Here’s a picture from a few minutes ago, taken with my shitty iPhone camera. 10sec exposure and some Instagram filtering.
The belly flop, flip n spin maneuvers were cool, and I'm sure they learned something, but since they blew up the last time, too, I was hoping for more.
So... my credit card just got processed for the Starlink Beta hardware... due to arrive in 2-6 weeks. Should be interesting. Anyone else doing the beta?
I'm not, but know at least two others who are. One lives in an internet deadzone in Kansas and another in Texas that's hoping it's uickly become transportable as well.
What exactly are they gonna show? Isn’t it all automated? Is it just gonna be footage of nervous technicians waiting for the results?
Theyre gonna show your mom getting bukkaked by a bunch of convicts. They’re going to show the landing like they have in the past. Why you gotta shit on my fun?
Oh. Are they gonna dig her up too, or are they bringing in heavy machinery? You need me to tell you the address for the cemetery?