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LOST Season Six

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by The Good Doctor, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Sherwood

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Right, which does make it a pretty big stretch. But it's not out of the realm of possibility. Remember, just because Smokey didn't actually need Locke's body to assume his form, doesn't mean that Jacob can't steal Sayid's. Though... yeah probably not. The more I think about it the more I don't like the idea.

    While I was typing this an old boss of mine commented on my facebook wall "so, is Jacob in Sayid's body?" So clearly this is going to be a common theory, making it even less likely to be true.

    For everyone confused about the alternate timeline, remember last season, right after the flashes began, when Faraday said that time was like a string? Well, think back to Back to the Future when Doc is explaining how changing the past affected the future.

    __________________^_____________________ 815 Crashes
    ...............................\_____________________ 815 Never Crashed

    Though that doesn't explain the subtle differences between both flights. The dotted line represents nothingness, the stupid thing wont let me just put spaces in there.
  2. Frank n Beans

    Frank n Beans
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm in the Jacob is in Sayid club too. MiB needed Locke to be dead to take his form, so I have a feeling Jacob will have to follow that same rule. He knew Sayid didn't stand a chance so he sent them to the temple so he could take him over. All in all, it was a very good premier and I look forward to the rest of the season. As much as I like the show, it's nice to see a show know when it's run it's course and go out while still on top instead of trying to stretch it out and make it shitty.
  3. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    I don't know, I could swear right before they showed Sayid waking up that it looked like they were staring at a wisp of black smoke that was on camera before they showed the shot of Sayid.

    Still trying to figure out how detonating a h-bomb would cause the ocean to rise conservatively by 250 feet.

    Where is Flocke's "home"?

    I was really hoping James would give Jack a much longer beating.

    I think Hurley is the precise reason that Jacob wasn't afraid of death.

    I guess Jack finally made it onto one of Jacob's lists (If you'll remember in season 3, Mr. Friendly commented that Shepard wasn't on Jacob's list)

    I have no idea what the resolution to the alt universe will be, but the difference in the first 4 minutes were quite numerous, I think at last count I noticed 8 differences.
  4. Gramercy

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Do you think some of the characters that didn't come back are not coming back because they couldn't cast them 5 years later, or do you think they'll come back later in the season?

    Shannon, Libby, Mr. Echo, Michelle Rodriguez, etc.
  5. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    MiB/Smokey/Flocke would have to be the most bad-ass character I've seen on a TV show. The look he gave Ben after telling him he wanted to go home was fucking creepy and evil, it gave me chills. He makes Ben look like a chiorboy. Although I'm Team Jacob (that's is too similar to Twilight), I cant wait to see what happens with Flocke next. Richard is in for a rough time.

    I'm thinking the chains reference is most likely to mean Richard being a slave on the Black Rock. I think it's quite likely at some point we will learn the history of the ship, especially when they went to the trouble of showing it at the start of the season 5 finale. However, if it does mean free from Jacob's command as some of you have suggested, does that mean Richard will start to age now? And if Richard was to come on the Black Rock, I always thought it was going to be as a captain, not as a slave. Also, now that we know that the island has submerged, is it possible it did before and that's how the Black Rock ends up inland, as the island sort of rose up underneath it?

    Where were Walt and Michael on the plane? Eko, Ana-Lucia and Libby weren't to be seen either.

    As I said in another post, I think Christian will be very important. Before Locke turned the wheel, Christian told him that he needed to die, so that would obviously suggest that he is working with Mib/Smokey/Flocke (I hope we learn his real name next episode though so we know what to call him). Despite this, I have the feeling he is on Jacob's side. A Christian/Jack reunion would be fucking crazy though.

    Finally, is there any real need for Flocke/Smokey/MiB to keep Locke's form? It served his purpose of getting him to Jacob, so know that he's killed him, why doesn't he go back to his original form? Will everyone need to develop secret passwords/handshakes so they know that they aren't speaking to Smokey from now on?
  6. Attitude

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    While I enjoyed last nights episode immensely, I'm not sure I like where this is going.

    We've got two parallel universes going and I'm struggling with which one is "real" (realizing this is a tv show but you know what I mean).

    We've got the primary timeline where our major characters are now in 2007 hiding in the temple and then there is the pocket Donnie Darko universe where the flight never crashed. Except I'm afraid the pocket universe isn't going to go away and eventually there is going to be some type of universe merge and we'll be left w/ all of this never really happening. I really hope thats not the case.

    As for MIB/Flocke wanting to go home, perhaps its actually better to serve in heaven than rule in hell? Probably too much of a stretch for the show.

    Any chance Richard suddenly starts aging now that Jacob is dead? [Edit - Guernica beat me to it]
  7. Sherwood

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    You know... the name "Mr. Friendly" is even funnier when we know that he's flamingly gay.

    You said 8 differences? Let's make sure we have a definitive list:

    1) No Shannon
    2) Desmond
    3) Cindy hands Jack one bottle instead of 2
    4) Rose isn't scared of flying
    5) Hurley claims he's the luckiest guy in the world
    6) Sawyer warns him not to talk about his lottery money (though this could just be the start of another con)
    7) Christian's Coffin wasn't on 815 (or... maybe it was and it flashed away during the turbulence... dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn)

    Possible differences:
    1) Locke MAY have actually gone on the walkabout, though as someone already suggested, that means he would have to have gone to Australia earlier than he did in the original timeline.
    2) Charlie MAY or may not have been originally supposed to die since he originally dropped the heroin in the toilet, though who knows how different the turbulence was in the alternate timeline.
  8. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Just on this, my GF said something while we thought Sayid was dead. Perhaps once the Island is "done" with a certain character, and they die on-island, they are left to live their normal life in the alternate reality. I don't think it's likely, but an interesting thought. It would allow favourite characters a happy ending (say Sayid finds Nadia, get married and she isn;t killed this time)

    Another difference was not being able to see the left-side wing from Jack's POV
  9. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    Sorry I meant 8 just in the scene between Jack and Rose

    1)Cindy hands one bottle instead of two
    2)The lines are different, in the Pilot Jack says something about the extra drink violating some FAA regulation
    3)Jack was sitting one seat over in the Pilot
    4)Jack didn't spill the drink in the Pilot
    5)Charlie didn't run past on the way to the bathroom
    6)Jack never clutches the armrest in the Pilot
    7)Bernard shows
    8)815 not crashing

    Locke didn't go on the walkabout, he was lying to Boone, though the little in joke about if they ever go down Boone was sticking with Locke was quite amusing.

    Edit: Now this is just fucking weird, apparently the series finale will be on Sunday, May 23rd.
  10. Mantis Toboggan M.D.

    Mantis Toboggan M.D.
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    Dec 6, 2009
    Anyone know what language Shang Tsung was speaking in the temple?? It wasn't Mandarin, didn't sound like Japanese, and I'm assuming it wasn't Korean because Jin didn't seem to be able to understand him. Thai??
  11. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Pretty sure that was Japanese. At least it sounded like it to me.
  12. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Fuck me. I just watched the Kimmel that I taped last night, which had Darlton on it. They hinted at something possessing Sayid.

    Kimmel actually went through a whole list of shit, asking if it was coincidence or intentional. Jump to about 2:00 in.

    #212 iczorro, Feb 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  13. Sherwood

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Number 2 is a direct result of number 1

    Numbers 4 and 6 are both "Jack is now nervous instead of Rose"

    Numbers 5 and 7 are both related to the plane not crashing.
  14. AbsentMindedProf

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Does anyone have some thoughts on why there seems to be three different groups of Jacob's people?

    1) The people at the temple
    2) Ben's/Locke's/Richard's Others
    3) The off island group the got whooped by Smokey

    Obviously the temple group and the Others are connected, but why are some of them at the temple, and others wandering around with Richard, Flocke & Ben. How much does the off island group know about the temple and the people there. How does is get determined who gets to go to the temple, and who has to stay out?

    Also, I really like the idea of being able to see how everyone's lives play out without THe Island having any influence on them. I'm so excited to see how it all plays out.
  15. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Doc Jensen's recap.
    The Lost Diary recap.

    And fuck me twice, I just had a thought. If, somehow, Sayid IS now inhabited by Jacob... Maybe that's what Lapidus was a candidate for last year.

    Oh, and what was that seemingly throwaway line Juliet had while she was dying about maybe having coffee with Sawyer. Alternate reality slippage?
  16. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Shit, good call. I bet that's exactly what that was.

    EDIT: Meant to mention this but I forgot. Someone mentioned earlier about how evil Flocke looked when he was saying he just wanted to go home. Thats why I fucking Love Terry O'Quinn. In one episode he looked pretty damn scary as Flocke, Broken and Humiliated as they were putting him in the wheelchair to take him off the plane, and then finally he was cheery and poignant in that late scene in the airport with Jack. Great acting.
  17. ChileConJefe

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 22, 2009
    After having some time to digest the premier, I thought of a couple of things.

    1) Did MiB/Flocke actually say he wanted to get off the island or that he simply wanted to go home? Is it possible his "home" is the Temple, and he just wants to go back to it, but couldn't while Jacob was alive for some reason? The art shown on the walls outside the temple in S5 (when Ben is judged) show Anubis summoning Smokey, implying that Smokey has been at the temple way before all of these events, possibly as the ruler/leader.

    In addition, when the Temple Others learn of Jacob's death, they immediately prepare for Smokey's arrival by spreading ash, barricading the doors, etc. They know he's able to return to the Temple now that Jacob's dead.

    Assuming he wants to go back to the Temple, I believe it would be so he can finally rule The Island under his terms again, and not Jacob's (where people have more free will, power, etc). It was made clear in the S5 finale that MiB doesn't have much faith in humanity, and chastises Jacob every time he brings people to the island. The Others, who worship Jacob and appreciate the freedom he has given them, are also aware of MiB's contempt for humanity, and assume that he will kill them, freeing the island of "corruption," as he believes.

    2) With regards to Juliet knowing that "it worked": Perhaps, and this may be a strech, when the bomb went off, an event similar to Desmond activating the failsafe at the S2 finale / events in The Constant happened to Juliet. Her consciousness jumped back and forth from this parallel universe where 815 didn't crash. When Sawyer is holding her, and she wakes up and sees him, she immediately asks him on a coffee date before realizing she's back where she was. Maybe she knows the plan worked because she meets (and connects with) Sawyer in this parallel universe.
  18. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yup, I can see it happening that way in the next two or three episodes.

    I guess the message of the series is that you can't change your destiny no matter what. It's been pretty heavily alluded to.
  19. TMFW

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 11, 2009
    Smokey needs to remain as Flocke if he wants to get in that temple. Remember, none of the Losties at the temple have any idea about Flocke. Once they see him, they will likely shit themselves because they all think Locke is dead (because he is).

    Flocke is done with Ben and the Others at the statue. He manipulated them in order to kill Jacob. Now that Jacob is dead, he has no use for them. However, in order to get in that temple, he'll have to manipulate the Losties currently at the temple by continuing to take Locke's form. He'll also have to manipulate the Others at the temple. How? My guess is what's over his shoulder: Richard Alpert. I'm guessing he'll bring Alpert to the temple for healing, the Losties will see him and lose their shit, and havoc will ensue.

    One thing I don't get: If Smokey could have gone in and out of the hole at the base of the wall when the Rousseau's team was alive, what has been stopping him from getting to the temple all these years? By the way the Temple Others were throwing ash around, it seems they didn't have any previous protection from Smokey.

    Also, I like how Hurley is now the one calling the shots. I think he will have a much
    more central, vital role as the season progresses. After all, he is the only one who has had any kind of substantial contact with Jacob (alive or dead) aside from Smokey.
  20. ChileConJefe

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 22, 2009