Absolutely loved this episode. Now that we know the true meaning of the alternative reality flashes, they mean so much more to me, and this episode hit it out of the park.
That actually seemed the most far fetched part of LOST I have ever seen. A (possibly) billionaire needs his mom to set him up on a date? I am sure there would plenty of skanky, hot women with loose morals willing to throw him one, just in the hopes of getting knocked up or something. Or at least a little blowie every now and then.
Come on, folks. Desmond hit Locke with the car so that he would have a near death experience and see the other reality. Just like Charlie on the plane. Just like Desmond in the car under water.
You don't need a near death experience to see it, since Hurley saw it when Libby kissed him. I'm still annoyed with the first 10 episodes this season with all the flash sideways, as they had almost nothing to do with the overlapping worlds. Or if they did, it was much less subtle than they're doing now.
You mean the other reality where he's a corpse rotting on Boone Hill? Sorry if I saw a flash of that I think I'd wheel my ass home and get Peg Bundy and her huge sweater puppets to sit on my lap and console me all night.
They exhausted their makeup budget making Jon Gries (Roger Linus) look 70 and Rebecca Mader (Charlotte) look 30.
The 2 boys, although they had different hair color, are actually the same actor (according to IMDB). The only explanation i can think of for that is maybe they're twins? Maybe they represent Jacob and Smokey as children, like a Cain and Abel thing? Or maybe it was just some kid who wandered on set, which is why Locke said "just ignore him". But in post the editors just assumed he was part of the show. I think Desmond hit him because he just really hates handicapped people. It's something we didn't know about him until now.
Christian also said it to Jack when they were sitting at the pool he was trying to write his vows before marrying Sarah in season 1. "Your biggest problem is that you can't let go". So that ties the wedding theme into things, circumstantially. In other words, I like your wedding theory.
Yeah, but Charlie was the first one to see it, and he's a bloated, water-logged corpse trapped somewhere inside the Looking Glass Station. And Charlie saw Claire. Locke may not have had a true love on the Island, but he sure as shit loved the Island itself. Who knows what the fuck he sees, I'm hoping to find out next week.
Michael revealing that the whispers were souls that cannot move on got me thinking. I wonder if they're the "wine" that the "cork" is trapping. That leads me to believe Jacob/MIB might have a Hades/Cerberus dynamic. Even though it's the same actor, it seems they're trying to make the boy in the woods look older (and a lot like Jacob). Perhaps once he reaches maturity is when one of the candidates will finally take his place? I don't think MIB can kill candidates so he needs them all to leave with him in order for him to leave the island, thereby breaking the Jacob cycle. I'm glad I watched this episode alone because those Hurley and Libby scenes brought on the waterworks.
That new Doc Jensen ( I know i shouldn't read those articles, but I can't stay away!) was kinda...I don't know...what if FLocke really is John Locke? I mean, it doesn't really make much sense, but that would be mind blowing. I thought a few of the other points he made were kind of interesting as well. Also, I was thinking that maybe Sideways Locke, if he gains consciousness of the other world maybe is able to re-take his image, so to speak. That would be pretty cool if Smokey and Locke have sort of a psychic fight for the possession of the body/image of John Locke. P.S. How is it that Jack has been living this supposedly rugged lifestyle, yet his moobs continue to grow? He is working with more chestage than Sun now.
According to Ack (and imdb), same kid. A lot of recaps I've read seem to be agreeing that it could be a retaliation of sorts for the other world well throwing. I think Des has made it his mission to make sure everyone from 815 remembers or connects to the island world. Somehow he knows how to do that. I think Locke needed tremendous, calamitous injury. Of course, I do also believe he'll be taken right to Jack's hospital and put into spinal surgery.
You see, in the sideways-world, instead of being shot by Michael, Libby was fucked by him and now has AIDS. It's only a near-death experience because Hurley can't get it up.
I find it very hard to believe that Desmond, in the middle of his search to connect these realities or whatever he is trying to do, decided to go run Locke over to retaliate from being tossed down a well. I think he somehow knows that running Locke over will cause x, y, and z to happen, ultimately giving Locke his "a-ha" moment like many characters are having currently, maybe from interacting with Jack like some have speculated (no real love on the island). Not sure if that is what you were getting at or not. I am really excited for this because I can't imagine how it will work when Locke is dead/MiB has transformed into his image.
yeah, I'm disagreeing with those recaps. I think it would be ridiculous to have Des try and kill Locke in world_x.
Didn't he run off with Ben and Miles last week to blow up the plane or something? When the Anti-Smocke camp split into 2 groups, 1 went with Hugo to see Smocke, and the other went with Alpert. Edit: oops, didn't see iczorro's post. Anyway, the way they ended it seemed a little odd to me.. With Smocke saying to Jack "you're with me now". Do you think it's possible that Jack died from that blast, and will now be in retard-zombie mode with Sayid and Claire? Also, why was Sun afraid of Locke in alterna-world? Did she have a flash and see him on the island? And dumbest line of the night goes to Lapidus. "Looks like someone got their voice back!". Thanks Frank!
Why would they need to start the time jumping again? When the time jumping was going the first time around, there were two outriggers at the beach camp, one of which was taken by Juliet, Sawyer and crew, one of which had an Ajira waterbottle. We haven't seen those outriggers go the the beach camp yet. We don't need to start time jumping again, because when they time jumped before, they went to the future, as well as the past. God, I hope they shot fake Tina Fey.