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No, boss, I'm just a little tired...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Hoosiermess

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 2, 2010
    I play in a golf outing (fundraiser) for the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) every year. It is an all you can drink, eat, shots are offered on many tee boxes and we usually field about six teams for the outing. It starts at 10:30 at a friends house where we pre-party and grill out. Pre-partying makes no sense with alcohol included in the event but we do it anyway. The first couple years we attended I would go to work the next day as a complete wreck. Sweating straight beer and whatever shots I found on the course or the bar afterwards. Luckily I was the production supervisor at the time and no one could really say anything to me and after a couple hours of welding I would usually be semi social and almost normal. Also my boss never showed up till I had been working for a while so while I know I was obviously hungover it never really caused an issue and I started taking the day off afterwards to suffer on my own time.

    Today was a little rough after watching the NCAA games last night and now that I spend more time behind a desk, hangovers tend to last a LOT longer.
  2. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    "Dear Diary,

    Finished that big project today. No one even realized I was hammered. Next week I start on that new hotel in Kansas City.


    #22 Misanthropic, Mar 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  3. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Just before New Year's, we went out with a few friends to the Cabaret. Great idea except for the whole "I don't drink tequila" thing. Our friends kept buying shots of Patron and my dumbass drank them.

    I started the night out chirpy and happy and YAYYYYY BOOBIES!

    I finished the night up surly and vomiting all over the place and I hit my face on the closet door and that was after I fell over backward coming into the house and I vomited so very much that The Guy decided to get up and sleep on the couch.
    I slept until 2 the next day (we were home by midnight) and came into work.

    Our agreement was that he would do the physical stuff and I would just greet people as they entered. Cool.

    It's Christmas vacation, families are coming in and I have to start walking the gym. At one point I was helping a lady and her son, and I just stopped, and I guess I turned a shade of green because she had a concerned expression on her face. I excused myself, went to the restroom, vomited some more, and then came back.
    She seemed a little aggravated, and I didn't want to tell her I was still drunk from the night before.

    No no.

    Instead, I look over at My Guy across the building and look at her knowingly and say "I'm sorry. I've just been feeling really ill lately from morning sickness..." She looks at me and then at My Guy (who is blissfully unaware of our exchange) and says "Oh darlin', bless your heart, I understand..."

    I waited a month before I told him that story because I knew he wouldn't be as amused as I was.
  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    One of the reasons I don't get drunk on weekdays anymore is I play by the rule:

    You can call in sick for food poisoning, but you can't call in sick for beer poisoning.

    If you're dumb enough to get drunk the night before, then you did it to yourself and now you lie in the bed that you make.

    As for getting fucked up at work, when i DJ'ed I'd have 6 iced beers in my booth over the course of the night, every night. Occasionally some one would bust a line in front of me and I couldn't, of course, be rude.

    Anywhere else, no. I work as a steel machinist and drive a forklift which for those of you who don't know is a small vehicle that weighs more than a semi truck. Killing somebody is not up my alley, so I save body abuse for free time. If you ARE the type that likes to get fucked up and operate heavy or dangerous machinery, I hope you get asshole cancer and maggots eat your eyeballs.
  5. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Me: I've only ever gone to class high once, and it was back in high school. I get way too fucking paranoid when I'm high, so it just doesn't work for me. As for going to school or work drunk, I'm sure I've been mildly drunk in some classes on St. Patricks day or something, but outside of one very specific occasion, I've never done it for work. I have, however, been horrendously hung over for jobs, but given that I've worked in a bar through most of my university career, most people are hung over when they go in and nobody really cares.

    My one occasion was one night when we closed up early, but all the staff from our bar and the restaurant upstairs came down to drink. Our bosses paid my buddy and I to just stay on the bar for another few hours, but told us to feel free to drink with them. I was so drunk by the end I could barely pour drinks, and at one point held my half-empty pint glass up to the tap and threw a straw in it to try and outdrink the tap (I won, if you were wondering). That was probably the most fun shift I've ever worked, but again, it was a pretty specific set of circumstances.

    There was one guy we worked with last year that always got hammered. His very first shift (and keep in mind this is before he knew ANYONE) he was trying to ask other staff members to get him drinks and then just decided to come straight up to the bartenders and ask for them. We never gave him shit, so then he just started bringing a flask to work and getting wasted. In some bars this would fly since a lot of other staff are mildly drunk while working, but he was security and the bosses had 0 tolerance for security drinking on the job.

    He continued to get worse and worse until one night he got out of control. He was pretty creepy when sober, and got 10x worse when drunk. He would always try to hit on girls while he worked, usually with 0 success, but then one night he got rejected and got all pissed off at the girl and started telling her off. She tried to just walk into the bathroom, but he followed her in and wouldn't let her leave until she shoved by him and ran to grab someone else to keep him away and get a manager. He was sent home and fired the next day.

    I dunno, drinking at work has never seemed like a great idea to me. When I drink a bit, I usually want to drink a whole lot more and my ambition plummets. It has the makings of a disaster for me, so I just completely avoid it while working for the most part.
  6. Polarfsu

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 5, 2009
    I usually work by myself, in the desert, with a gun. Soooooo, a very bad idea for me to be drunk on the job. Only heard of one guy who did that. His FTO (field training officer) found out and drove him right to his station HQ and got his ass fired. He was still in his probationary period so no questions asked/no appeals.
  7. archer

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Perth, Australia
    Back when id just turned 18 i was working at a retail music/dvd/electrical goods store in the lead up to Christmas (think Best Buy). They were open 8am-8pm 7 days a week and were always packed, i took on a lot of extra shifts over that period as i was saving for a holiday and had been working 7 days a week for about 4 weeks straight.

    This work schedule eventually wore a little thin and i ended up at the pub with some mates before an afternoon shift, i got a lot more trashed than i had intended but managed to get to work on time.

    I thought i was holding it together pretty well but about an hour into the shift the 2IC pulls me aside and asks if id been drinking, as she could smell booze on me. I downplayed how drunk i was but she sent me home anyway, saying she would keep it just between me and her and the boss wouldn't have to know.

    I thought had a really good relationship with the 2IC (had purchased drugs off her at work before) and i'm certain she was fairly keen on getting me in the sack (the feeling wasn't reciprocated but id never actually rejected her and just played stupid when she was coming onto me).

    Cue me rocking upto work the next day only to find my locker had been cleared out. The boss pulls me aside, handed me my gear and told me to never come back to her store again, even as a customer. I contemplated dropping the 2IC in the shit about some of the dodgy shit she got upto at work but decided against it. It was my fault i got drunk before work so why get another person fired out of spite?

    I still think she's a cunt for not being straight with me though.

    EDIT: She eventually got fired as well, for stealing stock and selling it online. Criminal charges were laid as well for stealing as an employee.
  8. jennitalia

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 5, 2010
    I went into work still drunk about a month ago. When I got there my co-worker just laughed at me and told me to go on a Tim Hortons run. I looked in my purse for my wallet, but I had left it at home. Apparently at this point, I curled up into a little ball on a chair and had the saddest face and said "Why come this is happening?" I felt like death, but somehow still sold really well that day. A customer asked me for help picking out a date outfit as he hadn't shopped in three years and thanked me for my patience in helping him. I wanted to say "No, thank YOU for YOUR patience with me."

    My favorite though, was after Stag (first Thursday in June grad party). All of the grade 12's and most of the grade 11's get hammered at somebody's farm and all go to school hungover the next day. The day after happened to coincide with my final English speech. I'm sure I really did Michael J. Fox justice.
  9. AFHokie

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 13, 2010
    Manassas, VA
    While in college I had a few nights where I rolled into my room just long enough to change and then scamper off to pt still reeking of booze. I had the naive idea brushing my teeth would cover the smell. Surprisingly none of the cadre ever noticed or said anything.

    I'd have the occasional night out for a couple beers that turned into a 2am realization work's gonna suck tomorrow. The realization that even after sleeping a few hours based on what I'd had to drink the night before I was still legally intoxicated brought that habit pattern to a complete halt.
  10. Hoosiermess

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 2, 2010
    I miss living in Minnesota but it was in my best interests to move away for a while, not sure why it was such a big deal but people sure were angry.
    #30 Hoosiermess, Mar 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  11. pincinelly

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    New Zealand
    High school? This is how we roll in New Zealand apparently.

    As for me, my office has a beer and wine fridge that gets stocked by a publisher who wants to keep us happy (I work in advertising). There is also whisky and usually some other liquor, but we get that ourselves. Combine that with lunch meetings, and in the 7 months I've been working here, I have been tipsy at work at least once a month. On St Patrick's, some of us started drinking at noon, and I was shit-faced by hometime (bar time). I also got black out drunk at the Christmas party (by about 6 pm - we went to a vineyard at 11 am that morning).
  12. Devils Advocate

    Devils Advocate
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    Feb 18, 2010
    I have been in my office for 6 minutes. I am still fucking drunk from last night. Does that count>?