Hahaha it's just because calling my sleeping patterns, patterns, would implicitly assume there is something pattern-like about them. It is just chaos. I only got 5-6 hours of sleep total from wednesday through friday night so I just absolutely crashed. Though I did turn down an invite to go to an even that would have included all the free beef and beer I could consume just so I could sleep more. So who knows.
I've been seriously considering getting a VCH for a long time and am on the verge of pulling the trigger, but figured I'd see if there was any 1st hand experience before I actually did it. I heart getting pierced, but my tragically respectable life means that my piercings need to be hidden, and this is the next on that I'm seriously interested in getting.
They are super difficult to keep clean without a partner. I didn't hear much about the pain or anything else, so that's all I've got for ya.
Has anybody read Maddox's new book? I rented it from the library, but my girlfriend loved it so much she decided to buy it off of Amazon. Between this and her love of Nirvana, I think I can forgive her for the Twilight poster. I also made the mistake of watching Archer with her parents. I had to eat breakfast yesterday morning hungover while listening to them complain about what a horrible show it is.
It would take a lot more than one book and one band for me to forgive a Twilight POSTER. Not just the books, not just the movies, but a fucking poster. She'd better have a trick pelvis and shit crispy bacon, dude.
Not on my watch. I will fucking FIGHT. Why are adults suddenly embracing teen stories designed for idiots? Twilight...Harry Potter....now this new gay shit, The Hunger Games about teens that kill each other on a show-- a plot thought up in the 1930's and has two dozen movies based around that plot-- JESUS CHRIST the stupidification of pop culture lately...perhaps I should break out my old Choose You Own Adventure novels and be considered the most book smart little pirate bitch in all of Puppetland. FUCK this weed rooooooooocks
In her defense, it's a fancy cloth flag that has the wedding scene and came with the dvd blah blah blah who am I kidding I'll dump her tomorrow.
It starts with "a poster that came with the movie"... next thing it's "the bumper sticker that came with the book". Next thing you know, she's asking you to call her Bella while you're sticking it in her ass. All I'm saying is, it's a slippery slope. The Twilight thing, not her ass.
Are you saying I don't know that my weed is good? Spoiler And I could outsmoke Ziggy Marley's entire band the night before they go through customs, and that Mickey Mouse happy horseshit will STILL rile me up. And I am NOT alone on here.
I thought that was 5 across the eyes and an "I love you"... Or are we still calling that the "Bobby Brown"?
Well we did recently take a trip to Dresden because of my Vonnegut fixation. At the very least, she's good at pretending to be super super sophisticated and awesome like me. I would also miss her big furry red bush too much if I ever left her. I find myself reading more short stories when I've been drinking. Mainly because I get angry at myself the next day for reading 40 pages of a novel and not remembering any of them.