Right or wrong, there is this little problem: "Colorado state law prevents people with felony convictions, alcohol or drug-related driving offenses, unlawful sexual offenses and major traffic violations from working for rideshare companies."
That’s not a problem since the accident occurred in Arizona. The only real problem is bad journalism. They did make it sound like that was the existing law. It was a clear attempt to mislead the reader.
Y'all. Turns out, the earth is round. I can't decide on the first video: either my favorite part is how the EMTs are like the last ones on scene, or how the parachutes are waaay to small. Second video, definitely my favorite part is how the kids aren't even looking when it launches.
...just like everybody else on the planet. Well, this does prove that Asians in labcoats can make a thing go in the air without the moron occupant dying horribly. Can’t wait for the flat-earth Quantum data to be collected from his sensory instruments so we can end this 500-year charade we’ve been living in. I was half-hoping for him to die. The less of these fucking idiots around the better.
Well, he went like 1800 feet up. So, there may have been some people in commercial airplanes at, say 30,000 feet, looking down on him.
I Hopefully they have the superhuman vision required to see a 10 foot rocket from five miles up in the sky. Maybe some teens in the area had some drones flying that got a good on-the-level view of what it’s like to rocket over 170 stories into outer space.
Curiosity must've found something in the drilling on Mars. NASA holding a press conference today at 2 pm. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2018/06/07/nasa-mars-findings/680146002/
According to NASA, the probe Curiosity found bonifide organic matter in an ancient lake bed on Mars. Now to find out the W’s of what it is. This could be a discovery for the ages, and it’s playing second fiddle to politics in news.
To be fair, these hyped up press conferences have happened before, turning out to be nothing more than speculation or "maybes."
Yep. They have been talking about this announcement for a while now, so hopefully it is something substantial...
“We found organic molecules in rocks from an ancient lake bed,” explained Jen Eigenbrode, research scientist at Goddard. That's more interesting then usual.
Geez, if it’s legit.... The opportunity to look at alien matter under a microscope must be the ne-plus-ultra for a scientist. The ultimate bucket list checkmark. They’re probably already designing return probes to take the rocks back to earth.
Musk's spaceman dropped a load on the way by Mars. Speaking of Musk, one of my clients bought one of the Boring Company's flamethrowers and is meeting Musk (along with other buyers), next week I think. He's pretty excited.
Oh hell yeah... I'd be excited too. As much shit as the mainstream media wants to dump on him for being a shit CEO of Tesla, the guy is my fucking hero. I'd love to meet him in meatspace.