Logical debate? A tight 18 year old ass and perky 18 year old tits comes attached to a 18 year old personality and mentality, for some guys, that just isn't worth it. (And I am aware that I am absolutely generalizing as some 18 year olds are probably extremely mature for their age, but this is a thread about clubs, so seems like a fair one)
Oh really? And you're a female so you'd know this is true right? It's only true for the overtanned, over makeuped little bitches that are only at there to get free drinks anyway. Once they hit 23, the makeup and other things only make their attempts to still live "in their day" pathetic, they haven't hit their day, they just don't know it. I think most women don't grow into their womanhood until they hit right around 30, and some never do because they're too busy trying to look and act younger. As I've gotten older, life gets better, I feel better and more comfortable in my own skin than I ever have in my life. Feeling this way allows me to enter anywhere with confidence and ease. Except for baby&bridal showers. I'm never comfortable at those because they are a torture that cannot be described. As for clubs, no way. Like everyone said that shares that opinion, too loud, too hot, too sweaty, cover charges, weak and over priced drinks that take WAY too long to get and The Smarm seem to have their Smarm Club meetings there weekly. Not my thing. I'll be bellied up to the bar I frequent, getting tall drinks for the price of shorts, great service and lots of laughs with the other regulars. EDIT: This is simply not true. The older we get the MORE drive we have, they more we know about our bodies and the better we carry ourselves and the easier we can carry on a convo with men because we aren't a giggly little mess, above and under the surface. Sure we eventually lose the hard sexual drive we have mid-life but everyone does. I'm "older" and can assure you I get hit on and more attention now then I ever did in the age bracket you posted. Giving Housewives as the example isn't even a fair one. That show is stupid, you're right about that but it's not realistic either. If that's what you're gauging your opinions on, no wonder it's what it is. PIMPTRESS is right. You basically admit that you've dealt with young immature girls which is why you threw out the blanket statement and are of that opinion, which makes you, at the very least, sound bitter.
Aw, frig, I was trying to avoid contributing to the derailment, but here we are. There's a difference between "sexual market value peaks for girls in their early 20's", which is debatable but not really interesting to me, and "life peaks for women at 23." You seem like a good man, a man with discerning taste in psychedelic avatars so I assume you were speaking off the cuff, but it's a tremendously offensive thing to equate a narrow definition of sexual attractiveness with the highlight of a woman's life. Again, it was probably a response to situations you've encountered. But the actual wording lends itself to some very...spurious conclusions.
Clubs are the epitome of douchery. Why? 1. Ed Hardy shirts (et al) abound 2. Sluts dressed like sluts. That in and of itself is great. The problem? Bitchy attitudes? 3. Terrible music 4. Even if the music is good, it's too damn loud to carry on a conversation 5. Overpriced drinks ($5 for a beer? Fuck THAT) 6. Cover 7. Lines The only saving grace is watching guys trying to spit game and hopelessly buying club skanks drinks in the aim of getting laid.
I am WAY hotter at 30 than I was at 20. I know what I like, what I want and I know exactly how to do it. I have swagger now. I labeled you because you generalize women in the origional statement and suggest that we all behave in a certain negative way. Sure, many women do, in response to the way males respond to them.
I'm going to be the dissenting voice here, I like going to clubs. The caveat to that statement is that I live in a west-coast college town. The place I go to here( aka the only place to go) has $2 cover, $1 PBR, and a good mixed crowd. Even living in Germany and Texas I liked going, the crowd might not always be amazing, but people watching can be fun in a club. My best club experience was Europalace outside Mainz, the place literally has a full-size pirate ship in the center. *Before anyone accuses me of being a douche, I usually wear jeans, and some form of plaid flannel shirt out, and my hair is blessedly gel-free.
This is the dumbest fucking thread this board has ever had (and that is saying a lot, look at the rant and rave thread). This is the only thing a club is good for- Getting roofied and then ass raped. On the plus side if you are a hot chick you may get a few free drinks before the raping starts.
I for one enjoyed the conflation of life quality with sexual attractiveness. Because, really, is there anything more to life than getting one's dick wet? More on topic, I found clubs way more enjoyable in Europe, because the social norm there isn't for dancing to resemble dry-humping. This mitigates the vibe of sexual sketchiness by a great deal. They're much less of a meat-market, although they're still over-priced and nts-nts-ntsy. There also is a wider social tendency to go to clubs there (the norm is to drink at home or at a bar early, then head to a club later), so you get a wider swath of people. Sort of "everyone of club-appropriate age" vs. our "Ed Hardy bros and guidos/guidettes." Granted, the people are all still European, so they have that working against them.
Wow. Let's try this again. The issue isn't whether I'm bitter or not (I'm bitter because I started hooking up with women only after I stopped listening to what they told me to do, and started treating them like shit instead) The issue is....damn, what is the issue? Oh. clubs. Right. Guys don't enjoy clubs to the extent girls do. Because women, at the age of 21 - as long as they put effort and exercise into their bodies and appearance - can bang just about anyone. They've got looks, charm, all of that, orbiters and wannabe boyfriends on facebook. So of course they'll enjoy jumping onto the dancefloor, shooting down all but the most qualified men with $$$ or whatever. Competition is strong in the sexual marketplace and girls benefit in the beginning. But as women grow older, their looks fade. Boobs sag, wrinkles appear and so on. Some hold on to their looks, depending on how healthy and fit they are, but by and large no guy will be fantasizing about a 35 year old single lawyer from down the street. Are you really going to try and debate this? Of course, guys get older too, but their worth increases - financially, maturity-wise, etc. Getting a girlfriend ten years younger suddenly becomes a distinct possibility. All these "I am woman, I know what I want, hear me roar" arguments are just.... man. I know women need to validate each other like a fish needs water (and Mark Zuckerberg realized this and is now a billionaire), but, you know, let's try and live in reality here. The exception does not prove the rule. That "one girl" you know who is totally "rocking" it at 35, Mrs. Single and Sexy, is rare.
Assuming that was meant how I read it, then that pretty much sums up your opinions right there I think.
I kind of like some Ed Hardy shirts. Does this make me an asshole? Is it no longer cool to like dragons fighting monkeys? If it weren't obscenely overpriced and associated with the kind of people who pay 80 bucks for a t-shirt, I would totally wear those shirts.
It does, doesn't it? All women are beautiful, special, and unique snowflakes. To suggest otherwise is stupid, and I'm probably unqualified to speak because getting a woman to love me is so hard and it's never ever gonna happen. Not in a million years. Also, the only girl I ever met was my mom. Forget that Tucker Max, the world's biggest asshole who founded this community, wrote two best sellers about being an asshole and consequently getting laid reguarly. You may now resume stuffing your fingers in your ears and being a happy sheep.
It's funny, as much as I hate going to a dance club, I'll gladly go to a blues club with the exact same level of noise, overcrowding, and expensive drinks that take forever to show up.
And at least at the dance club, you don't have to wait 45 minutes because the DJ was 30 minutes late and then needs to tune his turntable.
I saw Stevie Ray Vaughen play the El Macambo in the late 80's. He was more than an hour late. Best. Show. Ever. Just sayin.
I dunno...that single 35 year old lawyer from down the street sounds kinda hawt to me. What street is this?
All women are evil! Nice guys finish last! Wait.. what were we talking about? Oh yeah. Focus: I used to work at the most sleazy club around these parts. It's not uncommon to see them water down booze in the back room just to save a few pennies. Or to drink non-alcoholic beer you think is Heineken. But the worst thing was when a fight broke out. Usually it would be my job to 'clean up'. This meant picking up broken glass in the middle of a drunk mob, while sober. It sucked. One time there was a group of 4 guys that just hammered the fuck out of one poor sap. It looked like they slaughtered a pig in there. Ofcourse I was the one to mop it up, whilst hearing a drunk chick incoherently articulating some lame ass menstruation joke. Best part about the job? The back room. The guy working the inventory was chill as hell, didn't give a fuck about his job, so we used to just get wasted on the remainders of booze in bottles of liquor. Getting paid to get drunk? Yes, please.