Remember how Hurley got the numbers from the crazy guy in the mental hospital? Who was that guy? Did we ever find out?
Why didn't Dr. Linus just continue to blackmail the Principal after his threat? Instead of letting him threaten Alex couldn't he have said "No you are going to write a perfect letter for Alex or your wife will know you had sex with the Nurse next to a student?" Or he could have threatened William Atherton with popcorn, he really hates popcorn. (I hope at least a few of you are young enough to have seen real genius!!!) Iczoro this may sound naive but what was protecting the plane crash survivors from the smoke monster in the beginning?? Why didn't he go to the beach and wipe them out, he only waited for them in the jungle? I truly believe that both Terry O'Quinn and Emerson deserve to be nominated for best supporting actor Emmys. O'Quinn's range as an evil Locke and then a hopeful one is fantastic. Now that we know (and have known) that candidate refers to replacing Jacob, I can totally see Sawyer and Jack sitting on the beach having the exact same conversation we saw Jacob having with his nemesis, Sawyer telling Jack "you have no idea how bad I want to kill you right now) .
Because they were candidates, my understanding is that neither Jacob no Smokey can have an active hand in a candidates death. Just think, if Locke hadn't saved Jack in "White Rabbit" then Smokey posing as Christian would have eliminated Jack in the beginning by getting him to fall off that cliff. Something to ponder, what if Jacob could travel across the island much in the same fashion Smokey could? Locke always maintained that what he saw in "Walkabout" was a beautiful, white light...
And maybe the little boy with bloody arms that spoke to Flocke in the jungle is none other than Charlie Hume! But seriously, I could be in the minority but I find Ricardus Alpertus' origins rooted in the Black Rock to be a bit disappointing. When Juliet said Richard was "very old" I was hoping she meant like Ancient Egypt old. Now, it seems he's just Bill Compton old. It's a minor issue, but it bugs me nonetheless.
I think there is a difference between Richard and Michael's inability to die and the candidates' inability. It would make sense that candidates can't kill each other, evidenced by Jacob and MiB's conversation on the beach last season. I don't think Richard was ever a candidate, so Jacob touching him and his current immortality is something different, similar to Michael's situation. They are destined to fulfill a specific role for Jacob/the Island, and until that happens they can't kill themselves. I would imagine Richard is supposed to be involved in helping the "correct" candidate transition into his role as the new Jacob or something. Someone tell me if I am misremembering Michael's story at all.
Brings up another question that has been lingering for a while? What is Christian Shephard's role? Because when the bomb was about to detonate, he appeared to Michael and said something to the effect of "you can go now." Michael said something like "who are you," and then the bomb went off. I think we have all assumed that Christian was on Team Smokey, but the fact that he appeared to Michael and "dischagred" him makes me wonder.
I don't remember Michael ever having been touched by Jacob. The only thing that implies he may have been at some point was his inability to kill himself. But that seemed to be more of a "not til you're done with this" thing than a "I'm giving you my chocolate factory, Charlie" thing. And while Jin was at the edge of the boat and so was blasted clear into the water, Michael was standing next to a couple hundred pounds of C4 when it went off. So no, Michael didn't survive the boat explosion. Is it just me, or is Doc Jensen trying WAAAAAY too hard lately? His stuff used to be an enjoyable couple pages of things I missed, background on references, and a little bit of theorizing. Now, it's just tortured. For instance: Get the fuck over yourself.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> He was stationed at a listening post in the South Pacific with Sam Toomey when they heard the numbers. Hurley was in Australia because he was visiting Sam Toomey's wife.
Ahh, but remember, Smokey used to be the island's "security system" and now that Jacob is dead he's "free." So perhaps it was the Smoke monster, doing Jacob's bidding.
I'm going to have to start avoiding the opening credits too. After seeing Alan Dale pop up and not seeing Widmore for the 1st 40 minutes of the ep, the final scene was sorta ruined for me.
What exactly was the system the others had that kept smokey out? How also did they summon him? I know he couldn't kill the candidates but why didn't he wipe out everyone else? I guess that was not part of his mission at the time. Also am I the only one a little annoyed that Ben didn't just add the recommendation letter in his list of demands? Or was this Ben realizing that blackmail was wrong and he shouldn't be doing it, seeing Alex brought back "Dr." Linus's integrity? Sawyer has been missing for what THREE episodes now? WTF?, not sure if that has ever happened since the beginning of the show.
"We don't know what it is, but we know it doesn't like our fence" - Juliette to Kate after she was fake exiled into the Jungle.
Are we sure that Doc Jensen isn't really Dennis Miller in disguise? My roommate just linked me to this little article about a couple of interesting theories. The one I find most interesting is that everything we are seeing in the alternate reality isn't actually a flash forward, but is the epilogue so to speak. The actions of the losties in the final episodes will result in a final timeline that is what we are seeing in these "flash sideways". Not sure how happy I would be with that sort of ending, but it is an interesting thought. The article also proposes that Jacob and MiB are Egyptian Gods which I'm pretty sure has been thrown around here before. I think it was also the general consensus here that that would be a bullshit, cop out ending. The article proposed that Jacob is Apep, the Egyptian deity of darkness and chaos while MiB is Ra, the Sun God. As far as I see it as of now, the relationship between Smokey and Jacob is all kinds of shades of gray. I don't think Jacob is all good and smokey isn't necessarily all bad, however I think the idea that Jacob is the evil one while MiB is the representation of good is bullshit. The third idea from that article is also an interesting one. In the end this guy puts up the idea that The Island is the first piece of land on earth and houses the origin of all life. Bit of a stretch, but an interesting concept.
Me thinks you are getting Jack and Sawyer confused. What if mister 108 himself, Wallace, is on the sub with Widmore?
Interesting article. The Ilana = Spoiler taweret conclusion is a bit of a jump in my opinion. The author took no time to explain it, and I don't see it. Interesting theories, although as you pointed out, nothing totally groundbreaking, except for maybe the last one.
But I got the impression Ilana didn't. Didn't she say something like "Who is Dogen?" when they met Ben in the jungle? Have to rewatch that part. And nobody mentioned that Dr. Linus was on the island with Dharma in the sideways world? I thought that was kind of a big deal. First mention of Dharma and the island in that timeline. Still want to know more about Richard, the "talk" between him and Jack wasn't really one. And I want to know how Jacob decides if someone becomes a candidate or just one of his underlings (e. g. Richard, Dogen, Ilana). What is MiB really up to? Just wants to go home? I still think letting a sentient cloud of deadly smoke escape from the island is a bad idea. And what is/was MiB's plan for Ben? He offered him to be in charge of the island but to Sawyer he said the island needed no one too look after it. Besides Jack and Saywer I could also see Ben and Widmore sitting on the beach and arguing as the new Jacob/MiB. But hardly possible as neither of them is a candidate if I remember correctly.