It's not solving hte " They're too busy worrying about buying $1.3 Billion in weapons from the US to give a shit about helping.
One of the things that really pisses me off is pretending Islam is the worst of the religions out there, especially when that's done by Christians who only think Christianity is so great because they weren't the ones who directly a couple hundred years ago were killing people like crazy over petty bullshit. This video is re-making the rounds, and it is well-torn apart
Are we, as a country, really and truly intimidated by refugees? That might, MIGHT be terrorists, whatever the fuck that means? This reeks of cowardice and bigotry to me. Would I host a Syrian refugee in my home? Of fucking course I would. Do these people deserve a shot at peace? Yes. Can we provide it? Yes. End of argument. I have more to fear from the greed and violence that currently exists in my country than the only thing that the Syrian refugees bring: hope. We can use all of the hope for a better life that they bring. If one of them is a terrorist and I become a victim, that is more acceptable than foregoing my beliefs and values in the face of fear. To live my life in safety and comfort at the expense of someone else is a travesty, and not what America is about. I am more likely to die in a mass shooting than in any sort of terrorist plot. We are the most warlike nation on earth and somehow a group of imbeciles (see their thoughts on Red Mercury) have us trembling? Not me. Like Roosevelt said, I welcome their hatred and I refuse to be intimidated by it. I refuse to back down from what my country stands for because some fanatics and their apocalyptic fairy tale believe they can inspire fear in me. I refuse to abandon people in need to preserve an illusion of safety or comfort. Most of all, I refuse to be afraid to help those coming to us with a hope for a better life. "What if one of them is a terrorist?" Good fucking luck to them...we are un afraid.
Or make them bake a gay wedding cake. Not my idea, but I laughed. Also, I find it disheartening that the meme is "What about those refugees from the Holocaust", not "What about those refugees from the much more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, and the Congo". Damn straight that's white privilege - your body count matters more.
I'm curious if any of you have seen this and what you think about it. To my knowledge it's the real deal, although it does seem to come from a very right wing site. Though it does not really speak to the "refugee situation", I found this part disturbing:
Yes, I believe that is possible. Poor, dumb, patriarchal society which has it written in law the male of the household is almost infallible. Before you start condemming Muslim society realize this is true of nearly all societies. My mom grew up in the same kind of household where her dad beat the snot out of her mom until the late 60s when he finally got too tired and old. I don't know how many people I know, personally, who came to blows with their parents, and I suspect a few who were sexually assaulted by family members. God fearing Christians, real Americans. Look in the news this past week, you'll probably see plenty cases of horrific abuse just like the article above mentions. That is not an argument for or against a religion or a nationality. It is not a qualifier of whether or not a people should receive aid during a genocide. It is a sickness prevalent in angry men of all creeds, across all boarders. That is just one more negative hit piece to vilify arabs. Fuck that.
As the debate over refugees heats we go, just in time to really mess up sensibilities: 'Clock Kid' Ahmed Mohamed, family suing Texas city, school for $15 million
So this kid, who in large was a fraud, got to headline in front of real actual child geniuses at that national science fair and became the most famous person in America for a short time....and his family wants to be compensated for it. Granted the police were completely incompetent in the handling of that situation, but even the families who have loved ones killed in cold blood on camera by the police sue for less than that. You're not special or a genius, you took a clock out of a case a shoved into a different case. And people didnt turn on you because of race, beliefs or jealousy. It's because the kid is a fraud. And now they're filing lawsuit because his Fifteen Minutes are expired.
The problem I have is that he wants to take it right from the school district and the city. That's money directly from the tax payers that would go towards a lot of other shit the schools need and for a lot of other services much more worthy than some fraud. And they are already squeezed as it is. And in his demands he basically wants everyone involved to bow down before him and pay him an extreme amount of money. I interpret letters of apology from the police chief, the mayor, and the head of the school district as a way to humiliate them.
The fun part, is it probably will come from insurance policies. So, all premiums go up, including other schools around the country. Yay. His attorney said the kid's "reputation in the global community is scarred." The actions that he is suing against are the actions that got him invited to the White House and other such attention. What was his "global reputation" before?
So what you're saying is he and his family have no real talent but wants to get rich and famous quick and has decided to sue? They're definitely American. That sounds like the most American thing since a Bald Eagle fucked an apple pie with a baseball bat.
Actually, it probably won't. Most State and Federal agencies - including school systems - are 'self insured' which is just a nice way of saying 'we have no insurance so we'll just use taxpayer dollars.' Edit: Also, keep in mind the Federal Government and most States have a 'Tort Claims Act' which makes it really tough to sue and win anything. Ask me, I've sued several.
I think hes suggesting that the kid was deliberately trying to be provocative with what he was doing. I never really caught up on this one, it happened when I was on vacation so I never gave a shit to look it up when I got back.
The clock was represented as an invention or creation of his, and he was lauded for it after school officials weakly suspected it may have been a bomb. All he did was take apart a clock radio and stick it in a briefcase.
So he was a stupid kid playing stupid games that won him stupid prizes. The big problem was that the school administration then joined the game with their stupid zero-tolerance rules and shit escalated and what should have been a stupid "what the fuck are you thinking" teaching moment blew up into international political manoeuvring. Part of me thinks it's fucking retarded, but part of me thinks that they're just continuing on with the expected course of action and reaping the rewards. They're not singularly to blame, at all, as everyone involved in the entire chain of events has done nothing but increase the fucked up results that we are now seeing unfold.