Wait.... does meat include fish and shellfish? Because I'd like to change my answer if the above is allowed. I could easily make a live sailing around the world on an awesome yacht with a small screw, making millions a year and scuba diving/fishing for my food whenever I feel like it.
Only million million to cancel all the foods in my life that I think matter? I will take a hard pass on that. It’s What’s For Dinner. I love my food pre-murdered too much to give it up. That’s love, right there. To let Robert Redford bang my wife for a cool million, that would be a different story.... I’ll have to play some Sade and think about it.
YES IT FUCKING DOES. IT'S FLESH FROM AN ANIMAL. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THESE DON'T COUNT? I've dated two women who were militant vegans; real, card-carrying PETA members (They were hot, okay? No, the relationships didn't last long.). And both of them thought seafood didn't count against a vegan diet. What kind of mental gymnastics does that take?