Heading to Montreal for a bachelor party July 4th weekend. Any suggestions on restaurants, strip clubs, or anything else would be appreciated.
Heading to Chicago with my little brother in July. I'm 21, he's 17. We are going to visit family first and then will be meeting up with a former RMMB member/friend of mine. There will be one day, however, where I won't know what the fuck we would do, so any suggestions about places to check out or restaurants to eat at are more than welcome. Thanks.
Anyone in, going to, or been to Kardamena in the Greek island of Kos this summer? I'm planning to go over there to work and am wondering if there are as many jobs going as in previous seasons.
Will be heading to Sacramento tomorrow and staying until Sunday. I have never stayed in the city before, just driven through... so bars, restaurants, etc. Any recommendations?
I'll be moving to DC in a month or so to go to Grad school at American U. Class is only a few days a week, so I'm looking to get involved in volunteer organizations or anything that would advance my career goals/make sure it looks like I didn't waste my free time during grad school. Any leads would be much appreciated. Also, never lived in DC before, so I'm also looking for rec's on good bars to hit up. Something local, dive bar-ish. You know the drill. Just not a douchey dance club. Thanks.
Looks like I'm moving to the DC area next month; specifically the Reston, VA area. Any input on good places to live, or better yet, where not to live?
Long time member of TMMB and lurker here... I thought I would turn to the idiot board for this. I am going to be in College Station, TX for two weeks starting next week. I am looking for any ideas on restaurants or night life. I appreciate any help!
I will be going to Seattle Washington Sunday night. Anyone have any recommendations on cheap but good places to stay and eat?
Who's in the LA/OC/LBC area? I'm coming in from Dallas and here on vacation. I'm down for clubbing, bar hopping, hanging out with girls, sharing some travel stories, getting some brews, dudes that have friends with girls or is chill and laid back and down for anything. I been traveling around LA and crashing couch to couch and wouldn't mind meeting up more cool locals.
I am going to San Antonio for a few days in the middle of August. I'm looking to do something funny/interesting but not sure what. I am from the midwest so something markedly different/Texan would be appreciated. Any ideas? Also, good restaurant and bars would be appreciated it as well.
I'm posting this in two places, the same damn post, to try and get a reply. If anyone on here knows people in Athens, GA, my best friend is hiring at the bar next door to mine, and I owe him a massive favor. PM me ASAP, they're looking to staff in the next two weeks.
I'm going to be in Ouray, CO Sunday September 12th - 14th, Calhan, CO the 15th, and in Denver the night of the 16th before my flight leaves on Friday morning. Gonna be some boring evenings for me so I figured I'd see if anyone is in any of the areas and are intersted in getting a drink!
Alright you degenerates. I'm five weeks away from returning to your shores so I thought I'd throw this up in the event that someone might want to grab a beer/share some local spots/talk shit - only just started posting here semi-regularly but I was a regular over at the old board. Dates and locations are as follows. October 13 (late PM) - October 16 (AM): New York City October 16 - October 18 (AM): Danbury, CT (for a wedding) October 18 - October 24: New York City October 25 - October 29: Las Vegas October 30 - November 2: San Francisco November 2 - November 7: Portland, OR November 7 - November 10: San Diego Shoot me a PM or a rep if you want to hang out, especially the first days in NYC/San Fran/Portland/San Diego as I'm on my own and have no real set plans. The second stint in NYC, and for Vegas, I'm with a couple of buddies from back home.
I posted about this once before but didn't get any responses so I'll try again. I'll be heading to Chicago in a few days with some friends. We'll be staying near Union Station. Basically I was just wondering if anyone had suggestions on things to do or places to go. Mostly I'm wondering if there are any cool bars (ie. no dance clubs) in the area within walking distance. Also, are there some neat museums, restaurants, etc. that we should know about. This is basically a party trip but some things to do during the day that don't involve drinking would be nice I guess. Or if you have any general suggestions/tips I would appreciate it as well. Oh, and strip clubs. Preferably a fully nude one that allows drinking (I'm not sure about the laws there). Any suggestions for a decent place to look at tits for an hour or two? Thanks in advance. I'll reward anyone that can help with a fucking ton of green dots.
Me and some buddies are going to Seattle Wednesday-Monday for the Nebraska v Washington game. Any good suggestions for places to go out and get blindingly drunk are appreciated. We're staying at the downtown hilton for location reference. We don't really give a shit about "seeing the sights of seattle" we just wanna get shit faced and hit on women.
I moved to LA from NYC about 4 months ago. If anyone wants to grab a beer sometime, I live and work in Hollywood...it would be cool to meet some new people out here. That being said, I kind of hate this city and am tentatively planning on moving to Denver next spring. If anyone's got some info on Denver (as far as job market for attorneys, neighborhoods, etc.) I would really appreciate it. I've only been there a couple times, but really like it. I need seasons, and LA definitely does not have that.
I hope this is the right place to put this, if not, please delete. I have some random writing work I'm looking to outsource for $0.01/word. If anyone can write to a reasonable standard and doesn't mind writing 10x300word articles on random topics like lipstick and bird watching (as examples) shoot me a PM.
New Yawk City motherfuckers! If any of you assholes wants to catch up for a beer tonight, I'll be at Lansdowne Road in Hell's Kitchen (between 43rd and 44th on 10th) after about 9:00pm. There'll be an easily-impressed and pretty desperate six-beers-and-she's-good-enough Aussie girl with me if you want her, I prefer locals myself. I won't put my cell number up because I got Rickrolled the fuck out of last time I did that (in '08) but if any of you are keen for a beer or whatever, holler at me via PM and I should be able to get it via WiFi in the bar. I'll also be here October 18-25, going to CT for a wedding on the weekend.