiance doesn't get this. He is super wary of ALL male friends, because "they all want to bang you." He is the kind of guy with a bunch of buddies and doesn't have female friends.