I must have broken some kind of record for how much I've slept today. Went to bed last night around 4 or 5am...woke up today at 5pm, ate, bathroomed, and then fell asleep again. Woke up at 8pm, answered some texts then fucking fell asleep again. Woke up right now and somehow I'm still tired. I think I may join Crown Royal in getting baked.
Jar Jar Binks: Intergalactic Stepin Fetchit. George "Don't Forget He Also Made Radioland Murders" Lucas manages to make a character even more fucking obnoxious than the Ewoks! Clap clap clap. In 3D, was the film a disapointing suck-bomb just like it was originally? That whole fucking prequel trilogy was a hyperdramatic turd in my eye.
Is it wrong that I immediately thought "Oh, that must be post Imperial Civil War, because before that it was mostly clones and top recruits but only men." I'm the only one? Ok then.
Hey you shut your pie-hole. Ewoks are amazing. Yub yub! But yeah, the movie still kind of bit donkey sack. But I did find the cheapest theatre in my city, which was a nice perk. Surprised I didn't lean back in the seat and get stabbed with the "AIDS needle" everyone used to freak out about in the early '90s. Gentlemen, I have had a potentially brilliant thought, but require some input: Humming the Imperial March while giving head. Cool, or not cool?
So I've only seen the 3 most recent Star Wars movies. I've found that it leads to great fun with die-hard Star Wars fans. I get to say things like, "oh, I've only seen the good movies. Yeah, none of that Luke and Leia stuff, I'm more into Jar Jar and Anipoo."
I feel like in a thread where we talk about flesh hooks and full suspensions, there is very little that we are going to judge. Also, really, none of you ladies have genital piercings? No clit hood piercings out there? If you have one, please PM me!
What exactly is your question? Best friend had one for awhile but she said it was pretty hard to maintain and keep clean by yourself. She let it close up after some time.
I've had far too many vodka red bulls and cocaine. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay for a single thing. Having degenerate coke head friends can be great for partying, but I've got no chance of falling asleep anytime soon. Looks like I'm going to get baked till I pass out. Something tells me I'm going to be spending tomorrow eating bacon and feeling very hungover
I feel gooooooooood now mon frere and chers. Time to pour some John Daniel's. Bout that time. I bet the Grammys didn't apologize for Milli Vanilli as much as they are for Minaj's dreadful performance. I would really like to train rats to vomit blood in her face.
Also, I AM NOT PREGNANT. I drank a huge 40oz container of water in the car the other day and told my mom that I needed to pee asap. Staring out into space for a moment, she looked at me blankly for 5 seconds. "Are you pregnant"? Also, my aunt thought I was pregnant. Also, someone on here insinuated that I was pregnant. JESUS PEOPLE.