Where does Ron Mexico stand on this? Making a law that is as subjective as the definition of fraud is irresponsible, borderline retarded behavior. Especially when you consider that lawyers, whose job it is to twist, poke and prod words could potentially free and incarcerate rapists and non-rapists alike.
I was speaking with some friends about this after reading the thread and we are waiting to see how long until we get the following case: Girl: "He totally lied to me. He said he was a world famous DJ and was going to take me to Vegas for his big New Years Eve show! He's not even a DJ!" Lawyer: "Ma'am where did he take you to have sex?" Girl: "Well... his parent's basement, but only because he said his penthouse in Manhattan was being renovated." Lawyer: "And what car did he drive you in to his parent's basement?" Girl: "A 2001 Nissan Centra, but only because his Lamborghini was in the shop"
She's just in it to watch him piss his pants. As liars go, I also offer up and re-reference the girl I knew in high school who kept the tube of red food colouring in her purse so she could claim she was a virgin over and over again.
But, that's not getting anyone into bed is it? How many dudes are there who only want to fuck virgins that aren't in cults?
Are you kidding? In high school, she banged Guy #1, then when Guy #2 was interested, she said "oh, and Guy #1 totally lied to you - I'm still a virgin. I'd never give it up to him, I was saving myself for you". Guy #2 jumps at the opportunity to plant his flag "for real". She bangs Guy #2. Rinse and repeat with Guy #3. And Guys #4-6. There are at least half a dozen guys in my hometown who all think they were her first.
I completely missed the high school part. Yeah, I remember that shit in high school. Clever chick though.