Girls like that get knocked up just by a glance. In other news, I need to get back on the Pill. I'm annoyed and wishing I could just have my tubes temporarily tied. I'm half Irish Catholic/half White Trash and in school. The odds of being With Child are high.
As someone who fucked a Yuma Yummy last week, I second this. Someone please tell me that this is worth it.
Sigh, we can't all be guys who hangout with Penthouse Pets on random weekday mornings and be all nonchalant about it I guess.
I lived in Florida from August to January. In all seriousness I'd rather live in Iowa. Its hot sketchy muggy and has an odd mix of poverty wealth and white trash.
Finishing off a very satisfying night by watching the GSTL match between NSH and FXO. This last game between Jjakji and Whale was incredible.
I waited for over an hour alone at a bar for my dear friends dubyu tee eff and almostgaunt, but the plus side is that while I was waiting Wyatt Cenac invited me to hang out with him but the downside is that NO ONE KNOWS WHO HE IS so I don't feel half as cool as I am for that having happened to me.
One of my friends is off camping for two weeks. She hates camping. Hates.It. But her husband thought it would be good for them and their two boys (5 & 7) to go. Here's the pic she sent me last night upon their arrival.
Alright, I started all the wedding hubbub and then never came back. I kind of hate that you guys are all more polite than I am but appreciate that you share my outrage. The person getting married is my husband's high school friend. I think the reason for the time gap is because it is a Catholic wedding. Every Catholic wedding I have been to is the same thing so maybe what somebody said about clearing the church for evening mass is the reason. I also really hate Catholic weddings so was trying to find ways to get out of it, but I guess it is the right thing to do (sigh). I don't know her other than in passing so don't know if I can blame this on her being a bridezilla, but I sure as hell know it isn't him doing it. I'll be surprised if he even shows up. Plus my husband has been dragged to all of my friends things seemingly all summer so it makes me pretty selfish to complain about this one thing for him (bigger sigh). I am quite the martyr, aren't I? My wedding, all couple pics done before the ceremony while we hosted a cocktail hour for the guests on the patio where both the ceremony/reception were held. When we showed up, people just carried their drinks to their chairs to watch the 10 minute ceremony (and trust me, if there was a way to skip that 10 minutes, I would have), then headed down the aisle where a glass of champagne was awaiting and the party really started. It was fun, but certainly not a religious ceremony. I shouldn't criticize that which I don't understand.
I dig Wyatt. I saw a movie he starred in once, it was called Medicine for Melancholy. Worth a watch, I think. Also, melancholy is a weird word to spell out.
Or try my particular suburb of Ottawa. It's a wonderful place where teeth and bras are optional, Oprah gives out rascal scooters instead of cars, and you're never quite sure if a car's suspension has been intentionally lowered or the occupant is just really fat. In other news, I feel that most young people of Audrey's cohort should know who Wyatt Cenac is on the basis of him being on the Daily Show.
I think there is something in the air in college towns that allow you to drink similarly to how you did in college. I drank like an absolute asshole last night and woke up this morning feeling better than average. Highlighted by paying $6 for double Tanqueray and Tonics, love this town. Also spent the better part of the evening hitting on two 21 year olds, making impressive progress only to have one disappear and the other switch her attention to and later leave with a pretty sloppy overweight dude who was not a football player. Back in my college days, that would have sent me into a rant to end all rants. But I remembered I was still dealing with idiot college girls and shrugged it off and went to get a late night bagel. Wedding is in about 4 hours. Already have recorded confirmation of the bride giving us the go ahead to play drinking games at the reception. Buckle up, this is going to be a wild one.
Well, guess where I live. But yep, I have been dreaming about moving for quite a while, but my husband's office is one mile away, and mine is quite close as well, so we take the hit on the couple times we go out in favor of a really short commute 5 days per week. And now I reserve my dreams of moving for dreams of moving ... away. Chicago, back to the east coast...just away. And speaking of, to the person who repped about me being self absorbed, I thought I made it clear in my post that I was being SARCASTIC and recognized that I was being unreasonable and unfair to my husband about this.
I keep trying to talk my wife into letting us move, but we're so close to family she won't do it. I want to move back to Lafayette, but she prefers the free child care that comes with living 1 minute from my parents and 10 minutes from hers. I hate this area, personally. I'm just remembering why recently.