But couldnt he use it to get animals and shit to do his bidding? Having the ability to have wild animals buck and stampede at your will would be awesome. Ive always wanted Magneto like powers so when Im driving around I don't have to fucking look for a parking spot. I can just pick up the car in the closest one and toss it over the horizon. Stopping time and mind control were also favorite fantasies back in the day. Mostly just to satisfy my 13 year old lust for the class hottie... God super powers and comics are depressing.
I am Sarcasmoblaster, and can dizzy and blind people by having them shake their heads and roll their eyes at everything I say. I was killed by a huge deaf guy.
My name's Celeste, so my superhero name would be Celestia. (It would also be my porn name, stripper name, dominatrix name and supervillain name. It's very versatile.) I really want the ability to teleport. I don't know how I would use it for good or for evil. I'd be a selfish superhero who sits around and decides "I think I'll go to Germany today." And then off I'll go. I think I'd be more of a spy than a crime-fighter, so things like invisibility and hearing through walls and such would also be part of of my superheroness.
Name: Colossus Power: Turning into steel and not having to look both ways before crossing the street. Yeah, fuck creativity.
SH Name: Sniperman Superpower: The ability to sit on a roof all day drinking beer and shooting hipsters in the face without facing criminal prosecution.
Name: Reality Man Power: The ability to make anyone have a good, hard look at themselves and realise what a fucking loser they are. I'll start on the hipsters down the other end.... And I'll stay away from mirrors....
My superhero name would be "Officer KIMaster". My costume would be blue shirt and pants with black stripes, as well as a metal badge confirming my identity. My superpower would be arresting, beating up, and depending on the situation, killing criminals without any legal repercussions. Unlike most superheroes, I would actually be paid for my work. And like all superheroes, I would be tremendously hated by one part of society, and only marginally appreciated by the other.
I'd have all of the Deadpool superpowers without all of the tumors. Also, I'd be able to redirect all projectiles so I wouldn't have to deal with pesky things like bullets and birds shitting on my car after I wash it.
I'd be Citizen Pain, because Citizen Prime sounds gay and I hear Citizen Kane was some type of movie that was some sort of good and/or revolutionary. Anyways, my powers wouldn't actually cause pain though, physically. The name is as such only to strike fear in the hearts of evildoers. My powers would be teleportation, stopping time, and becoming invisible. That way, I can pretty much do whatever I damn please, and not have to be bothered with things like airports, the law, and employment.
They're in Salt Lake City. Mormon women can be surprisingly hot from time to time, and have a historically documented high-tolerance for the crazy. That could be one possible explanation. Slightly off-topic-- Heck, if you want to ponder the mysteries of life as to why chicks do things, explain the phenomena of juggalettes. More on-topic: my super hero power would be the power to be invisible to hot chicks (except my wife of course-- she knows I'm there, she just chooses to ignore me).
My superpower would have to be unlimited energy. I could accomplish so much if sleep were not required. Any nefarious types would have to sleep sometime, providing me with easy arrest, torture, or whatever I deem worthy. My name would be Succubus, a touch misleading for some....
I would be able to manipulate matter with my mind, making me practically omnipotent. My body would have this eerie green glow. I'd have a mullet. My name...Dr. Staten Island.
My poops smell really bad. Does that count? If so, Captain Don't-Go-In-There will do. Odds are that I'll only use this superpower for my own amusement. So you probably file that under "evil."
I believe your superpower is known to drunk guys lying next to their unwilling girlfriends as "The Midnight Stealth".
First post, long time lurker. I've honestly spent far too much time considering super powers; I would have to say mine would be sleep manipulation. Considering I'm often plagued by sleep issues I'm well aware of the influence such problems can hold. I imagine dreams could fuck with people in an extraordinary amount of ways, both good and bad. Should you want to ruin someones life all that would be necessary would be to keep them awake for enough days to drive them absolutely ballistic. Whereas if you want to thrill someone all you have to do is throw some bad ass nights their way. Seriously, it could fuck someone up.