Sounds like he needed that guy to go out and whack it with a stick again. But have no fear, he'll try again.
Fucking hell. Elon Musk just put a roadster, with a spaceman driver, into an orbit around Mars, while playing David Bowie for the launch broadcast. That is what you do when you're five, and you're pushing your various toys around on the floor, and you're like, "Look mom, brrrrrvshhhhh, this car is going into space!" and your mom says, "that's nice, sweetie." Except, he actually did it.
Back in the 80’s a space launch costed billions. A Falcon Heavy launch is $90 million and no astronauts to kill. It a few more years come my most anticipated space project of all: Europa. The one place that aliens may exist in our solar system, and we are sending probes there.
Makes me wonder if he re-watched Heavy Metal while smoking a bowl... and thought, "you know? I could actually do that... hand me my phone..."
That was the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. The boosters landing themselves dead in the center of the target was unreal.
One last one: It is really cool how Hollywood was able to tap Elon Musk early enough so he could participate in the conspiracy against the proof of a flat earth.
You have to wonder if somewhere there's an accountant writing off a rocket launch as a marketing expense.
Man, the sunshine slowdown on the drive to work this morning was brutal! Buyer: So, is it durable? Sales: Well, it held up pretty well being fucking launched into space on a rocket. Buyer: Cool.