Nah. MaryAnn cooks and cleans, thus she knows her place. Ginger is high maintenance. Predator vs. Vader: Please. Predator ain't got shit on the darkside. And Captain Kirk got more vag than Solo and Jones combined. And, in a rainbow of colors.
Never use a chainsaw as a weapon. I have seen enough zombie movies to know that it ends badly. I figure with a baseball bat I could definitely go on forever, building a large pile of their bodies forcing them to climb up after me. From there I have an extra distance for gravity to assist me in swinging the bat down, thus saving me energy. Not to mention the kids are going to be tired from the climb. If no weapon I figure I just pick up the smallest one and beat the other ones with him.
After watching Serenity, a friend and I had two very lively debates: 1. Who was the better smuggler? Han Solo or Malcolm Reynolds. 2. Which ship would you rather live on as a crew member? The Falcon or Serenity? Are we talking only Sarah Connor from the original Terminator or are you including Terminator 2 and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? If it's the latter, than Sarah wins hands down - no contest. If it's only the original, I'd have to give it to Ripley by a small margin.
This is not even debateable. Serenity hands down. On the Falcon you have two other crew members, a dude, and an 8 ft tall furby that growls. On Serenity you have:
You managed to go 0-3 and the other two you didn't even attempt. Superman would eye laser beam the shit out of Batman. Kryptonite in your pocket doesn't do shit when you've got holes in your chest from a mile away. Put Kryptonite in a missile and shoot it at him you say? Superman's faster than a rocket, what now? Batman has the Batwing and Batmobile? Superman eats tanks with a side of roofing nails for breakfast every morning and drops deuces the size of aircraft carriers. You want to argue Batman vs Superman, try arguing over who's nailing hotter ass: Lois or Rachel. Meaner than a gorilla? Hahahaha. Like what? Zebras? Antelope? Maybe a crocodile? It takes six to take down a rhino- and rhinos don't even have hands that will rip you to fucking shreds. One on one, that lion's gonna look like Mufasa post-stampede. Simba's fucked too. Full plate armor? So outside of full plate armor, the samurai wins. With full plate armor on, he cant even get off his horse without a small village of squires to help him. You think all that armor is an advantage? He so much as sneezed too hard and he's on the ground with no way up. Senor samurai would be fucking bathing himself in knight guts after fuck starting his skull. Let's start a little easier for you: Jurassic park T-Rex or Goat tied to a stake in the ground.
Not to mention that one of them is an actual prostitute and another often complains that she doesn't get laid enough; yeah that's not even a debatable contest. Also, Beatrix Kiddo a much bigger badass than Ripley or Connor combined.
While I agree with you completely, I'm going to play devil's advocate: With the exception of River - who may very well snap your neck or stab you during a mental breakdown - all of those girls are shacked up with another crew member already. (Wash has Zoe, Mal has Inara, and the Doc has Kaylee.) As for the prostitute angle, Inara shot down Jayne's offer to pay her for sex, so using her services is unlikely. On the Falcon you'd be jetting around the galaxy, drinking at space bars with two of the best wingmen you could possibly ask for.
All the superpowers in the world don't mean shit if your character or intellegence prevent you from using them properly. Superman had all those advantages over Lex Luthor - who like Batman is just a normal person with no superpowers - yet still couldn't take him out. The point is Batman will outsmart Superman and get himself into a position to use kryptonite against Superman. And who's getting hotter ass, is that even a question? Superman's just going home to Lois each night, while Bruce is banging a different hottie whever he feels like it. Did you even think about this? Not only does your average lion already outweigh your average male gorilla, but one of these is a predatory creature whose body is designed for killing other, larger animals, who lives its life killing other animals, while the other is a herbivore that spends its life eating fruits and leaves. Gorilla's gonna get its shit ruined. You're not even making an argument. Sneezed too hard and he's on the ground? I'm not such a pretentious prick that I'm going to demand references for every point you make but at least try to stay away from ridiculous hyperbole. What weapons does a samurai have that are going to defeat the knight's armor? Maybe a yari, but his swords certainly aren't going to do the trick. I'm assuming that their skills as warriors are probably about equal, so it comes down to arms and armor, and in plate armor the knight as the advantage. (In non-plate armor the samurai just shoots him with an arrow since samurai were trained archers while knights weren't.)
Wash is dead, so that one is freed up, I can't see the doc and Kaylee lasting long. And lastly Inara is still a hooker at the end of the day. I can't see Solo as being a good wingman. He would probably shoot someone in every bar he went into (he has a lot of enemies). Nothing blocks a cock like a blaster fight in the middle of the bar.
"Lives its life killing other animals?" You mean lazing about while the lionesses do all the killing and hunting, right? Don't get me wrong, lions are my favorite animals and I think they're badass, but let's not pretend they live the life we all wish we could: sleeping in the sun while the women do all of the work. Lionesses man, they're mean bitches. Also, Discovery Channel rocks.
Pokemon debates. Yeah, don't even try to tell me Squirtle isn't the most awesome of the original 151.
Batman always wins in every argument. He is the very best of superheroes because he accomplishes amazing shit with no superpowers. Yeah, he's got money, and that's a great advantage, but he doesn't have eye-lasers, super strength, x-ray vision, and he sure as fuck can't fly at a moment's notice. But despite his lack of amazing feats it hasn't stopped him from kicking Superman's ass when he got out of line and went rogue. Fuck, even Terry McGuinness beat down Superman. A FUCKING TEENAGER! In conclusion, Superman both sucks and blows. Lois probably cheats on him too.
You'd be wrong. I don't remember what my 12 year old self thought the best Pokemon was, but it sure as hell wasn't Squirtle. As pointed out already, male lions are lazy. And showing one chasing down a fleeing hyena =/ beating a gorilla. A samurai would pretty much never beat a knight. I thought that was obvious to everyone who graduated middle school? The knights shit would tear the samurai's weapons and armor apart.
Umm, I could be wrong but lionesses are lions. And the debate is Lion vs. Bear. So...what does it matter if male lions are lazy, and female lions hunt.
I'm going to have to go with a bit of both here. The car is going to be done like dinner, but, I think you may just be going quick enough to take off the legs and miss the bulk. I do think though that 2 of those legs are going to sheer through that car like a hot knife though butter. And Mary-Ann never a question. Ginger will lay there like a star fish while Mary-Ann will fuck you in half.
Assuming Gens d'Armes vs. Tokugawa samurai and 1 on 1, I respectfully disagree. Full plate, while lighter than you'd think, is still cumbersome and more inhibiting than samurai lamellar and chainmail, affecting movement and areas requiring movement like the back of knees and throats were protected by mail. And Renaissance broadswords were still cutting rather than stabbing instruments. Mail and lamellar are anti cutting, not so much with the stabbing. Watered steel Samurai swords were awesome broad swords that could also stab. Better mobility plus stabby weapon equals samurai victory. What I want to know is how bear v. land shark comes out.