I'm a genius when it comes to beer. I have a 12-pack of homebrew in the 'fridge because, hey, about a buck a beer! And it's 9% alcohol. And it's delicious. I win.
Who has 2 thumbs and is in desperate need of a glass (or three) of wine? THIS GIRL! Academic Research Day can suck it.
Jesus, beer! I forgot to go buy beer! Is it bad when you get so enthralled in a video game that you forget to go buy beer?
Quit complaining. In Canada that would be atleast 15bucks, but then again, our bear is 5 to 5.5% for the most part.
At least you people are not still at work. Stop bitching about your alcohol and drink it! The faster you drink it, the faster you move on to something better.
I'm going nuts. My boobs have, apparently, gotten bigger recently. My bras don't fit, my dresses are way too tight in that area (as opposed to "tight, but I can handle it") and I can barely breathe, and I have popped the boob button off my coat THREE TIMES. THREE TIMES. I am so tired of being a living cartoon.
Given that these shenanigans focus on your boobies, I'd say you qualify more as a Benny Hill character than a living cartoon.
Have you also noticed weird cravings, increased peeing and babies sliding out of your vagina onto the linoleum?
Every store and school floor in North America is pretty much linoleum. Unless it's a private school. Kids don't even have to wear shoes there, the entire grounds are leathered tile. They are grouted with virgin blood and spaced evenly with pennies stolen off a dead woman's eyes.
Embrace it, audrey. I recently noticed that since getting off of the Pill my boobs have gone from a full B to a B-. Disappointing.
I need a larger kitchen. Trying to cook an actual meal is about as easy as taking apart a Honda and reassembling it in an elevator. But good God is it worth it. See, tonight I had an amazing experience. I cooked a meal and ate until I was full. Except, this time, there was food left. It's almost like some sort of leftovers or something. I'm kind of lost now. I mean, do people refrigerate and reheat these leftover things?
I just made a Hemingway daiquiri. this may or may not have been a good idea. Let me rephrase, I just finished the drink. About to make another. My options: call people and go out. Stay in the house, get blinding drunk and make lewd phone calls. This will involve standing in front of a back lit window and shaking my balls at whoever walks by. What seems appropriate?