Vegas: The GF and I will be in Vegas from August 3-8 for a wedding. We're staying at the MGM Grand (where the wedding is). Some questions: what are some fun things to do there other than gamble, pool, or booze. We're looking at one Cirque Du Soleil show, but other than that we're still pretty open. Also, what are some good clubs that necessarily don't cost a dick and a finger to get into, and that you don't have to wait 2 hours either? If anyone has any hookups that would be great (I compensate in booze).
Check out Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix. They have the only adult gran prix track/cars in the entire state. So much fun, and if you're even the slightest bit competitive time trials are a blast! It's $20 for a one hour wristband, but if you have a group of 6 or more, you can get a one and a half hour wristband, two slices of pizza, and a soda for $22.
This is so random, I hesitated to post it but I've been and had a fucking blast at the Pinball Hall of Fame. (I grew up in the 80's playing pinball and I rock at it) There's no admission charge, just whatever it takes to play the game - a quarter to fifty cents. A friend of mine that lives in Vegas took me and we played for about two hours, both got a drink (from the machine) and spent about $6.
By far my favorite bar is The Whiskey Priest in South Boston. If you're a Whiskey drinker, try to make it over there. It's right on Seaport Blvd.
I'm moving to Greensburg, PA. It's 40 minutes outside of Pittsburgh. Does anyone have any experience with either of the two cities? Specifically bars, restaurants worth going to, martial arts gyms, shooting ranges, etc. Thanks in advance!
Good luck getting tickets close together, not sure what the best method would be, but if you want to go to a game with some real energy I can't think of a better one than Sox vs Yankees at Fenway. If you find three seats together online for prices that aren't insane I'd go for them. I've done it twice, there's not much to it than any other brewery tour, except they don't produce there so it's more quiet, but you don't get to see anything in action. If you're lucky they'll be sampling a test beer, I had a black cherry stout first time I took the tour and it was fucking awesome, the second time they just gave us the lager and the seasonal beer. The major drawback to it though is it's a bitch to get to, either you have to drive out of the city or take the Orange line to Green Street (one of the last stops). There might be an easy way by bus but I'm a moron and never learned the bus routes. If you go on Saturday you might be waiting 30-60 minutes for your tour because of how busy it gets and there's no bar there so you'd basically be in a waiting room the whole time, if you do the tour, I'd do it tomorrow. I think I mentioned it before, but have a beer at the top of the Prudential, best view of the city. I'd definitely meet up with you guys if I still lived in Boston, but have fun.
It's fine, but if I could only do one, I'd rather go to the Harpoon Brewery. Less crowded (not to say it won't get crowded though), more interesting, and I enjoy their beer more.
I've heard good things about the Sam Adams tour, although I've never been myself. There is absolutely, positively no reason to go to Gillette Stadium. Hell, getting there is a pain in the ass even when it's for an actual game. The idea of going there just to see the stadium itself is bizarre. If you're actually trying to get last minute tickets to a Sox Yankees game, I hope it is a very, very well-funded trip that you're taking.
In relation to our trip to Boston. Can anyone recommend a good garage we can sleep in the car in? It seems every hotel/hostel in the city within a reasonable budget is now booked. Otherwise we're looking at Motel 6's that are a $70 cab ride in and out of the city.
Ok, so I'm a little bit drunk right now, but it seems like people are coming to Boston this weekend? Is that right? I'm down for a drink or w/e, and it looks like I'm going to the Yanks/Sox game tomorrow (or selling my ticket), so yeah, pm me or something. Or I will when I get back from this dinner that I only sort of want to go to. Also, if your accommodations fall through terribly, let me know and I'll work something out.
Am I reading this right? Are you trying to find a way to dodge a ~$150 a night room charge (split three ways) at a hotel to sleep in a car with two other dudes with full intention of spending $130 a pop and $9 a beer for ball game tickets?
Hahaha $150 in the city and we'd be laughing. It's ~$400 a night for anywhere near DT boston, $300 by the airport. I know it's still not insane, but the point of the trip wasn't to drop a G to do it. Was gonna be a dirt cheap (unless we got good Sox tickets) road trip to Boston for two nights.
Sorry to harp on this, but an extra $30 is going to prevent you from seeing the game live? If you thought $130 was reasonable, $160 isn't that much more. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's worth it, but I don't think an extra $30 would deter me, MUCH more money will be lost in food and booze than that. This may sound creepy, but can you two not stay there? I'm about to turn 28 with a good job and I wouldn't bat an eye at the prospect sleeping on the floor of the apartment of the girl my buddy was fucking in Boston to avoid paying for a hotel. Probably not a bad plan...
Obviously you're not going to get a good price in the heart of the city, even hotwire is looking for $250, I was more thinking outskirts accessible by T.
Wait, I didn't realize you guys were thinking about sleeping in a freaking car. Let me know and you guys can at least crash on my couch or something. I don't even have to be there, I'm looking for reasons to piss my roommates off.
Just tell them that Vin is coming by to scout out the location for the next Fast and Furious, and it'll be all good.
"Man, he's a lot shorter and thinner in person" Just be aware, the last train leaves at 12:50 (I think), so you'll want to be at a bar in walking distance of the hotel before then if you want to avoid paying for a cab.