Good lord, years before I joined the TMMB it was arguing this shit at the IGN boards. If you want to play Gaylo on X Cox 360, that's fine. Really this generation, since PS3 and 360 are comparable spec wise, the debate has shifted towards online gaming. The only game Ive played online for both systems for any length has been Modern Warfare 2. While I played the xbox version at a friends I really didn't use any of the supposed great features the Xbxox Live's pay system has over PS3s free online. Playing random team death matches seemed to be exactly the same on both. Wii's motion control shit might be a hugely popular novelty for casual gamers but we know that is all but useless for NERDZZZZ! What specific features am I really missing out by not having an Xbox Live and paying a good percentage of the console's original price over the life of the system? I keep hearing about "cross game chat" how fucking useful is it really? But who got more puss, Kirk or early seasons Riker? When he was toned down they added the Riker beard that probably pulled in ten times the puss on the sly....
The correct answer is PC. Y'know, "Truth, Justice, and Fuck Da Police" just didn't have quite the same ring to it.
Christ, you've taken the geekiest topic imaginable and turned this into a sports thread. This thread needs a spin-off so proper nerds don't have to wade through all the "I played college football" bullshit to get to the things that really matter.
Are you getting flash backs of being stuck in a trashcan? Don't worry Vikings22 can't give cyber wedgies your safe.
If I can assume my life is important to national security (which, of course, it is), then Jack Bauer would step over the dead bodies of the A-Team and MacGuyver to save my ass. And, I'd be back at home in 24 hours. I'll take Jack and Chloe.
I never played college football... But contrary to popular belief, I do a great job of stuffing garbage cans over the internet. What'll it be Celos, open topped or dumpster style?
Obviously... If you are going to argue this point so strongly, you should probably at least know what you are talking about. Characters like Zatana or Doctor Fate would probably do even better than Batman in a fight with Superman. The point is that between Superman and Batman, its really damn close and all depends on the situation. Obviously if Superman caught Batman by surprise then he would turn him into a bat-stain on the ground. The biggest point in this discussion is Superman being "the ultimate boy scout" in that he won't kill or cheat or risk the lives of innocent bystanders. Batman on the other hand will fight dirty and do whatever it takes to win (although he of course won't kill or risk innocents either). Spoiler I was reading Batman: Hush last night in which there is a part (that I mentioned earlier) where Poison Ivy takes control of Supes and Batman has to fight him. Batman draws the fight into a sewer line under the daily planet so that he can keep Supes in a tight space and take his super speed somewhat out of the equation. He uses the green K ring (of course) that he has with him at all times. He also tells him that he opened a gas main (which was a lie) so that if Supes uses his heat vision it will blow the Daily Planet to hell. He uses supersonics, flashbangs to blind Superman, and in the end he has Catwoman snatch Lois Lane and drop her from the roof of the Daily Planet causing Superman to rush and save her which was the end to the fight. Yes, I know Batman didn't "beat" or kill Superman in the above description, but he also came out unharmed and I think that shows that if he absolutely had to, he could take down Superman. The key is to make it quick, in a drawn out fight Superman would obviously win. Batman is smarter and quicker thinking and if he has even the briefest amount of time to prepare and plan for the fight then it would be a pretty damn close match. I think that if Batman wanted to full out kill Superman, he easily could. Like hell it is. The DCU is far better than Marvel.
I meant it less as "the easy way" and more as the "only way". But still, how is it NOT the easy way? Am I missing something, or is there a special skill in using Kryptonite? Something only Batman can do? Or is it something that requires posession only to be effective? As in, anyone who can hold it, can use it? Also, please explain how holding a rock is as easy as "stabbing a human in the heart", and not sound like a fucking psycho (if that's what you were saying in your jumbled sentence). As scootah said, he carries a Krypto-ring. Maybe he only trusts Batman to use it when absolutely neccessary. Great. That still puts him in the same category as anyone else in the DC world who has or can get kryptonite. Outside of his trustworthiness, it says nothing about Batman's ability to beat Superman in a, you know, fight. And I gotta share this rep comment, in response to my arm-wrestling bet, after I said the only way Batman could win is if he had Kryptonite: What is it about Bat-lovers' unyielding support for a superpower-less rich guy that disrupts their reading comprehension? You all want to be that it? Exactly. I'd say both are pretty weak characters, though Batman is much more interesting. As much fun as this debate is, thankfully nobody is dumb enough to argue DC over Marvel. EDIT: Ugh. Spoke too soon... This is getting too long, but basically: So either a god or super strong "magical enemy" could harm (not kill) Superman. Batman is neither. My god that's hilarious. Can't believe you used that as example to prove your point. So, Batman, once again, uses a ring that a child could use, tells a fib, then threatens to kill Lois Lane in order to...get Superman to fly away from the fight. Amazing. Tell me, while they're underground and Superman's a bit slower, and a bit blinded (how would a "flashbang" blind him...can't he walk on the sun? Wouldn't it blind Batman too?), what's Batman doing to actually harm him? Does he punch him (without the ring)? Choke him? Use a superpower? These are all things Doomsday did, which, as far as I can tell, is the only character to actually kill him. But by all means, continue...
Alright, I'll admit that that was a piss poor example. I also grudgingly admit that I am terrible at debating or arguing a point. Batman is my favorite comic character so I always default to being in his favor. I guess my point really should be more along the lines that Batman isn't completely outclassed by Superman. Maybe...just possibly, under the right circumstances Batman would be able to use all of his resources and planning to actually beat Superman. In more circumstances (like my admittedly bad example above) he would be able to at least escape with his life, which would be a lot more than most others would be able to do. However, I'm sure most of us can agree that Batman is a much more interesting, and often better written character than Superman.
Who has a better delivery: Al Swearengen saying "cocksucker" or Sgt James Doakes saying various forms of fuck, eg: "Surprise mothafucker"
Definitely Al Swearingen. He was one of the most intimidating characters on television and he rarely ever stood up from his desk. He's the only person who has ever done the word "cocksucker" justice. Sgt. Doakes was a huge dude, who looked very intimidating, but I found his use of profanity more humorous than threatening. I feel this mostly comes from the limitations of his badge. He was always a boyscout at heart and his intentions were usually pretty noble, even though I am squarely on Dexter's side. Al Swearingen could make Doakes shit his pants.
I'd be happy with just Summer Glau/River Tam. I'd say while most of the DCU sucks, Batman is a better character than anyone Marvel has to offer. Special note to Marvel poster boy Spider Man who in recent incarnations decided having a healthy marriage sucked compared to living in his Aunt's basement and erasing the marriage from history just so a 90 year old woman could keep going. Good job guys! edit: damn lack of strikeout code.
Friday night we're throwing a lad night at my house and bringing back the old Scorpion vs Tarantula fights. Emperor Scorpion vs Goliath Bird Eater. Who wins?