Quick point of clarification - American smarties or Canadian smarties? They are not the same thing. American smarties = Canadian smarties =
Which ones tend to cause nasal maggots? Because I prefer the other ones, then. Also, does anybody in the Northeast, especially Pennsylvania, remember Betcha Life candy bars? Damn, they were good. It was a regular chocolate / peanut butter bar made by a company called Linette Chocolates in Womelsdorf or Wyomissing PA. Silver wrapper with blue writing, I think. One of my friends in college had a connection to the family, and a guy used to have them there. I think the company specialized in making box chocolates, like samplers, branded for other people. So, those bars were always hard to find in the South. But, damn they were good.
I miss Fizz Wiz. It was like if Pop Rocks came out of the chamber of a MAC 10 when you put them on your tongue. They crackled and jumped like fireworks, and were fun when somebody you knew fell asleep with their mouth open.
Reese's mini PB cups all the way! I could go (and have gone) through a bag in one day. Snickers and Milky Way are pretty great too.
Excuse me? I think if you DON'T have the compulsion to go trick-or-treating you should get a cat scan. You know what's awesome? Candy. You know what's even more awesome? Free candy. Going as an adult to the store the day afterward to get candy on sale is simply not as fun. Reese's, Kit Kat, Mr. Goodbar, Snickers, Twix, and M&Ms are the best and I refuse to hear arguments otherwise.
I love Kit Kats. They're hands down my favorite. Also, after years of not eating a crunch bar, I had one and it was terrible. Makes me sad. I thought "Maybe it was just that Crunch bar." Nope it was all of them. But for some reason the Crunch Bites are still delicious, even though they look like a bad bowel movement.
So, as a 28-year old, I should dress up in a costume and go to strangers' houses at night and ask for candy? When its a little kid, they'll see cuteness standing at the door. When its a grown man, theyll see something along these lines: Spoiler "Trick-or-Treat!"
You're all wrong, and here's why: This small nugget of deliciousness laughs at all your other petty attempts at candy. Resse's? Yep, got chocolate and peanut butter. Oh, you're more of a Snickers fan? Got peanuts and caramel in there too. But that's not enough for you? Okay then have some salty pretzel love all up in your mouth to top it off.
You guys are killing me. There is a bucket full of Reece's Cups that I have had no trouble ignoring. Until today.
You know what's super duper awesome? Going to the store whenever I want and buying anything and everything I want because I'm an adult with a job and I don't have to sift through the crappy free candy people some people give out (hey licorice! Thanks man! I definitely don't hope your brake lines fail!) like some kind of peasant. But if you want to go around door to door like some kind of Megan's Law violator go right ahead.
See this where having kids finally comes in handy. They sift through their bags at the end of the night and give me all they don't want. They do the work, I get the benefits. We'll conveniently forget the fact that I had to BUY bags of candy to give out to other kids when I could have just bought them for myself.
In our house, my parents got the malt balls, black jujubes and the shitty Hallowe'en toffee*. I'm pretty sure they'd have been happier to just go out and buy a bunch of Mars bars. * Spoiler
Hmmm.... (having kids to get access to halloween candy) VS (just buying the candy you want whenever you want it) Tough call...
Damn straight. I mean, some of my buddies were like "let's go out to McGillicuddy's tonight!" and I was all "screw that. I can buy beer cheaper at the store and sit at home and not hear all those stupid people laughing and talking."
Guys. I do not actually go trick-or-treating or think adults should go trick-or-treating. Compulsion = just wanting to go trick-or-treating. But I guess MR MONEY BAGS like you guys have lost the appreciation for free things. I bet you don't even care about getting lollipops from the doctor either.
The only thing worse that somebody over the age of 16 Trick or Treating are the enablers that give them candy. And its not free. Even if you only spend $5 on a costume, $5 buys a lot of the candy you like. The best candy is not just Reese's PB cups, but the special Holiday themed cups. Eggs, pumpkins, Xmas trees. More of the delicious PB and less of the earwaxy chocolate.