I'd have to ask how intense the pain is or what it's comparable to. Is their intense pain where the hook is pulling at the wound? I've always though the feeling of your skin as a whole holding you up would be interesting to feel but the pain of huge spike seemed like the biggest turn off.
Yeah, I don't mean to harsh anyone's mellow, but there's folks out there, people I used to serve with, that are going through pain that isn't fun. Lest we forget, Ace trumps King. just making sure priorities are straight
So you are still implying that pleasure itself is at least some kind of "enemy?" I'm with you there... Today I discovered the new season of Spartacus. I do tend to think it's even better than the first season. Super duper badass. .... Why you gotta' be a downer n' shit?
I've been sucked into a odd trend the last two times i've blacked out (which generally only happens right before I go to bed) , last night being the second time this occurred. I seem to have the urge to randomly piss on the floor at my apartment. The first time that this happened, I walked two steps into the bathroom and instead of taking the additional three steps to the toilet I drop trough and let loose on the floor, and proceeded to "flush the invisible handle afterwards" and then walk back to my room. Okay, somewhat understandable. Lo and behold this morning I wake up to an odd smell, and as I would soon find out, I took a huge leak in the middle of my room on the hardwood floor, all over my favorite jeans and a couple other articles of clothing. This has never happened to me before and is an odd revelation which I really don't have any sort of explanation for. And now I have to do laundry. Which I despise. But on a positive note, it all absorbed into the floor so I didn't have to clean up a mess. Kind of winning? And hell yes, new season of spartacus. I don't have starz so I have to wait to watch it but Im interested to see how the new lead role turns out being
My grandfather told me to watch Spartacus. He said, "It's great. There's a lot of killin', but there's a lot of sex..." Sold! However, unlike him, I don't have eight thousand channels, only 3 Mbps download speed and a general awareness of torrent files. Thus, there is only room in my life for one premium cable television series. And that series is Eastbound & Down.
Should be clear - Saturday was the first and only time I've done that kind of hook thing. I had a great time - but I'll want at least 6 months before I think about trying it again, and frankly - the guy who did the hooks is the only person I've ever met who inspired enough confidence for me to even consider trying it. And while the experience is intense and the high from it is amazing - the reality is that it doesn't hurt that much. I suspect that most armed forces types hurt more every day of basic, and they don't take 6 month breaks between training days. I might enjoy being tough in an office full of civilians - but compared to military service? It's fucking nothing.
Why so long? I've read about the mutant healing abilities of the people into this sort of play/torture. And yeah, I have yet to meet any Kiwi that I would let deck me out like a slab of beef, much less go back for seconds. Again: at what point in your life did you become completely bored with a normal Saturday night (steak, blow job, football game, movie, ritual goat sacrifice and subsequent blood orgy, etc.)?
It's hard to explain just how taxing that shit is. Like physically, I'll probably be healed enough to go again in a couple of weeks. I don't have mutant healing abilities, I'm at best average for healing time. But I also have sleep apneia and I'm a fat fuck - so I'm more likely to heal slower than most people. But the high from that shit is INTENSE. There's a come down and exhaustion and shit. And the actual hooks are fucking scary. Processing the fear and anticipation is absolutetly a thing. Sitting in that chair while they betadine rinsed the piercing sites and then measured me up, and not running away? It's intense and it takes it out of you. I don't remember a time in my life, even in highschool where saturday night in with steak, a football game and a movie would have been anything more than acceptable unless it was the end of a big day of doing other shit. Steak, a movie and a blow job is awesome - but I can do that most nights, weekends are for doing shit that there isn't time for during the week. I've always had pretty busy weekends or been bored by not having something big on. Weekends have always been for clubbing or raves or BDSM or parties or hanging out with friends or going to the beach or something. Sometimes I'll have a deliberate boring weekend, to recover from all the hectic shit I've been doing - but I start to get a little nuts by the next weekend jonesing for something fun. I see my friends or neighbors spend weekend after weekend pottering around the house and fucking gardening or doing fuck all and I just don't get it.
I packed all my glassware a week too early - so I've spent this weekend drinking out of mason jars. On the up side... you can fit way more wine into those fuckers than a regular wine glass.
How creepy would the people who own kiddie pools but no kiddies be? Unless you're using it appropriately...
Thanks to Crown... I just discovered that rainbow jello shooters exist! How have I not already thought about this?! There will be so many of these at my house warming party.
I've read the series. The first one is good and then they go downhill. I think I have a review in the book club thread. Book One is worth a look. The main character is a teenage girl, but considering her job is to fight to the death in gladiatorial combat, I'm not sure it's a series limited to that demographic.
Triple D marathon, Pawn Stars marathon, ribs for the smoker, coleslaw hanging out in the fridge... Pretty good way to spend the holiday. Damn you, fat blonde man, for making me want an "authentic fried oyster and bacon New Orleans po-boy" before noon.
When I tell people that I do not like oysters, they (especially Americans) treat me like I gave away the ending to a movie. I cannot help it. On my pallet, they taste like a combination of compost and spent fuel rods. However, that's NOTHING compared to than the reaction I got in Georgia when I told them not to put "grits" anywhere near my food. They are creamed maggots. And don't tell me I "haven't tried the good kind". Maggots with cream on them. That's what they are in my world.