Tuesday thru Friday: My alarm goes off at 6:10. I crawl out of bed and pull out my clothes for the day. I take my meds, brush my teeth and sit on the toilet. Then I shower, shave, get dressed and fix my hair. I grab anything I need for the day and head out the door arriving at work at about 6:55. I have coffee and breakfast when I get to work. Saturday thru Sunday: Wake up when I feel like it, piss, maybe remember to take my meds and then lay on the couch and watch some tv. About an hour to two later I question myself if I took my meds so I get up and check my glass to see if there is water in it. Then I usually make breakfast.
Like Nett said; you can hate all you want, but this is my mornings: I generally do not fall asleep until it is light outside. If I do feel like I can fall asleep, I will set the phone on vibrate and sleep until whenever. My companies basically run themselves, and most people have been with me for 7 to 15 years. They don't need me to tell them what to do or what I expect. And, I don't like to work anymore, anyway. When I awake, I get a 1L water, yogurt and a protein bar, and then I come to the computer to read starting with ajc.com and going down my favorites list. If I have any missed calls, I return them while reading. Often, I don't even hit the shower until mid-afternoon. But, I pay my taxes and I try to be kind to everyone. So, at least I've got that going for me.
Weekdays: Get up at 4:30, eat a little something, hang around and wake up. Go to the gym around 5:15, workout, get home around 6:30 or so. Have some protein while I get my lunch ready (packing up food for work and all). Then go take a shower, shave, dress, etc. Usually I'm out the door by 7:30. Weekends: Stay in bed until my kids whine about wanting breakfast, then get up.
My ex's clock is set for 30 minutes fast. He would set his alarm for 5 am. He would then proceed to hit the snooze button five million times until finally getting out of bed. He would throw clothes on, make coffee, get his lunch ready, and be out the door by the real 6 am. He would arrive to work by 6:30 am, but he really doesn't have to be there by 7 am. God forbid he get stuck behind a tractor, or a herd of cows while on the way to work... Personally, I would rather have him had sex with me in that thirty minute leeway...Ha.
On the days I work, I get up around 6am, throw on my uniform and punk out my hair. This really means that I use a lot of hairspray and takes two minutes. Then I make my hot tea and usually snag a Luna bar for breakfast. I have twenty minute commute and use this time to listen to music. On the days I don't work, but have the kids, I get them fed and dressed and I am out around 8:15 to get them to school. I usually do the Luna bar thing to start then eat a proper breakfast upon my return from dropping them off. (Ususally two eggs acrambled with portabella mushrooms on toasted wheat.) Then there are the days that I do work and am child free. This means I will sleep til whenever, have loud morning sex and then take my time getting to breakfast.
I start many posts off with "Since I got sober" because my life is totally different now and I have routines rather than living from one minute to the next. This is mine when sleeping alone at home: 4:45am - Alarm goes off, I dress for the gym and then walk the 5 blocks with Starbucks Instant Italian Roast in one hand & water bottle in the other. 6:10-6:30am depending on my workout routine I arrive back to my apartment, brew a few french presses of Starbucks Italian roast at my couch. I have an elec kettle & hand grinder so I can do this while watching the local news, Mike & Mike, and Dennis & Callahan. 7:15am - shower, dress, and out of the door by 7:50/8:00am. 8:30-ish - arrive at work but stop in the cafeteria for oatmeal & yogurt as I am very hungry. I've noticed a couple of things about having a routine that is so specific both in time and activity. First is that I gain comfort from this routine and if for some reason it is disrupted I get crabby. The second is that it takes me at least 10 minutes longer to get ready now that I am older. Finally, I actually like the mornings and since I've been up for a few hours before I arrive at work I'm now one of those happy morning people I used to loathe just 3 short years ago.
I wake up at ~734 am, depending on how many times I hit my snooze button, Monday to Friday. Go to the washroom, brush my teeth and put on clothes. Fifteen minutes after I wake up, I'm at work. Once I'm at work, I get coffee, use the washroom and get breakfast. Getting paid to do my morning routine rules.
I generally wake up about an hour to a hour and a half before I have to leave for work. It gives me time to wake up, make something to eat and pack a lunch. I'll usually watch a little TV or surf for about half an hour. My old commute took around an hour and I listened to podcasts. My new commute is about 20 minutes and for the first time in my life, I almost wish it was longer. I have a ton of podcasts that are piling up.
I absolutely hate mornings. It is known to stay away from me for the first 30 minutes I'm awake. Weekdays the clock goes off at 7:30. No snooze, up, pee and directly into the shower. I take about a 7 minute shower during the week. Blow dry hair and plug in straightener. Deal with potty dancing dogs (I'd let them out first but one never wants to wake up and I'm not standing there supervising them through half closed eyes. They know this and have come to accept it.). Feed them and go to my bathroom to put my make-up on. Straighten hair then get dressed. I've already got some idea of what to wear because I think about it in the shower. Earrings in, perfume on, dogs in lock down and out the door by 8:30. I have a 30 minute commute. Weekends I'm normally up by 9am. Let the pooches out, fed&water them, lounge around for a while and normally about noon hit the bar for lunch and BSing with friends.
Jesus christ you people organized. I tend to base when I wake up off of when I fall asleep. Go to bed at 1:00AM? Wake up around 8:00 for my 9:00 class, with a number of snooze button presses. Go to bed at 4:00AM? 8:45, throw on some clothes, hop on the bike and get my ass to class. Usually I'll squeeze a 5-7 minute shower in...Shampoo and facewash at the same time, then soap up and rinse and get out. Dry off/get dressed in 3 minutes. Put toast in the toaster oven, grab my things. Make almond toast with almond butter, scarf that down then leave. Morning rituals are not my thing...it changes nearly daily.
I am shocked at the number of people here that do not shower in the morning. You are the reason the world smells like shit. Become a functioning member of the world and wash your stinky ass. 6am- wake up, get out computer read news and check message boards, etc. Usually rub a quick one out also. 6:30- Eat breakfast usually leftovers or cereal 6:45- Get in shower, brush teeth, shave, bathroom etc. 7:05- Get dressed 7:10- Make lunch and snacks for the day (usually a turkey sandwich, carrot sticks and some fruit) 7:15- leave for work 7:20- stop at gas station for coffee 7:45- get to work. I work at a place with a large parking lot, and I usually have to park a half mile away. This gets me to work by 8. It gets pushed back an hour sometimes depending on when I went to bed, because I don't have to be at work until 9. If a large amount of drinking went down the night before, I usually skip the first 45 minutes of the routine to get more sleep. On the weekend I get up whenever I get up. Make some coffee, and then cut it with makers mark. See where day takes me.
For Frebis: Some of us shower at different times in the day. I shower daily, usually after I work out. On the days I don't sweat, I don't wash my mane, to keep it from drying out. Early morning showers just don't work for me and doesn't mean I stink of self righteousness. and I keep my hairbrush under lock and key ever since ballsack came out. One thing I didn't mention earlier is my very first stop is to take my medication, otherwise midmorning reveals a very mean PIMPTRESS.
Why? It feels better and accomplishes more if done after work or in the late evening. Assuming you aren't a sewer pig and wash your sheets you get dirtier during the day than you would sleeping in your bed. I personally make sure my house is cold when I go to bed, it's the only way I can sleep comfortably, hence no night sweating. I then get up when the alarm sounds at 6:50 am, take the morning piss, wash my face and put my contacts in, get dressed and go to work. I wait to drop the morning deuce until I'm at work, I'm just classy like that what can I say.
I wake up at 5:45 am to shower (always), eat breakfast, ready my lunch, see what the hell happened on this website last night. My wife leaves for work before me, so I wake up our daughter, fight changing her diaper, fight trying to dress her (she's usually not a "morning toddler"), fight brushing her insanely curly and messy hair, get her gigantic bag of shit ready and drop her off at daycare where she's a complete angel as soon as we walk through the door. Then, it's off to work.
Got this in a PM: I do have a room in my house that is my office. It is set up with a couple desktop computers, a wall of book cases full of IT-related books, a wall that is a big white board, etc. That being said, I also find that when I'm working, moving around and changing up the scenery really helps me be more productive. Again, I'll work at my desk in my office, or from a comfy chair in front of the fireplace in the den, on the couch, etc. It really comes down to you being disciplined enough to do what you have to do. It also means being disciplined enough to NOT work when you shouldn't be. Most people I know that work at home fall into the trap that they don't know when to stop working because they associate "home" with "work". Sounds nuts, but its easier to than it you'd think. Having specific work locations, like an office you can leave and close the door on, really helps with that mental discipline. I find that I don't need that any more, as I've been doing the "work at home" thing for almost 15 years, and have the mental discipline. I find that about half of the people I've hired to work at home on projects don't have that discipline, and have to be canned.
Personally, I'm of the Frebis camp on showers. If I don't shower, it's less a matter of feeling dirty/smelly (although perhaps others around me would disagree...) and more a matter of waking. Showering is an even more effective means of waking up that coffee for me. Yeah, I can go about my day without one, but it's really hard to break the just-woke-up haze without it. Also, my hair currently resembles a tumbleweed or Bob Dylan circa the cover of Blonde on Blonde, so it does make me look marginally less homeless.
My lovely morning ritual: On most weekday mornings I am up by 6 am. I throw clothes on, and go outside to take care of my three horses. Feed, water, and hay for all. Back inside to shower. The shower is what wakes me up. I can't drink coffee, because it makes my heart wig out. I brush my teeth while the water is warming up. Showering for me takes me a while. My hair is down to the middle of my back. I am also obsessive compulsive when it comes to shaving. I hate body hair. I also shower in the evenings, for the record. From the shower it is on to blow drying and straightening my hair. Then I get dressed for work. Usually while I am getting ready, I am also replying to text messages. I quickly try to find shoes that match. I quickly apply a light layer of make-up. I collect my cellphone, glasses for distance, jacket, and bolt out the door. I can't eat in the mornings, or else I will puke my guts out. It takes me a half hour to get to work. Work is 9-5, yaaaay. On the weekends, if it is hunting season, or if I am going fishing, I am up even earlier. However, if I have nothing going on I sleep until I wake up on my own. It is usually before 7:30, though.
Who said I was alone every morning? Sack? That's only because he wouldn't mind being that person. And, kindly fuck off. Thankyouverymuch.