Yup, I know. I know that he ate a lot of that shit growing up. It still drives me crazy though (especially when he can easily drop $20 at McDonald's and I can make far superior stuff here for both of us for less than that). Bah!
This is a big time sentiment with people. Myself, I cannot relate and I know I'm in the minority. I have ZERO emotional ties to any food from my childhood. There has never been a time when I have said "Hey ma, it's my b-day, make me up that stuff from when I was 8." Don't get me wrong I love burgers and pizza and mac n' cheese. So long as they aren't the ones from my childhood. Even my mom's spaghetti sauce has gone through changes to fit my palate. I hate McDonald's, Domino's Coca-Cola, Easy Mac, etc. Vehemently. The smell of those things just makes me angry. No idea how they were ever enjoyable. Almost 100% sure I'm not repressing a rape by the Hamburgler. In fact, childhood ruined me for things like mom's stir-fry because even the legit ones from the restaurant are gag inducing to me now. What kills me is that on occasion mom goes through grandma's recipes. She'll whip out some rare Italian cookie or confection. It'll be mind blowing. "Why the FUCK didn't you make this 20 years ago??" She'll tell me, "I didn't think you'd like it." Head asplode.
They both own successful businesses, one is just a lot more of a moneymaker than the other. He makes about 35-40k and she makes about 175k.
Sense memory is pretty amazing. Specifically smell. I was back at college this weekend and some of the scents and their associations 5+ years later in some cases were staggering. Even the way our grocery store smelled and the random memories it conjured, much less some of the buildings/restaurants I spent alot of time in.
You Northerners make me laugh sometimes. Those temperatures you listed, that's what I work in for about 8 months out of the year, with high humidity. All that, with only about 15" of rain a year. Anyway, I haven't read through the whole drunk thread, but I got the impression that we were supposed to be posting pictures of naked athletes. Here's Katarina Witt, circa 1998: NSFW
Seriously. Call a bitch when you're hitting 71 Triple Digit Days in a year and 110 heat indexes. 90's during the summer is a treat.
Okay, I give: who put him up to this? I'm beginning to think that moderator with the spiffy cheetah avatar hacked into his account and is fucking with us. On a side note, AMC just aired a 4-minute trailer for next season of The Walking Dead. Between that and the Breaking Bad season premiere, I've never been so turned on by non-pornographic media.
Hey, they're not that terrible if you're trying to gain weight. Cheap, calorie-rich, protein. When I finish this cut, it's McGangBangs all the way.
Recently, I've gotten back into watching table tennis matches. Since the last time I watched it seriously in 2009, a new trio of young Chinese stars has sprouted (Ma Long, Zhang Jike, and Xu Xin), and they're even more incredible than the last trio, who were legendary in their own right, winning virtually every World Cup, World Championship, and Olympic medal for over a decade. The level of play when the best Chinese stars in the world ("Chinese" is unnecessary in that last sentence) compete against one another is like nothing else on the planet.
Taco John's is that so terrible yet so so good at the same time thing for me. Related, I still don't get why Natty Ice gets such a bad rap.
Ooorrrr...you could just grow up and realize that ANYONE making money in the relationship is a good thing. Especially in this economy. I find it so irritating that people are so non-traditional and skeptical when it comes to having a traditional wedding and yet they fully expect that a successful marriage be something out of the 50s. Yet another paradox of this board showing an incredible lack of self-awareness. Anyway, I had self-control and only spent $30 on sushi the other day. Worked like a charm. After having a fabulous day of drinking vodka crushes (hey, you have to get your daily allowance of fruit somewhere), I was hit with some incredibly shitty news causing me to switch from vodka and GM to whisky (no e). I'm dreading how much tomorrow's hangover cure will cost me. Hello salmon shashimi!
We have a MASSIVE thunder storm going on at the moment. It's awesome except for one little thing... Apparently my 16 year old nephew and 14 year old niece are freaked the hell out by thunder storms. This in turn has freaked Percy out, which is never pleasant. How did they ever survive a year in Mississippi where this is a bi-weekly occurrence? Maybe I'll just feed them (Percy included) some whiskey until they pass out and forget about the storm. None of them can have much of a tolerance, so it should only take a few shots.
WHAT THE HELL? I'm sitting here, about to go to sleep, when out of nowhere I get a Facebook chat from this guy I met briefly and barely hung out with when I was in Costa Rica last year, but friended me anyway. It's important to know that we have not spoken a single time since I left his town that I stayed in for a weekend over a year ago. Not so much as a "like"ing of a status. It's also important to know that he was 17 and really creepy. Then, I didn't say anything, because I was too busy making screen captures and then artfully censoring those screen captures, when he spoke again:
He didn't say anything for ten minutes after the five minutes that my last three messages were spread over, so I thought it was done. No:
If I understand correctly, we're talking about an 18 year-old from Costa Rica. And one that is no different from millions of other people that age. Wahoos on the old board were reserved for exceptionally delusional and weird people, most of them 22+. I like to think there is something more interesting than bothering a random horny teenager from Latin America. Posting his name would be fucked-up. That being said, audrey's conversation with him is amusing. They're a lot more straightforward about sex down there!
I filled in tonight for the bartender that works sunday night and I am very glad I did. A larger (fat) guy came in with a girl he claimed he was just friends withs and they were there for a few hours, but in the course of conversation he mentioned she was a boxer, which is the best thing you can ever tell me as I got to use my favorite line ever. Really a boxer? I don't really care to see you box but I would love to see your snatch. Yes, I am 40 years old and have been laughing about it since 8. She was mildly amused, he was very amused.
It was my experience that a lot of the men in Costa Rica only know American women by what they see on tv, and the odd vacationer/volunteer/backpacker. As such, they seem to think American women are easy...like, "If you ask her for sex on Facebook after meeting her a year ago, why, she'll just be delighted and hop on the next flight." easy. Don't fall for this one, Audrey. He'll probably cheat on you.