High school-Natty ice Freshman year college-Evan Willams (blue dog) Sophmore year college- Early times/wild turkey/Makers Mark Junior year- Jim beam white label and Sierra nevada pale ale/any IPA I like bourbon....a lot.
Michelob-->Budweiser-->Killian's Irish Red-->Sammy Adams-->Sammy Adams/Wine-->Microbrews/Wine-->Sammy Adams/Wine/Gin & Tonics-->Red Bull& Vodka/Scotch/Wine/Sammy Adams My evolution shows a nice progression of increasingly sophisticated fare until the very end, where one of these things is not like the others. I neglected to add that the Scotch/Wine/Sammy Adams are often drunk straight out of the bottle, as is the Vodka when Red Bull isn't available.
California Wine Coolers-HS Coke&Ameretto-post graduation (I got really drunk for the first time of this shit. I ended up puking in the front yard of a good friends place and passing out in the grass. I woke and had pink puke caked in my long hair. I haven't touched the shit since. After that I switched to Bartles&James coolers) Captian&7up or coke or whatever-20's (I stopped because it started giving me terrible heartburn.) I've been with my good friend Vodka every since mixing with the obvious various things. Currently it's grapefruit and a salted rim, a Salty Dog.
Mike's hard lemonade> natty light> coors light> flavored vodka/red bull> captain/coke> Then I moved to Germany. Now I try any new beer I can get my hands on. I drink a lot of Chimay.
My evolution can be summed up like this: bitch drinks/shitty beer--->lots of shitty beer and misc. liquor interspersed with microbrews and small amounts of quality booze--->a lot less shitty beer, mainly microbrews, straight scotch, and red wine.
Wine Coolers/Smirnoff Ice/Pucker>Vodka & Orange Juice (mixed right in the OJ bottle, usually in the high school parking lot)>Margaritas>Bud Light/Crown & Pepsi/Wine When I first started drinking I didn't like beer so I drank pussy wine coolers and Smirnoff Ice. Once I started moving on to liquor I realized that I got heartburn from Smirnoff Ice. Margaritas are still my go to drink when I'm at a restaurant if I don't order a beer but when that was my primary drink I used to drink them out of a huge travel mug. I was classy like that. Of course I was also under age so there was the concealment factor to think about. Nowadays I pretty much just drink beer and supplement it with some Crown from time to time. I have to be careful with Crown because it's the only thing that I won't stop until it's gone if I'm not careful. Crown and I have a long history.
I didn't have a husband when I drank wine coolers. I was a sophomore in high school, by junior year I had moved on to screwdrivers.
My drinking in mass volumes list: 16-18: It was exclusively Natural Ice, Jim Beam and Rum & Cokes at the bar. 18-25: PBR and Jager. Can't drink bourbon anymore, without drinking half a bottle of pepto in the morning. 25-today Miller Lite and Tequila. Cabbo Wabbo simply for the taste at the price, but any of the 100% agaves do right by me. Jager makes me nauseous just by the smell of it. I'll drink most anything. I love trying new beers (dark), and love tasting wine (dry reds). However, when I drink to get drunk I stick with my go to.
Boone's Farm---Vodka and Cranberry/OJ---Busch Light---Michelob Ultra---Rum and Coke---Killian's---Whiskey and Coke Yep, these days I'm all about the whiskey and coke. I prefer Jameson, but I'm not known to be particularly picky.
Whiskey & coke --> keystone --> budlight --> fat tire/guinness --> Wheat Beers (mothership wit, 512, bluemoon etc) --> Whiskey straight
I'm surprised no one has come full circle or come back around to something they drank in the past. For the record I can finally drink vodka again if I choose but if I have more than a few I turn into a mogwai that's been fed after midnight.
Bourban > Vodka > Carlton Draught > Bundy Rum > Carlton Draught > Millers Chill > Hahn Super Dry > Bundy Rum > Boags Premium > Boags Draught I'm just thanhful I've always had enough money to be able to drink something half decent as opposed to having to buy 12 dollar casks of goon.
Anything that was in my dads bar > Wine Coolers > Casks of wine cooler > Vodka & Orange juice > Fluffy Ducks (The height of sophistication in the 80's) > Tequila > Bourbon & Coke > Jack Daniels & Coke> Scotch & Coke > Red Wine > Margaritas/Red wine/Scotch & Coke/Anything that's in my bar. Yeah yeah, my time line is long, but I've had more time to evolve than most of you.
Boones Farm and crap like that > Vodka and fruit juice > Captain Morgans and Coke > Bacardi Lemon and Coke > Cape Codders and Vodka and Red Bull.
Pre college: BOONES FARM MA Fuckas!> Natty light> Coors light College: Natty light> Everclear for a week> Natty Ice for a week> Natty Light> Tequila shots (it makes me sick thinking this was my fucking go to shot back then) Post 21: Bud light Damn beaten to the Boones farm before I could even post about it.
13-15: Whiskey I stole from parents or that friends stole from their parents. Lots of it. Shit like Old Grandad. I puked a lot. 15-17: Rum or vodka (any kind that was cheap) and Natural Light. 17-19: Natural Light, Jose Cuervo, and Absolut 100. Little Busch light phase in here where the liquor store had cases on sale for the same price as Nati that lasted about 2 months. 19-21: Bud Light, Heineken, Newcastle, whiskey sometimes usually Seagrem's when mixing with coke or 7up, or Jameson straight. 21-present: Newcastle, Jameson, occasionally whatever beer is the cheapest at a bar. So I sort of came full circle in regards to the whiskey. I got sick too many times sitting in the woods smoking stolen cigarettes and drinking stolen whiskey when I was super young, and couldn't enjoy the stuff for years. Now I love it again.
I've never been too specific with my booze, and I'm not one to turn down free drinks. That being said, there have been a few trends. It started with 40s of malt liquor when I could only buy at a store that didn't sell real booze, cheap vodka after I made older friends, dirty 30s of PBR/High Life/etc. when vodka got the best of me, free frat kegs in college, Tuborg and Carlsberg in excess in Copenhagen, and now mostly wine and microbrews since I'm living near Napa with people who are pickier about their beverages than I am. Not that I don't enjoy quality, I just happen to be a cheap bastard. The list of things I will never touch again is short: Boone's Farm, CMo Tattoo and Camo Silver Ice. The thought alone makes me shudder.
Sambuca ( had alcohol poisoning so bad, I ended up in the hospital) > Goldschlager > Budweiser/Molson Canadian > Micro-brews > Whiskey or Gin and Tonic Even after many years, I still cannot see, smell or drink the slightest amount of Sambuca.