I'll concede on the whole massage thing, but you folks can't drive for shit. Which raises the question, "Is it prejudicial if it's true?"
I'm Bulgarian, but I'm kind of dark. My parents aren't but I got it from the grandfather on my mom's side. Anyway I've been discriminated against so many times for something that I'm not even a part of. When I lived in the south I used to get called a Paki and Sand Nigger from the local idiots despite the fact that I have an extremely Eastern European sounding name and I have Light grey eyes, bot qualities I've yet to see a "Paki" or a "Sand Nigger" possess. It's worked in reverse too though where brown people will assume I'm one of them and hook me up.
The only flights to Jedda are out of New York and DC. Don't those cities have something of a history with Saudis and planes? I'll be worried when Saudi Arabia Airlines starts looking to fill their planes with Jews.