Our nearest roadside attraction is Jumbo, in St. Thomas. You are honestly greeted by his anus as you enter the town. Yes, this shit-ass jerkwater berg's biggest claim to fame is that it killed PT Barnum's crown jewel. And it cherishes that fact.
Good Lord. Today, not only did a Blue Angel crash (No word on the pilot) in TN, but a Thunderbird went down in CO (Pilot ejected safely).
We have a lot of giant painted oyster shells downtown. I knew what I was looking at, but when el husband saw them for the first time he was like "what the hell am I even looking at?" Some of them are really quality paintings. Most I've seen in person boring looking but google turned up some of the best ones. Also, who can forget about the tig bittied sphinx statue in front of the masonic temple....
This is pretty close to my house. Some more of the sculptures here: For some reason I forget, there's a ton of these life-size fiberglass moose all done up in weird paint-jobs all about the city. And these weird eagle feathers.
Here's a surprise. This guy: apparently has poor impulse control. I thought horns were one of nature's warning signs to "Keep away." http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/ne...ife-in-jealous-rage-police-say/?intcmp=hplnws
Well, of course. You don't want to put that in front of the elementary school. Is that the royal "we"?
The conch republic (key west) has a number of a landmarks to commemorate their secession from the United States. War was declared on the United States immediately following the secession. After continental lack of give a shit they subsequently surrendered asked for $1 billion in 'foreign' aid. The rest of the keys have since been annexed into the conch republic.
This is what I miss about music today, not a lot of bands do this anymore, but when pulled off right, the effect is amazing. Go to around 4:20 and watch the masters build it up and release it in a wonder of sound.
In my county in Mississippi, this was the closest thing to public art: But wait! There's more! If you moved 90 degrees it looked like this:
The girlfriend of a friend of mine is doing a bodybuilding competition this weekend. She just posted a picture on facebook that made my wiener crawl up inside me and predict 6 more weeks of winter.
Don't forget that today is NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY or whatever it's called. Free doughnut at Krispy Kreme, free donut at Dunkin with beverage purchase.
Then it's not free. You sound like my ex-wife and her cosmetic "free gifts". "It was free, I just had to buy $100 worth of ______" "Then it wasn't free." "But it was, it said it was free!" "But you paid the $100 for the other stuff" "But THIS was free!"
In Boston theres a Dunkies within a quarter mile in any given direction no matter where you are. There are some literally across the street from each other. People are going absolutely ape-shit for the free donuts today.
zomg mind blown. Hey, man, I don't make the rules, I just report the facts. Sounds like Krispy Kreme is the place for you, then, since it is no purchase necessary. For those of you that buy coffee from Dunkin Donuts every day, and spend, say $1.64 on a cup of coffee, then TODAY ONLY when you spend the same $1.64 that you normally spend, you will also get a donut for no additional cost.