Oooh that's a good guess on the kid. For some reason I thought it was a little kid Jacob. The most interesting part of his appearance is the fact that even Flocke is visibly creeped out by him. Another thing about Flocke: How fucking creeping was it to hear him angrily growl "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO"? I guess we know that the mysterious ashes came from Jacob himself. But have they always been? I also noticed that Locke's alarm clock was the same as the hatch alarm. Nice touch. It was also cool to see Locke and Hurley's meeting, I just hope that Randy gets a hot piece of rebar flung through his eye. EDIT: Oh shit, and that chick that was originally interviewing Locke was also the fortune teller who told Hurley that the numbers weren't unlucky.
I know there's lots of Jack hate in the Lost community (particularly on this board) but I think it's inevitable that he will be the candidate to protect the island. This will of course lead to a Jack Vs Locke showdown, which honestly wouldn't be a massive surprise. It's been in the works since season 1. I think the Kwon Jacob was referencing is Jin, which also explains why Kate isn't on the list. The protector of the island can only be a male, as they are clearly stronger and more superior... Seriously though, after Season 5 was finished, I re-watched the entire Series from Season 1 again (mainly because I convinced my girlfriend to start watching, and she began to also enjoy it). Numerous times in Season 5 Richard or Ben would say, "well everyone answers to somebody" when talking to Locke, in reference to Jacob. I would always think when this was said, "well everybody except Jacob... and now MiB). Now with that little kid's appearance, who clearly freaked Flocke out, this might even apply to them. ps. Found it lame that in the end "The Substitute" just applied to John's new profession.
Here's where you can see a list of all the names (crossed out included) on the cliff wall: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Not many thoughts on my first viewing of this one. Locke, getting out of the van, falling and getting sprinklered on, was one sad piece of shit. Only, Helen is still alive somehow, so I guess it could be worse. Speaking of Helen, she didn't meet him in anger management group this time, because he doesn't have a problem with his Dad in world_x, not if she wanted to include him in an elopement scenario. Wonder how John got paralyzed this time? So he was lying about going walkabout, he had a conference. Only, he was lying about that too, cause he tried to go walkabout and failed. Smoky's eye view moving through the jungle. Is he like, teleporting for short stretches? Candidate. Candidate for... substitution? Be the new Jacob/MiB? Scene at the end says... kinda. But the way Flocke talked about becoming the new Jacob, and the way last season's finale made it seem this whole deal is cyclical, I wonder. Could the protective ashes around the cabin and at the temple be the remains of former "Jacob"s? Ilana sure seemed to go to that fire pit real quick when she found out Jacob burned up in it. Hugo certainly is lucky in world_x. Damn handi-ramp refused to ding his Hummer. But Locke worked for Hugo who is Rose's boss, who got him a job teaching with Ben. That's a fun little chain. And Rose still has cancer. Bummer. Flocke said he used to be a man, before he got stuck on the island. He may have been lying, but it had the ring of truth. So, he and Jacob aren't Gods (thank God, that would have been a fuckin cop-out), but somehow very powerful. Also, Smoky can only look like Locke now, according to Ilana. I wonder why? He certainly seemed to be able to shift forms easy enough before. Yemi, Horse, Christian at several points in time (although I'm still on the fence about whether Ghost Dad was him). Locke's Eulogy right there? Most honest thing Ben has ever said. 4-Locke 8-Reyes 15-Ford 16-Jarrah 23-Shepard 42-Kwon Ok, so no Austin, and only one of the Kwons. Interesting.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense. Did Jacob bring Jack/Sawyer/Hurley/Locke et al onto the island with the crash because he had already identified them as potential candidates, or once they crashed on the island did they then become candidates? You could say its the first option because he visted most of them when they were young, before they first crashed, but by then he had already known they would eventually end up on the island anyway because of their time-travelling.
I am wondering the same thing. After all Ben summoned the Smoke Monster/MiB to take out Keamy and his team. If Ben had any clue why would he have called on Jacob's nemesis to help him? Just a thought on Flocke/MiB, I don't think he has always been the Smoke Monster. He was brought to the island by Jacob to be a candidate. I am willing to bet his name is on that cave wall somewhere.
As far as how Locke got crippled in the flash-sideways timeline, I have a feeling he may have been like that his whole life. Maybe I misheard, but the conversation he had with Helen at the end led me to believe that he has always been paralyzed.
I figured that little kid was one of the 2 kids from the plane crash that were in the temple a couple of episodes ago, but now that someone said it's Aaron, that could also be true. And if Jacob brought these people to the island, couldn't he have come to them at any time and just told them why he brought them there? Could have saved us 5 seasons of bullshitting around. I still will never understand the point of most of the episodes of this show (season 2/3 with Ecko, Ana Lucia, Libby, all the bad guys who locked up Jack/Sawyer/Kate and almost killed them dozens of times), etc. Seems like they didn't know where the show was going so they just made up random story lines. How is Ben a history teacher? Did he come off the island when he was 12 years old on the Submarine?
Using this as justification, wouldn't Sawyer (Ford) and Jin also be precluded from being candidates? We saw Sawyer kill Anthony Cooper and the guy that ran the food truck in Australia; also it was fairly apparent that Jin was doing some unsavoury things for Sun's father before they arrived at the island. Why would Kate's murder prevent her from being a candidate and neither of the others have an impact?
I thought about this after I typed it. Assuming it is the reason, there may be a difference as to when/why you did the "bad" things in your life. I think everyone on the List has done horrible things. I think Hugo and Jin may be the only people yet to murder anyone. I'm not sure about Jack. Even Sun killed a woman when she was confronted on the boat. And Sayid... well by now he's killed A LOT of people. But beyond that, murder seems to be acceptable at times. Ben's people murdered plenty of the Losties without any apparent repercussions from Jacob for instance. Richard's ordered people to be killed. The people at the Temple seem fine with killing as well. Come to think of it, Hugo really hasn't actively done many horrible things. Instead, horrible things happen to him. I also wonder if we're looking at this all wrong. FLocke does a lot of lying and manipulating. What's to say that isn't HIS list of replacements? He's looking to go back home, maybe he needs someone to take his place on the Island before he can. A drunk, angry, vengeful Sawyer would seem to be a good candidate. While on the topic of Sawyer, anyone notice how in season 4 and 5 they began calling him James more often, and now they're shifting and referring to him as Sawyer again? I like the point Red made about FLocke being a former potential candidate. It kind of sounded that way now when you think about FLocke's discussion with Sawyer about when James might have first met Jacob. Stuff about coming to meet you early in your life, when you're feeling horribly depressed. Additionally, it would be akin to many stories about Satan's fall. He used to be one of God's angels until his pride and lust for power (or jealousy of humanity or whichever story you want to look to) made him turn against God.
Kate isn't on the list because she's a woman, I bet a man has to take over the position. Kwon probably refers to Jin. Could the little kid be little Jacob? Burke (Juliet), Rousseau (Alex or Danielle), Rutherford (Shannon), Lewis (Charlotte), Fernandez (Nikki) were also on the wall though.
Huh...did anyone else notice that the first time Flocke sees the boy in the jungle, his arms are covered in blood? My first thought that the kid was a young version of Jacob, but that just doesn't seem right to me. It would also be pretty cool if that ended up being Aaron, but I'm a bit skeptical about that. The time travel season is over, so I don't think much time travel stuff will be happening anymore. I still have a feeling that there may be one more step on the ladder above Jacob and MiB and that this kid has something to do with that. EDIT: Maybe the Island itself is that higher power, and actually has a level of consciousness, and this kid is the manifestation of that.
New Doc is out <a class="postlink" href=",,20313460_20344822,00.html" onclick=";return false;">,,2031346 ... 22,00.html</a>
Two pages of comments since the episode aired. Two pages, yet not one of you, hell I don't even think Doc Jensen, mentioned it. The ladder down to the cave, the cave supposedly belonging to Jacob. Jacob's ladder, the biblical story of the ladder to heaven used by Jacob to escape his brother Esau. I'm very disappointed in all of you.
That is what I was kind of thinking too seeing Ilana collect the ashes. But I just thought about this.. if Smokey knows that the "Jacob"s ashes are used by the people on the island to protect themselves from him, why would he burn Jacob, thus creating these ashes? I'm sure he doesn't WANT the people on the island to have this form of protection. Why make ashes, then? Does he have to burn the "Jacob"s to get rid of them? Why not just leave his dead body? He seemed pretty quick to push Jacob into the fire after he killed him. And seriously, how the hell is Sawyer going to get out of that cave now that the ladder is broken?
Dood. That has been mentioned in practically every write up I have read, including Doc Jensen's. Seems pretty obvious
Hurley helped bury Nikki and Paulo who were still alive, inadvertently killing them. He also ran over one of the others with the Dharma van at the end of season 3.
Don't forget that even in the alternate reality, Ben was dipped into the Others' healing jacuzzi before Juliet set off Jughead. I'm curious to see if he's still "changed forever" in the Darkoverse.
Ah yeah, right. Also, Jack killed DHARMA members during the firefight in season 5. Someone mentioned the significance of Locke being a "substitute" teacher. Eloise also described him as a "substitute" for Christian's body on the Ajira flight. Another person questioned whether Christian was MiB or Jacob on the Island. I feel rather convinced that it was MiB, especially considering Christian is the one who convinced Locke to move the Island, then to leave it, whereby Ben killed him, thus enabling FLocke to appear and manipulate Ben. One hole in this though is that Locke met Christian in Jacob's cabin, which was surrounded by the ash that MiB cannot cross. However, we saw that Claire was with Christian in the cabin. My assumption is that, as his agent, she removed enough of the ash for him to enter. My mind is really running with the substitute/replacement idea. Now I'm thinking everyone is going to be replaced: new Jacob (Jack), new MiB (Sawyer), new Richard (Kate, who was brought to the Island in chains, just like Richard), Rousseau (Claire) etc etc. We've seen it before with the leadership of The Others going from Widmore to Ben to Locke. Also, I wanted to make a joke that "Kwon" was Cookie Kwon, but they spell it differently. Darn. Either way, stay off the west side!