There's also a video of debris from the pad smashing a car nearby, which I'm guessing isn't supposed to happen.
If it was throwing slabs of reinforced concrete around like that, I can only imagine how far and fast it could send normal rocks or pebbles. I bet there's debris miles away.
They might want to try reinforcing that concrete a tad more. And next time not use the quick drying Home Depot stuff.
Or do the blast absorption stuff that NASA does. It seems like they had the option to do the tried and true method that NASA has worked through, but they opted to cheap out. Some highlights (with all due grains of salt): The government has known about UFOs since the 1930s. "Non-human bodies" were recovered from crash sites. Crashed UFOs have been part of a decades-long reverse-engineering program. The government is aware of aliens injuring US Military personnel. Millions of dollars funneled into in secret research programs at government back sites. Supposed evidence of the holographic principle.
Grain of salt my ass. This guy's completely full of shit. How anyone in power can take him seriously is beyond me. If aliens ever show up (and that's a damn big if) the whole world will know about it immediately. It will be a big ass ship or multiple big ass ships and you better hope they're peaceful.
"Hey... what's that thing flying around over there?" "I don't know..." box checked "Look at that there monkey that got smashed up when it couldn't fly that airplane..." box checked "Let's go reverse engineer that Russian thing that crashed over there" box checked Fucking Mexicans causing US Military types to twist their ankle as they chase them. box checked "This contractor I golf with needs a new gig... let's throw him some money. We'll hide it so nobody knows how stupid the research they're doing is." box checked ate too many edibles. box checked
Dude, my nerdy ass loved Star Trek and science fiction as much as anyone, but when you look into interstellar travel you realize what a fantasy it truly is.
The aluminum not only acts as a faraday cage to protect me from the mind control energy, but it also is shiny enough to reflect the lasers. Science, bitch.
Well of course, in all seriousness this guy is probably off his Prolixin or something. And I'm not willing to believe any of it until I see some Flight of the Navigator-type shit, but it's still fun to go down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. And Nett's correct on his last point; there's probably a superfluous edible or two.
This is like when flat earthers read military science papers that use math “assuming a flat non-rotating earth,” and scream “THEY’RE HIDING THE TRUTH IN PLAIN SIGHT!!!!1!1!1
Some guy called into the radio station I listen to every morning (music not a lot of talk normally). He was a believer and went so far as to say Close Encounters Of The Third Kind was a biography of sorts, that Spielberg had worked with the government and been privy to classified info, in 1977. huh?