Yeah. It's funny that I always complain about Bob and Steve breaking into my shed, at least I don't have man-killers lurching around my patio.
Awww... they're not that bad. You could see when he noticed me, and his inner thought process being "oh no oh no please don't notice me pretend like he hasn't seen me just go with it OH SHIT HE SAW ME HE SAW ME!!!" Alas, that place is no more, and I'm looking for someplace new in Kelowna.
Net, did you really have to reset the rep points? My self-esteem took a major hit now that I only have 100. Black bears aren't so bad, its the mountain lions you need to watch out for.
Yeah, some of us don't have attractive parts we can throw up pictures of to get rep back quickly. (Thanks for that by the way Chellie.)
Nettdata, I can't rep you again, but want you to know I second this. But i don't care enough to PM you.
I understood this part. Everything after that might as well have been written in Mandarin. But I am so glad you're back!! Yay!! And thank you for doing some magic things with tables and an Anonymous and then vanquishing the spammer foes.
But I am so glad you're back!! Yay!! And thank you for doing some magic things with tables and an Anonymous and then vanquishing the spammer foes. Thank you for getting Pinkcup to return.
It is really nice there, but go to the beach in the summer and it's like the Jersey Shore of BC. Or at least it was when I lived there for a couple summers 6 or 7 years ago. I'd take a house in the woods any day.
No shit... douchenozzle central. Thankfully, while I'll be working downtown, I'll be living slightly out of town away from the GTL crowd... more into wine country.
The town must have money coming out the ass. It's only a quarter the size of my city but the properties, houses, buildings etc. there are crazy. Drug Dealer Mansions winding up hills, perfectly groomed, that waterfront certainly sells it well.
There are quite a few huge places that were built by some of the Canucks, as it's not a bad summer retreat, but a lot of those places sit empty for most of the year. There are a ton of developments that have failed because they tried to ride the wave of growth that never came.
I can't lie, when I say Nettdata was back, I had to double check the dates of the posts... I thought when the board went down, it got set back to 2012. Good to see ya bud, sorry to hear about all that shit going down.
Thank black baby Jesus you are back, Nett. I'd given up on this place under the one who shall not be named's reign. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ill be honest, I don't even know who has really been moderating this place lately. d Seemed like a bit of a free for all among a very limited number of regular posters But glad Nett has found his way back.
Was he even really here ever doing anything? I remember for the first year or so he would post all of the time but after that I don't remember seeing him active at all until recently for a bit. I honestly don't even know who was moderating here for the last year aside from shegirl. Welcome back Nett.
I was and have been around. In the past 2 years a lot less, I know. I spoke to a handful of people about fixing the bot issue, and believe me the old mods know how ridiculous it was, and for somebody who can't code, it was an impossibility to understand, much less fix. It became overwhelming when many things were going wrong and I had no idea why or how. Whether it be the site going down often, thousands of bots signing up and posting tens of thousands of advertising posts (you couldn't see, but mods could), spending money on vBulletin and then not following through... A few people explained they could help fix it and once they'd get started they would stop half way and I would be at a loss, not truly understanding the coding of a message board. But that's neither here nor there now. In the rush of life catching up to me, I forgot about this place. In those first few years I was still a student and had all the time in the world. Not so much recently. Clearly. You guys are great. I rushed to start this site years ago because, when Tucker shut down the RMMB, I felt like there was a void in the internet. I was almost embarrassed by how much I realized I loved and relied on the forum and the conversations we had - just some crazy corner of the internet where absurd (yet sometimes intelligent) shit was posted. Other sites with their own niches started up, but none that could be used to just kick back and talk. That's where this place came in. I originally hoped for 20-30 people to sign up to keep funny posts going. I never intended the 1000+ it received within the first few days. In any case, yes I changed the name Chater to Kojak for privacy reasons. Again, I never expected this place to sign up as many people as it did and was shortsighted on more than one thing. Sorry guys and gals. I started this place ASAP when Tucker shut it down, and, while it kept going strong for a few years, I let it slip. Nobody's fault but my own. I've reached out to Nett now that he's back to transfer the website so that he can better provide you with a service I clearly cannot anymore.