I'm with ya, and I don't even have kids. My husband was born and raised here, so I am quite sure I will die here. But a girl can dream. And then I wonder if I am just idealizing the thought of moving. I think somebody earlier was talking about how hard it is to find an entire new set of friends as an adult, and there is some truth to that. I would be giving up a nice support system here.
Well, after all of that we are missing the ceremony anyway because neither our GPS or google maps can find the address on the invitation. I had to google the church and hopefully we are on our way instead of driving in circles
Pro tip: don't get together with someone raised in a Monarchy, constitutional or not. Otherwise you will end up stuck watching a birthday celebration for one of them on TV. It isn't even a cool monarchy of 1000 years of rule. They descend from a random Napoleonic General chosen because he didn't suck as much as the king that was here in 1818.
The only rational response to seeing harp and guinness on tap in the airport lounge is to mix up a black and tan. Right?
Sucks more when its not even the sitting king or queen. I think the "ceremonial" monarchies nowadays are stupid. I've mentioned on here how I am an unabashed Anglophile, but I still think the British Monarchy is sort of dumb. If they still had some sort of real power, then its a different story, but they don't and people still flip out about every little detail. They just take pictures, dictate ridiculous etiquette and decorum, and arrange the death of estranged daughters-in-law who actual used their position for tremendous good. Yeah, I went there...
The only thing that amuses me about the monarchy here is that the king kinda looks like my father-in-law, and when my mother-in-law was a baby, her picture was mistakenly published in the paper as being the current king. (long story)
I saw Killswitch Engage and FFDP last night, they put on a good show. I was surprised the crowd wasn't wilder, there was some crowd surfing and a small pit, but I really expected more out of the retards. I just like making fun of people. We then went to a ghetto bar and took over the country direction the karaoke was headed and busted out Vanilla Ice, Garbage and some other stuff. The bar owner thanked us by buying us shots all night. I had some fascinating conversations with the locals, one busted out her backpack to sell me movies while her boyfriend bragged about his air drumming skills. Is air playing an instrument ever a skill?? To say I am hungover would be an understatement. I'm drinking a beer to try to find some equilibrium. I might need a couple more.
Sir, I will not hear Her Majesty spoken of in such vulgar terms. Princess Diana? Yeah, if you were a millionairess who were paid a queen's ransom to get lost and all you had to do all day was sit around considering whether or not to vomit up your lunch, yeah, you might go tour a landmine field or two in your spare time. Quiz: who won the 1997 Nobel peace prize for her work against landmines, and why do you know more about Diana's landmine efforts than hers?
That is the single thing that I am not looking forward to when I finally make my way back to the mainland. Summers in AL are intense. Like, stay inside all day, water your plants on the porch 3x or they die, all the water in the pool evaporates in a day kind of intense. Our 12th story apartment has a constant breeze coming in. It's nice.
Haircut, massage, and I just got the grill going for a couple of 2" thick certified prime NY strips. If I can convince the mrs. a blowjob is in order, I'll have hit for the cycle. Only 93 outside. Practically football weather.
!! I would have noticed the heat during today's match but I was shooting too damn well in it for me to notice. My rifle keeps getting better as temps rise. I placed middle of the pack, which is a lot better than I can usually say. So now I'm just gonna try and stay cool by drinking a bunch of cold beer! Fuck yeah Saturday!
So I am listening to music for the first time in years. As in really listening to it. Here is some advice to all you idiots about to get married: Join your finances, don't join your playlists. I have iTunes on random, and more crap is coming up than a backed up toilet at the Golden Corral. God, she has terrible taste in music. Edit: Christ, the music I listened to when I graduated High School wasn't much better (hint: Dashboard). It takes me back to all those feelings and stuff, sure. But man, I was a pussy.
It is almost 6:30 and I am still hungover. I slept till fucking 2 and it was still hard to get out of bed. At least I finally put my shoes on.
I say outside at World of Beer today. Amazing. The moderate heat made the beer even better. Yay Texas.