If you want to get laid, go to wine bars. Chicks getting hammered, you can talk and charm them, and the closure rate is way, WAY higher than a dance club.
I instantly thought of this video: You'll either find the skeezy guys that will do ANYTHING to get in your pants which to those of us smart women that can pick it up, is one of the most pathetic things to ever see. Or if you occasionally find the guy that would want to chat you up and put the legitimate moves on you-you can't hear shit. It's just not the right atmosphere. Going to the club to go dancing is fun and definitely a GIRL thing to do-and guys go because they know the ladies will be there. It's alright to go if you're just looking to do something for the night and have fun dancing-yeah go to a club. If you are trying to pick up someone and actually have a conversation-club is a no go. If you wanna get laid and can find those girls in the club that just wanna get it in-hell yeah: BEST PLACE TO GO IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW GOOD THEY ARE IN THE BEDROOM. If a girl doesn't know how to dance, guarantee she won't know how to move in the bedroom. Find a girl you can grind well with-you will have great sex. If she doesn't have rhythm-expect a floppy fish or a dead corpse when you take her home.
This. Decent wine and martini bars have a lot of chicks who are "just out with their friends" but are easier to approach and ask to go to another bar later, especially if you have a decent 1:1 ratio of guys to girls. (Source: science) The tough part is trying to convince your buddies to go to a wine or martini bar without them mercilessly ridculing you and calling you "faggot fancy boy." (Source: personal experience)
I see most TiB guys like this. Every girl squirms at that scary "I'm-undressing-you-with-my-eyes-and-penetrating-you-deeply" look.
Bullshit. Every male on here is 6'8", 4% bodyfat, and can incline bench 365 lbs. just using their telekenesis alone. Focus I've worked at clubs as both a DJ and bouncer, so I look at them differently. I would only go to a club nowadays if ecstasy was on the menu. There's not many big bars at all in my city, and the ones that call themselves "clubs" are loaded with girls that weigh as much as a photograph of themselves ordering $13 plutonium-coloured drinks and all the guys wear haf a can of Axe and blew most of their money earlier in the day getting their eyeborws sculpted. Outrageous covers, expensive drinks, and the worst people imaginable to me? PASS. On the other hand, I am HUGE on house, hard techno and progessive trance so I love the loud music, and it mutes the idiot telling you her life story from DNA up to this very day. On the topic of door guys, allow me to make you throw up. Note the all-too-common curbstomp cheapshot at 0:16. Necessary stuff when four apes have a man down: ....YEAH. That job is such a fucking science, right? Like the science of which steel wristband to wear under your long sleeves so you can cheap-shot drunks you throw out for "making eyes" at each other. Sorry to inform you, but that's all that job is. A fucking JOB. Not a fucking lifestyle, Tuffy Tuff-Tuff. You're a doorman. You watch a door, MAN.
Not very often, I just worked around too many of these meatheads and I see right through their pathetic charade. Guys who watch Road House to jack them up before work. Guys who do preacher curls every day (smart). Guys who hose down an entire crowd of people outside a bar with fucking BEAR SCARE. I 've been kicked out of bars just like anybody else, but no bitterness because there's always more than one bar in town.
Not necessarily that they are old ass men. But there's that look that creepy men get and that is the face. That stare is just repulsive. And I'm not a fat bitch haha. I've got my curves but I also don't display everything I got just to get guys to notice me. I can't help that my tits are large and aren't easy to cover up. The smell of Axe makes me think of a 13-year-old boy thinking "OMG maybe I can get it in and finish in 4 minutes today!" I like my men wearing Old Spice-classic choice and a real man's smell. That cheapshot made me tense. Fucked up shit. On the note of the loud music covering up the conversation: Why do most women insist on telling every single detail of their life the instant they see a hot guy? I know I've seen my fair share of desperate girls. But not being a guy, how often does it actually happen? Are these women just clueless or do they actually think a guy they just met really gives a damn? Or do they feel that since they talked to them about their life story in a night that it is ok for them to sleep with them and not feel like a slut?
That's the kind of man I want. Makes others feel like complete idiots, hella smart, and dry, sarcastic humor. Great video.
That right there is the reason I love clubs. For me it's about shaking my ass and having a couple beers, not getting fucked up or meeting guys* and it's not a fashion show**. Really drunk me is bad so I have a beer or two and that's it. A couple of years ago when I was going pretty often, there was this Puerto Rican guy that was always there who was a phenomenal dancer... people would back up to watch me and Roberto dance (I tried, usually successfully, to keep up with him). **Sure, you don't go looking like shit, but I always go knowing that at the end of the night I won't have any makeup left on my face and my hair will likely be sweaty and pulled into a ponytail. And that's ok. *Once, just once, I did go home with a guy from a club in Raleigh.
Honestly, almost every single bouncer I've met has been that cool headed, both here and abroad. Even when I do stupid shit while drunk they've always been pretty damn forgiving. Focus: The 3-4 'big' clubs we have here blow. The VIP (read: the second floor which is the dimensions of a washroom) is bearable at best. I'll happily take bar over a club any day. As for abroad, well thats a bit different actually. The higher end clubs there are actually pretty damn sweet and I don't mind going once in a while. The most enjoyable club I've been to is called White. My buddies and I happened to be there the same night as this big group of girls from Fashion TV Sweden. Spoiler White: