Brothers Karamazof, actually. Henry Gale was from Wayzata, which is one of the neighboring high schools to where I grew up. Only reason I remember that off the top of my head. What was the name of the rescue boat that picked up the “Oceanic Six” survivors?
Searcher What fictional soft drink from another literary universe was a sponsor of Henry Gale's ballon? Bonus points for the literary universe.
Info on this: Spoiler Looks like Michael is in. For some reason I'm thinking it might be Rousseau who doesn't come back. ... aight.html The article also questions how they'll go back in time with Walt, seeing as how he's about doubled in size since 815 went down. Feel free to PM me next time, fucko.
Spoilers, fucko. nettdata edit: Word of advice... when bitching about spoilers, don't quote said spoilers. Send him a PM instead. He's already fixed his gaff, but you still had them quoted. Just sayin.
I just want to say for the record the season 5 ending was probably one of the best and made me think the most about this entire series. I've come to the conclusion that Jacob is actually the "evil" force on the island and there was an old post in the old forum that had a lot of convincing arguments, but damn what a show. It's almost too bad there's only one season left because I havn't been as excited about seeing the resolution of any other show in my entire goddamn life.
drink? I thought it was just the smiley face from Watchmen... According to Locke, what aisle(s) are the footballs located?
8 for regulation, 15 for Nerf. And the correct answer was Nozz-A-La, preferred soda of bumhugs everywhere... Had a random thought yesterday, don't know where it came from but here goes. Anyone think Eloise Hawking knew what would happen to Locke when she insisted that his corpse accompany the 815'ers onto Ajira 316?
8 for regulation, 15 for Nerf. And the correct answer was Nozz-A-La, preferred soda of bumhugs everywhere... Had a random thought yesterday, don't know where it came from but here goes. Anyone think Eloise Hawking knew what would happen to Locke when she insisted that his corpse accompany the 815'ers onto Ajira 316?[/quote] I actually recall reading somewhere that the reason Jack and co. flashed BACK to the 70's and didn't stay in the present time was because they didn't mimic the original flight EXACTLY. I assume if they didn't bring locke (he was the Christian on this flight) then more/less people would have been sent to the 70's or even possibly a different time. Although, since this all happened before for her, she knows what happens to Jack and Co. but don't remember anyone mentioning Locke to her in the past. Glad you guys opened this thread. Never posted on the RMMB but was an avid reader for 2 years so glad this board got started up. Can't wait for the next/last season!
Good observations, but I was referring to if Mrs. Hawking knew that sending Locke with the 815'ers would cause his "resurrection" and the loophole that ended Jacob.
The only conclusion I come to is no but it's only because of one comment she made in the hospital when she went and saw Penny. Not verbatim but I'm sure it was like "For once, I have no idea what happens next" Of course, we can never trust what anyone has to say but it did look like she had finally hit the end of her road map of knowing what's going to happen. One thought came to me, even if Locke wasn't on the plane, NotLocke would still have been able to impersonate him right? I'm taking NotLocke to be the smoke monster and if the monster has been the one showing all these people/animals on the island then it wasn't necessary for Locke to be there. With him on the plane it just gave people more reason to believe he was "resurrected" rather than just showing up. Would Ben have still believed it was Locke in the beginning if the body WASN'T on the plane? I'm really hoping RealLocke is not gone. The whole show we've been waiting for him to get to this place of authority/power/enlightenment and in the end he's just been getting duped like he has been his whole life. I really hope there is some redemption for him this season and he doesn't come off looking like such a fool. He took everything about the island on blind faith cause he believed it would lead to great things for him but so far he's just gotten screwed over and over.
Gonna see if I can find all my recaps from last season, put them up. Looks like the earliest one I can find is from after Lafleur.
Dammit, dammit, dammit and did I mention dammit. Like anyone cares about the Winter Olympics