Hey, look at that followthrough! I'm out of town March 6-16th, but other than that I'm totally down for a meetup. Also, ladies of the TIB, does anyone have any piercings in their ladybits? Specifically a VCH? I've been seriously considering this for a while and am considering just pulling the trigger and doing it, but would greatly appreciate feedback from people I (sort of) know.
I live in Indy so I can be in Chicago in 3 hours. A Chicago meet up would be way fun. Plus BigPerson and Hoosiermess live in the South Bend area so they could easily come to Chicago as well. Not that I'm trying to speak for them or anything, I'm just sayin'...
That's enough of a response for me. Starting a thread (Mods please move said thread quickly). We can workout the days there. I really don't care when. March is good though, preferrably after the 2nd pay period where I have more money.
I posted the thread in the Suggestions thread. Is a month enough lead time? I'm suggesting 3rd weekend in March just because I can't wait. If you guys need more time, that's just fine. I live here so I really don't have too much of an issue.
I'm already confirmed to be in Chicago that weekend for St. Patty's till my birthday. Let's do this idiots!
I used to live in Milwaukee! That's sort of close to Chicago. To be fair, I haven't lived in Milwaukee since 1979 and would rather jerk off with sandpaper than ever go back. Have fun in Chicago, guys.
I live in Chicago, would be totally down for a meet up. This week has been a real bitch. I caught the flu & bronchitis at the same time, so I've essentially been sleeping the last 3 days. Fuck this, I need a drink soon. Is now too soon?
I can't do St. Patrick's Day weekend due to my ginger chasing and my friends birthday. I'm not married to that weekend though.
Hey Crown, you wanna grab your best pair of skinny jeans and crash the Chicago meet-up? I can practice my "I knew about that way before you did" commentary.
I'm not "Oh man, can't stand light or loud noises hung over" I'm that brutal dehydrated "I drank 5 glasses of water and still haven't pissed once today" hungover. For the lazy. Chicago Meet-Up Thread Link
God, Fridays seem to last so damn long. I just want to go home, take my pants off, drink some Sailor Jerry's and play xbox. The headache I've had since lunch isn't helping either. Speaking of meet ups, who wants to come join me in Oklahoma!? We can do some meth and go cow tipping! Anybody? No? Yeah ok.
The fact that you went to Arby's seeking a fish sandwich, and you're surprised it didn't look like the picture, says far more about you than Arby's.
So this is pretty badass. Also, I would go to a Chicago meet-up, but I like my asshole the size it is, and my drinks sans rohypnal. Fucking Parker.