I'll be in and around London, Ontario Thursday through Sunday (Feb 18-21), if anyone's interested in meeting up.
Anyone in the DC or the DMV area know of any opportunities for a 1st year clinical psychology PhD student for the summer? I need a way to pay for rent and get my clinical hours in at the same time. Thanks in advance.
Likewise, I got another offer for a job in Northern VA, Arlington specifically. Anyone want to give me the lowdown?
Going to Atlantic City to party with friends in March. Was wondering if anyone had any idea of any Hotels with great rates or which bar/cub would be the best? I have never been to New Jersey so any insight would be helpful.
I am a sophomore Biomedical Engineering major/ Physics minor in NC looking for an internship this summer. If anyone in the United States has any need for a intern...I am willing to go anywhere/do a lot for you. Hit me up.
I'm a sophomore Economics major looking for a finance internship. Applied to all Bulge Brackets, no interviews though as I'm a sophomore (didn't expect them). Would love to intern at an Investment Bank.
Forgot to mention that I go to university in Baltimore, MD;I'm willing to intern anywhere close to that area (DC, all the way up to NYC). Depending on the position though, I'm willing to go anywhere. A change of scenery would be nice!
I know it's a long shot, but if anyone is looking for IT personnel, especially anything support-related, PM me and I'd be happy to send my resume. I recently graduated and am looking for a "real" job. I live in Atlanta now but would love to relocate pretty much anywhere.
The girlfriend and I are going to be in Minnesota for July 3rd and 4th for some Twin's baseball. Neither of us have been before, and we're both very excited. No doubt we'll be looking to hit up some bars/restaurants in the city before and after the game. If anybody from the area wants to help me out, and toss me some ideas it would be greatly appreciated. Also, we'll be looking for a July 4th party. If anybody wants to get together for a bite/drinks fire me a PM and we can go from there. I can't wait to see Target Field!
I'm a junior at the University of Minnesota majoring in marketing and entrepreneurial management. I'm still looking for an internship for this summer, preferably in marketing (I'm mainly interested in research but I'll go for anything related to that field), so if anyone knows of opportunities around the Metro area I'd appreciate some information. I've got a resume handy if anyone wants it. Thanks.
I'm going to visit my girlfriend in Columbia, SC in a few weeks. We are planning on making a trip to Charleston for a 1 day/1 night trip. Any recommendations on decently priced hotels (I'm thinking around $100-110 a night) and things to do/see in that area? Edit: places to eat as well.
I will be blunt. No one on this board is capable of offering you such an internship, bar maybe back back office, I am talking mail room. Such non-grad internships do exist, although probably 1 or 2 per Bank. Even then it is because your Dad is someone or because your Mom is fucking someone*. IB is a very very hard profession to enter. It requires graft, great grades and maybe a bit of luck, especially now. There are ways in but messageboards are not them. * 8 or 9 years ago when I was an associate I was given an intern whose Dad was not only a client of the banks Private Wealth business but was the 6th or 7th richest man in Russia at the time. She was fucking useless and subsequently a conversation was held in which our Chief of Staff had to explain to an irate Dad why his princess would not be offered a grad role. I believe she is now on the board of his main company.
Huh? I mean, you're right about the 'no one on this board' part, but undergrad internship programs are widespread in finance, with most big IB's taking 20+ interns per summer. That said, this kid's about 3 months too late on this. These positions usually are filled by February. And he's right that they are rarely offered to rising juniors.
The firm is top 3 Europe and top 10 world wide. This was following the tech crash when Grad numbers were massively reduced, the role was within Corporate Finance. Had the time been 2003-2006 the odds are she may have gotten a placement. Her Dad was informed while connections will open doors from there the firm was a meritocracy there after and she had not deserved a role. Sack- the fact you question this shows you have little to no understanding of Investment Banking. She was trying to get an Analyst role in Corporate Finance. Had it of been a Sales role her faults may have been overlooked. But an Analyst CF role cannot support underachievers regardless of family. Had her Father pushed for any position she may have got one, but she did not get a CF grad position.
Thanks guys, let me clear a couple things up for you so this isn't as ambiguous. MoreCowBell, I do understand that I'm late here--I've applied to all the banks since November--Morgan Stanley, BofA, GS, Barclays, all the Bulge Brackets. The positions I applied for were either in CorpFin or IBanking, but I was going for an IBanking role. I've networked as heavily as I can with the alumni from my school. I even am on great terms with an Associate at MS, and she was not able to even get me into one interview (just an interview!). I understand that this is a really tough industry to enter. My credentials aren't bad--I go to a top 15 university, have well over the 3.5 they want, have the courses, play a varsity sport, work with a 100k portfolio for the investment team at my university, etc. And none of that means shit if I don't have an in at any of these places. It's just really frustrating, as I'm working my ass off, and here it is, almost April, and I don't even have an interview, just one lousy interview, to any of these places. But then again that's me being an idiot-I knew that it was going to be tough to get anything at a BB because my Resume doesn't say: Expected Graduation: May 2011, but it says May 2012 (this means I'm a Sophomore). So I should have really hedged my bets and focused more on local IBanks or Private Wealth Managers. The reason I was even posting here was that this was as a last resort. I had just gotten back from a trip to Wall St. where every alumni was telling me that I shouldn't worry about anything as I'm a Sophomore. It pissed me off, and I said why the fuck not, why not post on this board? Sorry to get you guys so worked up over it. PM me if you want to talk about it further, I don't want to take away from the focus.
There was no being worked up on my part intended. I feel for your situation, my words were merely attempted at being the sombering reality. Why your intentions pure your request wasn't far off asking for a hook up to become an Astronaut. If looking for more long term advice, PM and I will respond.