Well that was an entertaining trip to the casino. I went and played poker for a couple of hours and ended up winning about $20. I was walking home, the casino is about a 15 min walk from my house, when I see 2 guys yelling at each other. So I keep walking minding my own business. I hear them fighting and turn around and look back and one guy is walking away with his arms in the air like a champion and the other is laying on the ground in the middle of the road not moving. Then a car starts driving down the road and the other guy is nowhere to be seen so I run back and drag the knocked out guy onto the sidewalk so he doesn't get run over. I try to wake the guy up but he is straight up KO'ed, no response. Cue me calling 911 and the cops showing up and starting a search for the guy who threw the punch. The guy came to a few minutes after the police showed up, so I think he'll be ok. Definitely a little more excitement than I am used to on a Saturday night.
very long story short i am now being charged with theft under 5 000......all not my fault ......however the impending assault charge will be my fault ..... if ...............lets leave it there
Someone needs to caption "Prepare Your Anus" on that scootah pic. I am so pissed at myself for missing the Twilight talk. Everyone needs to know this has not been edited or doctored in any way. It is a real thing people paid for: Pants shittingly awesome.
Oh god. I'm trying to decide which would be a more effective torture for the CIA: selected scenes from twilight on loop or niki minaj videos. Here is an actual sentence from one of her books that produces that same feeling of "Oh god. There are people so dumb they think this is not only a legitimate endeavor, but that it is ultimately better than so many things." That ladies and gentleman was the intellectual force of all that mommy/tween mania. That is the disturbing thing about this. People who had fully developed cognitive skills somehow decided that this was worth something more than a scoff and a roll of the eyes. I wish I had the mind and the tools to come to a conclusion as to why and how that happened. If I did I would more than likely A.) write a similar book, make a shit ton of money, and use said knowledge to have sex with as many lonely house-wives as possible to join the ranks of Wilt Chamberlain (and hopefully Ghenghis Khan). B.) write a similar book, make a shit ton of money, and use that money to obtain access to the nuclear launch codes and hope the cockroaches have more discerning literary tastes. At best Twilight is a colossal lapse of judgment that is the result of people that are intelligent, but just don't care anymore. People who will accept any distraction from their inanity as long as it requires no real thought. At worst those people don't have the mindset to think about anything critically never mind the desire to do so and if that is the case: Game Over. Hopefully the universe has more quarters. That was a long winded way to say that I finally made a decision on whether I wanted to join Team Jacob or Team Edward. I have made my choice: Spoiler
Just to get us all back to normal: I don't know if it's in this one, but my favourite rifftrax from them was when Handsome Brit said to Bella, "I can read everyone's mind but yours" and the rifftrax guy says, "That's becomes there's nothing in it!"
Just to rub it in a little more, Stephanie Meyer has sold 100 million books globally, and makes around $40 million a year. I'm going with Team: Shotgun In My Mouth.
So what you're saying is, we're all nanny-state socialists for disagreeing with the free market as to the quality of her books?
I have, proudly, not seen any of the Twilight movies. They seem like utter crap to me. Also Apparently, Wesley gets out in July next year. Then all vampires will be truly fucked.
Pass on that. I've had my mind raped by the Twi-hard for long enough already. And we still have The Hunger Games to look forward to. It's inescapable, like comic book movies or Anthony Weiner's schlong.
I like the way you think. Next up: Forced Labor Camps for Twilight readers. At night, subliminal readings of Cormac McCarthy will be fed into each prisoner's bunk. During the day they will work fracking camps, and oil rigs, turn the underground cogs of the machinery of the light world like the Morlocks they are. Some suffer random beatings at the hands of vicious task masters dressed like Harry Potter. Instead of uniforms they'll each be issued a giant buttplug then rotate the plugs ATM by the end of the work day. Random inmates will be selected to be tossed into the incinerator as to provide fuel for normal, productive people that benefit society. I hope there is a hell like Dante envisioned. Just so Stephanie Meyer can be eaten by wolves all day, every day for eternity. I also intend to UN-baptize her fat mormon ass as soon as she dies. You brought this upon yourself, you staypuft marshmellow woman looking kook.
I am not a fan of the Twilight series, in fact, I've never read the books nor seen the movies. But I will say this, at least they are books and people read them. Yeah, not quite feeling myself these days.
I have heard people say "I just like the movies" about Twilight. That life form is somewhere between santorum the substance and Santorum the person.