Forget about guns, my dog is a stone cold killah. He managed to catch and shake the shit out of one for several seconds before I could pull him away this evening. Totally wasn't on purpose, I was almost as surprised as the cat.
I suspect that you were nowhere near as surprised as the cat. Went down to a bar that stocks hard-to-get beers yesterday, and I managed to kick their cask of experimental Foothills Hoppyum, and their keg of Founders Devil Dancer. Glad I didn't wait any longer before driving over. It's probably just as well that I only managed two glasses of the Devil Dancer, though - at 12%, that's a recipe for being passed out before dinner.
I wish I'd had my camera today. I was at a friend's house, who lives on a farm. His cat went up a tree, terrier followed suit. A 27lb dog managed to climb over 7ft up, going from fork to fork. He almost got as high as the cat; thank god he didn't, because I don't feel like a vet bill right now.
So, does this mean we've now come to the page on the WDT where people with dogs think they're badasses because their dogs can kill other peoples' pets?
Personally, I'm grateful they never actually fought. Nothing says "thank you for your hospitality" like having your dog kill a beloved family pet. Plus, in my experience cats fight back. It would have been all around nasty. Nothing filthier than a cat scratch.
This is why you convince your atheist brother to obtain his ordained status online so he can perform your ceremony minus any of the Jesus.
The priest wasn't the one who did this particular reading, it was read separately so I am assuming selected by the bride (and groom, but I stand by the fact that I doubt he had much to do with the planning of the wedding at all). I was going to bring this up last night but this seems more of a sunday hungover/sober topic than a happy saturday drunk topic. This was all the more confusing given the following: (warning, if you don't want to be privy to my thoughts about the wedding, relationships, and several threads that we have had over the past couple of weeks, please skip....I think you know who you are) the wedding in it's entirety left me feeling a bit....melancholy. The word jaded was brought up earlier and I wonder if that is just what things have come to. Have you ever sat there in a church, listened to the couple recite their vows, and hear that little voice in your head think "these people don't have a snowballs chance in hell of making it". Yep. So, I had mentioned earlier that my husband hadn't seen the groom in 2 years, it has actually been over 3 years. We can pinpoint it because the last time we saw him (and his now wife) was a bit over 3 years ago when we were at the wedding of another of their childhood friends. And that marriage has been over for about 8 or so months now. In both of these relationships, the female was the "breadwinner". I was going to post this in the thread where all of this was discussed ad nauseum but didn't want to open that can of worms again. The guys were "successful" in their own right, but not necessarily monetarily, so it got me thinking about the girls in that thread who said that they wanted a guy who could take care of them or at least keep up with them. Everybody hated to hear it of course and threw out the gold digger, but I think they were being judged unfairly. The couple last night, I think she pretty much gave him an ultimatum to get the proposal. In talking to the groom's family, they said the next "fight" was going to be about kids. She wants to have yesterday. I also got the impression that she wanted to stay home with them. She has a very successful career, he works, but I would be willing to bet his salary is well under half of hers. How is that going to work? I just don't think that it will. For the previous wedding, the guy who is divorced now is a published author (twice over) and married an ad exec. He is a KC guy who did his time in NYC and LA trying to make it in acting/writing/etc. Got tired of it and came back to KC to focus on writing, here is where he met his wife. Shortly after getting married she accepted a job in NYC on Madison Avenue. He begrudgingly moved with her to support her in her career. She thrived in her new role and ended up resenting that he wasn't some hot shot and able to contribute much to their $6k monthly rent. He resented the fact that he was in a city he never wanted to live in again, where he was away from family and friends, she was always working and he was the "house husband" (his words). One year was over. Another couple there, married for coming up on 15 years. My husband was commenting that he remembered not even being old enough to drink legally at their wedding. She is a stay at home mom, he works. They seem as happy as can be. I could type and type and type about this topic, but I'll reign it in. anway, tl;dr Love and marriage is hard. I don't consider myself a feminist at ALL, but I like to think that non conventional types of marriage are possible.
Drugs are bad. I've been up over 24 hours and I laid in bed from 7am to noon not able to sleep. This stinks because if I sleep now then my whole schedule is screwed and I won't be able to sleep tonight. For what it's worth I DID NOT want to take that pill at 3am but I was outnumbered 3:1 and well, you know the rest of the story.
I think most would agree with this. A woman making more than a man brings out the worst insecurities and feelings of immasculation. Whether its justified or not, I can't think of any successful relationship where the female is the primary bread winner.
I made a cancer joke today, to a manager with whom I've just recently been getting along. As soon as the words left my mouth, I remembered that his dad is on his deathbed due to terminal lung cancer. I can't remember the last time I felt like such a piece of shit.
Yeah, it totally sucks but for the most part (and I recognize there are exceptions) it's true from what I've seen. Hopefully there will be a day when it's considered normal and most people in that situation will be okay with it, but it's hard to undo thousands of years of societal expectations overnight.
So as it turns out, my brother is a fucking idiot. Last night me and a group of friends, including my brother, his girlfriend, my good friend Ron, and the ugly girl who gave Ron a blowjob three days ago (who was mutual friends with a few other people) were all there. I black out somewhere along the line, and wake up at my brothers girlfriends house. After I went to sleep (passed out?) this event occurred. Ron, ugly girl, my brother, and my brothers girlfriend are all drunk and walking home from the bar to the girlfriends house. This is all fine and dandy. After they make it back, brother decides to go out and have a cigarette, so him and ugly girl go out to smoke. After about 25 minutes, my brothers girlfriend and Ron wonder where Erik and UG are. As his girlfriend opens the front door out to the porch, they are greeted with the image of my brother with his pants around his ankles, and UG on her knees, dick in her mouth. The aftermath has yet to sink in I guess. Not sure what is going on, but I got out of that house quickly in the morning. I'm just shocked at the audacity of the whole thing.
D26 posted about this topic in that other thread since they are a couple who it does work for. He said that he and his wife are fine with it, it is everybody else that has a problem. I think it says something about their bond that they aren't brought down by what "everybody else" thinks. So why are the girls who are pretty upfront in stating this as something that is important to them immediately labeled a gold digger? Isn't history, and convention then built around this model of "gold digging". Anyway, back to talking about blowjobs and idiots. No idea why I am such a debbie downer today.
Did he at least say she was good at it? I mean how drunk do you have to be to think you'd get away with it?
A good friend of mine and his wife are both successful, but she's the breadwinner. He isn't bothered by it, and they both put their time into the relationship and the kids. I don't think it would bother me either if I was married to someone who made more than me. Depends on who you are, I guess.
What do you mean by successful and what is the income spread? If you're talking the guy making 125k and the woman making 150k that's not really a big difference, it's the same lifestyle with a few less indulgences. The issues arise when the woman can provide a completely different lifestyle than the man (think 80k vs 25k).