I have been looking at that thread like I do my bank account. I simply refuse to accept what's there as reality. If not the only hope I have for any sort of sexual prowess lies in...well, nevermind the hope is gone. Jeremy Lin's prospects look bleak as well.
I feel like I've been living under a rock. what's going on with Jeremy Lin? In other news, I spent 7 hours studying neuro today. The exam is tomorrow at 8 am, and I just opened a bottle of wine. This could be disastrous.
I was under the impression that women had dental appointments and subsequently dislike oral sex. Jesus, have I been misinformed.
He had 28 points against the Mavericks today in a 104-97 win with 14 assists, 5 steals, and 7 turnovers. I can't imagine taking a serious exam with a wine hangover. I took my first practice LSAT hungover. That was a terrible day.
I'm stopping at 2 glasses. It should be ok tomorrow. I'm just so fucking burned out. The last 5 hours was straight through with a classmate. There's no way either of us could've gone that long alone. I still feel like there's stuff I don't know, and I started studying for this a week ago. Bah. Re: Jeremy....that's unfortunate. I'm glad I didn't watch the game.
I still haven't seen him play. I'm afraid if I do I will jump on the bandwagon. I'm not sure I have studied for 5 hours straight for anything. I hit my breaking point in like 3 hours and have to do something else if only for a little bit.
There is no amount of studying sufficient to master a neurology exam. It's just one of those things. It might actually be worse than medicinal chemistry. Actually, wait, no. Nothing is worse than medicinal chemistry/molecular pharmacology.
It's the essay portion I'm dreading. I can logic my way through a multiple choice exam knowing absolutely NADA about what I'm doing. I can't fake my way through essay-style pain theories shit. The wine is making me chill and stop caring a lil bit. Tomorrow night I will prob finish the bottle to forget the exam.
True dat, but I think the Hollywood machine also fucks them up plenty as well. They always mention at the end of the film that "No animals were harmed in the making of this film." they never mention the kids. Kurt Russell (who debuted on fucking Gilligan's Island as "Tarzan Boy") being a large exception, many kids who emerge as stars at an early age become fucked up and usually die young-- just look at the Little Rascals: all dead. Sure it was probably mostly from old age, but that doesn't make them any less dead. It also prevents black kids from ever reaching puberty, if you've ever seen an 80's sitcom. IT fucks kids up. You could become a Napoleon complex nut like Danny Partridge, a Bell Jar case like Kimberly from Different Strokes, or worst of all whatever Bodysnatching pod-person took over Kirk Cameron's controls.
The evil older brother of the med chem prof taught toxicology. They were all essay questions. Now, explain! Because the bitchy TA's four year old cousin could memorize that diagram without actually learning anything. And actually that diagram isn't even complete. You have to show the partial charges and flow of electrons. And god damn it unless I'm going insane there should be a double bond between the nitrogen and the carbon at the top of the ring on the NAPQI. Or maybe a partial charge or something. The funny part is, the toxicology prof went to pharmacy school for a year or two and left under mysterious circumstances. We don't know if he failed or dropped out or what.
Hook pull pictures really are like the ultimate trump card in any discussion of comparative manliness. 'Want to go to <place> for lunch?' 'Nah, too hot to walk that far.' 'Pussy!' 'Want to see the pictures from my hook suspension?' '...'
My professors give us reading assignments, a packet, and hand-outs in addition to our notes. They all have slightly different takes on the same material. Then, Friday our prof tells us that he hates our textbook because the author fucked up a lot of things and spouts off a list of things he disagrees with. He wrote the exam, so I care what he thinks is correct. I honestly think they do this stuff to mess us up even more than we normally would on our own. Whenever we ask our prof to clarify something he responds with, "Oh, GOD, no," and looks at us like we just asked the most idiotic question in the history of academia.
Don Draper ain't got shit on my shoe-shining skills. I worked with a doc who would have fit in as a character on Scrubs. He was the super touchy-feely emotions guy. I used to call our lunch teaching sessions "group hugs". I can't comment as to their relative clinical skills, but if your relative was in the ICU, you'd much rather be dealing with him than the guy who used to joke "we can't let anyone die without trying pip-tazo".
Goddamn. Westbrook/Durant combine for 91 points on 57 shots. Ibaka with a triple double. Crazy stat-lines.
Pretty much, Grav. This is the same guy who has patted my shoulder when I answered some questions correctly. I flinched because I thought he was going to hit me. He starts every lecture by throwing a dart at a dartboard covered in our pics. If the dart lands on you it's your (un)lucky morning. I can't believe the hook stuff Scootah does. That's pretty freaky. I'd prob lose my shit if I tried that. I wouldn't be getting off. I'd be trying to keep it together.
Hellraiser kinda turned me off on the whole thing, I never got the whole pain-for-pleasure hobby. Probably because pain is a different kind of enemy to me. Different environments, I guess.