It probably wasn't worth your time. She apparently didn't speak English in the sideways world, but she definitely understood and could write it in the cork-world. If she'd completely forgotten the language there might be more to that theory, but I'm willing to take Dr. Jack's diagnosis at face value.
One of the things I find most hilarious about The Final Season of LOST as Seen by Someone Who Has Never Seen Lost is how much he points out what a horrible fucking doctor Jack is. And, you know, all the ridiculous misconceptions he has, not having seen the first 5 seasons.
The fact that Sun cannot express herself is the most obvious 'symbolism' this show has tried to shove down the viewer's throats since the whole black/white thing in season 1.
I would agree but the Hurley Van episode is probably my favorite. It didn't advance the plot much but it further cemented Hurley as the most Likeable character on the show, and my personal favorite.
When you watch the Hurley Van episode on DVD it actually holds up as one of the best. The criticisms at the time were due to the fact that it barely advanced the plot (except... it was Roger Fucking Linus in the van, remember that?) The Jack's Tattoos episode, however, was even worse on second viewing. Bai Ling? Really? Jesus.
No, no one else recognized it as a "Tucker shout-out": I was completely underwhelmed and confused by tonight's episode. It's all about "love"? Desmond has to bring all the 815ers together? When he woke up, he immediately knew what Widmore's plan is and was ready to help in any way, but as soon as Sayid showed up and killed a couple dudes, he was ready to abandon that plan? EDIT: Thought about it some more and I totally changed my mind. Great episode, and I think it actually explained a lot.
Really good episode. Revitalized my interest in the season, felt it was kinda floundering the past few weeks.
I. Fucking. Love. Desmond episodes. Sonya Walger at the end there was just radiant with that smile. So, the hospital type room at the beginning where Widmore wakes Des is the same one that was used with Illana and Jacob, and Widmore and Locke. Kinda like how often that church walkway was used (monastery, university where Faraday worked, etc). They didn't end up using the bunny, but for a second I thought Angstrom was gonna be a time traveler. I miss old sweet Claire. I really kinda wanted her to be sane when she found out Jack is her brother. Desmond seems to be destined for MacCutcheon scotch and saving Charlie's life, no matter what life he's in. I coulda sworn when the car hit the water that Des called him Charlie. Not like, I know your name, but more of a, I remember who you are kinda way. Dominic Monahan came back to Hawaii to shoot this ep. I wonder if he interacted with Evangeline at all. They were engaged for quite a while. I swore, when they put him in the MRI, I thought that was gonna send him back. Ellie Hawking seems to know what the fuck is up at all times in any universe. Shit, Dan figures it out, but Ellie is in the know. I sincerely hope this is one of the answers they give us. Penny doing a Tour de Stade. There are so many loops coming back around this season, I can see why Darlton said you wouldn't really need to see the previous five seasons to watch this one. You'd miss a lot, though.
So as I see it, another force was introduced? MiB - Desire. Jacob - Faith. Desmond - Love. Just a small thought.
How come for the first 10 episodes, there haven't been any overlaps between both worlds, and we're finally seeing it now? Now I really don't get the flash sideways world up until today, because the other episodes have shown no indication that they are connected to anything. And can someone clear up the timeline for me now: Farraday is killed by her mom when they go back in time to the 70's, then the bomb goes off because Farraday told Jack and the rest how to detonate it. Bomb goes off, and they all get jolted into the present day? But an island is at the bottom of the ocean? I think maybe there are more than 2 timelines, and maybe the man in black got off the island in the 70's when the bomb went off?
They have shown to be connected, but with subtlety. In "LA X", ALT Jack notices blood on his neck in the mirror. The blood doesn't appear on his neck when he's not looking in the mirror. Also reminiscent of a small part of Season 3's "Flashes Before Your Eyes" when Penny notices a small bit of red paint on Desmond's neck before his job interview. In "Lighthouse", ALT Jack notices a scar where his appendix was removed on the island, and even asks his mother about it. Then there's the weird, high-pitched noise that any of the ALT characters get when they look in a mirror.
This might be a stupid question because I've missed something (not a rarity for this show)...but presumably Desmond meets up with Charlie in close proximity to the plane landing (either that day or the next day), correct? He lands, meets, they crash the car into the water, etc. Then at the hospital, he starts looking for Charlie and runs into...Jack. Haven't prior episodes already placed Jack doing a whole bunch of other stuff in his days after he arrives home, and NOT being at work? Was him being there just convenient for the story? And wouldn't Jack be surprised to see the guy he saved on the plane run right by him?
The only episode that matters for this question is "Lighthouse" and by my recollection (in concert with Lostpedia) it doesn't explictly tell us where Jack went after his encounters with Locke and the Oceanic Airlines staff immediately following 815's arrival on 9-22-04 ("LA X"); all the stuff that happens in "Lighthouse" could have happened on 9-23-04 or later. So, it's entirely possible that Jack worked a later shift that day and interacted with Desmond and Charlie if only for the fact that we have no hard evidence to the contrary. (It is, of course, also completely convenient for the story but we're way beyond nitpicking that kind of stuff at this point.)
Fair enough. I just figured the stuff with his mom and the will would have happened ASAP after he landed. But you're right, what I was asking is really nitpicky for a series of this scope.
My impression at least, was that after passing out, then coming back to in the stadium with Penny, Desmond had a better understanding of both realities now, if not a complete understanding. So maybe he's going to find the people he knows from the flight (Jack, Locke, Sayid, etc.) and try to show them that this isn't the reality they are supposed to be in? Like Faraday said, maybe they changed something in the past, and these aren't supposed to be their lives. That was my first thought anyways, but I was a little drunk, and really confused when that episode was over. So who knows.
Best guess? Speak to them and see if any of them have had similar "Flashes". The real question is how a sleazy limo drive is going to hack into the FAA to get it for him.