I was not misled, this stuff is indeed fantastic. I think I'm headed back to buy the cases they had near the counter. It's like I'm a kid again, when high frustose corn syrup was not yet a blight on the soft drink horizon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_EY8DFqFpws I'm surprised that Ballsack didn't weigh in on the whole Mexican Coke thing.
I've been keeping a pretty low profile for the last month or so... some might even call it hermitesque. There wasn't any real reason for it other than I was being to lazy to clean myself up and make myself presentable enough to be around other human beings. Tonight will be different! The Plan: 1. Casino 2. Drink Heavily 3. ????? 4. Profit It's fool proof, really.
I played it cool last night....that changes tonight. This Conway's Irish Ale isn't going to drink itself.
So I remember a few weeks ago we were all chatting about Michael Fassbender's peen. Well. <a class="postlink" href="http://manhuntdaily.com/2012/01/celebrity-skin-michael-fassbender/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://manhuntdaily.com/2012/01/celebri ... assbender/</a> Contains a video clip from the movie Shame. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is some fine acting work. See how he grabs her ass as he's railing her from behind? You just don't see that kind of attention to detail from your everyday porn actors. Not to mention the enthusiasm with which he shoves his face into her ass. Just to make this post even gayer, I'm wearing a sweater from lululemon with horizontal stripes.
Out of curiosity, what exactly were you looking for to come across (HAH) that site? Also, that clip is graphic as hell. No wonder it got NC-17. Motion Pictures need more rimjobs. Would have made Citizen Kane the masterpiece it was supposed to be.
Dude, I have seen some of the shit you have posted, and you call a little ass-eating graphic? I would think you would save that term for a video acting out a bad Aristocrats joke.
What you don't see when it's out of context like that (really? On a gay website with a sidebar advertising Daddy Bears?), is that it's one of the saddest, depressing and un-erotic scenes you will ever witness. The character is going on one massive binge that may very well kill him, and he's basically given up his soul at this point in his addiction. It's really dark, sad stuff and if you watched the whole movie up to that point you wouldn't be turned on.
Wait wait wait. Next thing you're going to tell me that Jennifer Connelly's ass-to-ass scene in Requiem for a Dream isn't the pinnacle of cinematical eroticism.
That link you posted basically reads as, "HAWT! His junk is so huge, can we see a clearer pic of it?!" And the scene, by itself, appears to be highly erotic. I'm just pointing out that it's not.
Did you spend the remainder of your day telling people that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren't true? Why are you denying all of us the joy of Michael Fassbender's junk?
There are websites dedicated to the ass to ass guy. Obviously went looking for a gif of that scene. Instead have a WTF moment: NSFW How many takes did the director request? Did they practice this the night before? How does one even learn they have this talent? How much is your dignity worth? So many questions.
You don't want to know the shit I've done - and will continue to put up with - for what turns out to be rather little pay.
I'm not into pain. Like really, I'm a sadist. I like hurting other people. There are maybe three people alive who've hurt me and had me enjoy it and maybe 2 others who I know of, who I'd consider letting hurt me because I've seen them play with other people and they're that fucking amazing. The guy who did my hooks, Grinder is a body modification artist from the other side of the country who was out for a performance day. Watching him work was a fucking wow moment. The compelling art that we used to collectively jerk off over from writers at RMMB? That driven, ungodly talent and energy that makes art stop being something pleasant and start being something that you fucking have to experience and consume and fucking lose yourself in? That's what this guy does with body mods. I took 1645 photos and about 40 minutes of video through the day. I'm justs pulling it off my cameras now. But it was un fucking believable. The flesh hooks don't hurt as much as you'd think. My labrett piercing was way, way the fuck worse. But the adreniline dump and the endorphin rush from it? Fuck it's like drugs. It was like the drop as really good ecstasy rips you off your feet. The jaw wobbles and eye rolling and the unsteady feet. It was just unbelievably intense. I mean it hurts - but who gives a fuck? It's not damaging you and I'm really not into pain and don't have a particularly high pain tolerance - and it was well within my bearable range. I'm a fat bastard and that's I think the only reason I couldn't handle the pain for a full suspension. If I was average weight for a guy my height? I reckon I could have gone the full flight. I'll totally go again after I cut some weight and try and get air born.
That surprised you? You're not new. That post was timid as opposed to what I imagine his usual tendencies are.
I've read a few good books in my life - in more than one language, you know - and not one of them has ever made me want to suspend myself from hooks poked through my skin. Not even close. Interesting fact: when I was young, I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and because I have a middle child complex, I'm going to say my little sister was being a bitch about "waaah I have to go to the bathroom!" and so my mother took her side (like always) and started banging on the door attempting to open it. I was trying to unlock the door as she was heaving on the other side of it and the door swung open directly onto my left large toe, splitting the toenail into two pieces. Ever since, the damn thing has acted up if I was nervous or grossed out about something. Which is to say, nearly the entire left side of my leg feels a little bit numb. And after a vaccine in my left arm in high school, my left arm does the same thing. Scootah's post has now made the entire left side of my body go just a little bit numb in a way I can't stand. Thanks, buddy.
I guess the laughably obvious name of "Grinder" threw me off. That's what I would expect a piercer in an SNL skit to be called...scootah is so much more unpredictable.
Dude's name is Grinder. Is that like a handle he uses for these events or did you actually let some guy named Grinder put you up on meat hooks? Did he have a handlebar mustache? This is what I imagine that guy looks like, based on your description: Also, I'm curious: how bored were you that you decided to have this done? How do you bypass all the other shit people do on a Saturday night? It's remarkable to think the things that you are excited by are strikingly similar to what the ancient Incan priests conducted rituals to.