I really hope I was wrong about it being hidden somewhere, rather that they have indeed found parts of it. Those families need closure badly.
I find it hard to believe that 10-11 days after when it would have crashed that anything that large would still be floating. Debris or pieces? Sure. But a giant segment of the plane? Doubt it.
One thing is for sure, they'd find a lost B2 a hell of a lot faster than this doomed Malaysia flight.
Which would fill with water and thus sink... When they find plane wrecks, its due to seats and assorted debris that floats, not full wing segments.
As you mentioned in another post, the nose wheel fire was just an example for the article. However, if the ACARS system is mounted near the forward wheel well, the wheel fire example could've knocked out the ACARS system. I'm not saying or even believe one of the pilots went down there to fight a fire...that's what other crew members are for. It also doesn't explain why there was a final ping from the system about an hour before the jet would've run out of fuel. If they intentionally killed the system, it shouldn't have been able to do so. There are dozens if not hundreds of other scenarios. Perhaps another type of fire (usually minor, but electrical fires are more common than you'd think) or a slow enough decompression leak they never caught it until it was too late. If they were partially hypoxic that would explain erratic maneuvers and could possibly explain the turn input into the computer. If people are able to text while blackout drunk, I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility for an experienced pilot to input a course change into the flight computer while hypoxic. There's so much confusion from the media as far as what did and did not occur everything outside of the official investigators is pure speculation. As others have mentioned, Reddit is full of conspiracy theories. Until the revelation of conclusive proof, I maintain a rather mundane reason caused the loss. Unfortunately as time passes, the true conclusion may elude us forever. They found large tail segments of Air France 447 still floating days after it crashed. I remember reading about a plane that ditched and floated for ten days before the Navy sunk it with gunfire since it was becoming a hazard to navigation. It's not a fighter...it's made to glide efficiently through the air. If it flew until out of fuel it is rather possible it glided into the water instead of diving in. Large portions of the wings or tail might've remained intact.
From the fucktards at CNN: http://news.yahoo.com/cnn-black-hole-malaysia-flight-370-theories-144151381.html
What VI said. I've barely been able to watch the news at all since this started. Some networks are talking about it 24/7 and pretty much every discussion I've seen about the story (or lack thereof) has been just as pointless and ridiculous as the next. I don't get these constant breaking news updates to tell you there is no updates. Can you imagine when... wait for it... wait for it... they find out the plane crashed in the ocean due to mechanical failure? I mean, man, that would just blow my mind.
Transcripts of onboard communications released These are pretty interesting if you're into reading into that sorta thing. Honestly though, at this point, I only want to hear from people with relevant info (CNN doesn't count because they repeat the same shit; though some posts on this thread have been very interesting -- the intellect, and connections, of this board never ceases to amaze me). And at some point, I want either a "we found it" or "we're not gonna find it" answer. And after that, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Several sources are now saying a French satellite may have found plane debris. Or, it could be two dolphins screwing again like that time we'll see.
Yet the real story there is the French got their shit together long enough to launch a satellite. Now that's news.
Today's best quote, from an 'expert' on Morning Joe: "We know we don't know a lot." Really? Why are we talking about this then? Jesus, I'm not sure where to turn to next for news, because Morning Joe is going the way of the Today show. In other words, complete shit. Goddamnit.
Let the news clusterfuck continue. The Malaysian statement this morning had seemingly no more hard evidence than in the past. If you want to tell things to the families, that's fine, but don't make a public statement with a message of "we don't know anything, but we're just going to assume this", especially given the lack of any sort of credibility from the Malaysian government up to this point.
Malaysian Leader Says Flight 370 Ended in Ocean 1. I really hope they are right this time, we need to end the speculating already and put this tragedy to rest. 2. The realist in me wonders how many hours will pass until the story changes again. 3. The media needs to get their shit together, this has all been pathetic on their part. A clusterfuck indeed. $100 says its a beach ball.