Ahhh but Sherweezy Widmore was on island when they took Jughead to the Swan. My thinking is that she was in charge until she got pregnant with Daniel. Whatever caused fertility to fuck up had already happened necessitating her labor be done off island. Then Ben usurped power from Widmore and had him banished.
He was there in the camp when Jack, Richard and Eloise went to get Jughead. Unless he bolted between the time they left and jack took it to the Swan, then he was still on the island.
With regards to Richard, I think the "without those chains" line means that he's no longer immortal. Smokey seems to be the type who would view life as an imposition.
- Chuckled at the pen reference when Jack was trying to save Charlie (referring to the first episode when Boone stupidly suggests using a pen to resuscitate someone) - The man of faith vs man of science switch between Jack and Locke at LAX was cool - This may be a bit out there, but I wonder if the dweeby interpreter, apparently named Lennon, was involved with Geronimo Jackson. - I thought it was somewhat symbolic that when FLocke began his speech about how pathetic John was, he sat down in a chair. - Someone already pointed out that Sayid had the shape of a cross being carried out of the water. There's also the whole baptism/new life/Lazarus symbolism there. - Wonder why the dust can keep the Smoke Monster at bay. - Why does FLocke need Richard?
Do you think the Others moved to the Barracks because the sonic fence would protect them from Mib/Smokey?
- I also saw someone on ABC.com suggest that Jacob and MiB are from another planet and the Island (or at least the Temple) is their ship. MiB has been wanting to leave Earth but Jacob wanted to stay and help humanity. To support it he cited Walt's comic book, with the alien who has black smoke coming from his head and is in the command unit of his ship and the picture of the glass dome and a disguised ship. Seems kind of like a cop out to me, but who knows. - Jacob seems to ultimately want to help humanity though. If the numbers represent the end of humanity, then perhaps Jacob put into motion a way to change them. Perhaps MiB is one of the variables, and with him gone the equation changes. Or perhaps one of the Losties (or Aaron) changes a variable.
Am I the only one that thinks it would be kind of lame if Jacob ended up somehow inhabiting Sayid's body? I mean, apparently for thousands of years, the man in black has been trying to figure out a way to end Jacob's reign. He finally finds Locke, convinces him to die, takes over his body, then convinces Ben to kill Jacob. Then two hours later Jacob is just chilling in Sayid's body... I mean what was the point of finding a loophole if Jacob was just going to take over the body of someone who was dead on the island anyway?
One thing that stuck out to me, that no one has mentioned (and probably because it's not that important), was hearing Parkman's voice over the intercom during the "new" flight. It just seemed like they were making a point to have him talk, it was just very distinctive.
Well, considering Greg Grunberg was the original pilot on 815 it seems like they were either going out of their way to show you that it was the same flight, OR they wanted to make you think "oh shit, remember when Weiss from Alias got his shit wrecked by the Monster in the pilot? Fucking epic."
This a terrible episode so far. Neither Claire or Jack have ANY reason to listen to Kate/Asian Dude, but they just follow along. Character motivation please. I HATE KATE.
Complete dogshit of an episode. At least it indicates that Smokey was impersonating Christian in the cabin that time.
The problem with this episode was that we have no context for the off Island happenings. Though it's interesting to see Ethan being Claire's doctor in the bomb timeline, more of the "these people's lives were destined to intersect" stuff. However, onto the really interesting stuff. As manbehind said, we now know that it was Smokey impersonating Christian in the Cabin with Claire. We know that likely what happened to her is the same thing that happened to Robert. And we know that Smokey was making these plans from the beginning. As far back as trying his damnedest to get Locke off the Island in order to set this crazy shit in motion. This episode does seem a bit like a framing episode, but next week looks like some shit is gonna go down.
We know that because of what Dogen told Jack regarding Sayid about "the same thing that happened to his sister?"