I've been sporting a goatee for better than 10 years, and had the 'stache for at least 15 years before that. What's really cool about is, it's red with streaks of gray, but my head hair is light brown/blonde (and gray, but the natural color makes the gray harder to see). I've got a baby face, so the beard helps offset that. When my classmates hear that I'm 47, they don't believe it since I really don't look my age. This may be connected to me not acting my age. As for the wife's naughty bits, I prefer waxed and she obliges because she knows she's not going to get any tongue action down there if it's not. Like other areas of life, too much Bush* is nauseating. *Intended purely for purposes of jocularity and should not be interpreted as political commentary. Check local listings. Offer ends soon. Your mileage may vary. Prohibited by law in Katmandu.
Come on, we can do better than this. Men, why do you keep a beard. Be honest. Is it to make you feel like a mountain ox? Hmm? So you have the confidence to go throughout your day knowing you could punch a bear in the face with nothing but your beard? Or is it because, lets face it, they make damn good napkins? How do you shave? Do refuse to use anything but a katana to cut your pillars of manliness? Or do you leave it all patchy and scraggly because your welfare riding ass can only use a dull rock to shave? Women. We get it. "I'm delicate but adventurous, so a little bit of bristles to mangle my face on can be sexy!" You love it. Shut up and stop with the trickery. Lets get the ladies in on this too. PUBES. How do you rock em? Or do you have a long standing hatred? Did you rip 'em out by the roots when they first stared coming through? Have you ever been complimented on them or are you so fucking crusty you can use them as a velcro mat for storage/fastening your underwear to your body? Outside the box people.
After about 4 or 5 days my facial hair starts to get really itchy, especially in the neck area. Do you guys just power through with the uncomfortableness (is that a word?) or is there something to do about it?
Really, dude? You're going to deny your genetic birthright because you itch for a couple days? Just shampoo it. Better yet, you should stay clean shaven. We don't want you in our neckbeard-lumberjack-animal trapper triumvirate. Stay on the periphery. Fantasize about all the kicks you won't experience until finally you take it out on your wife and kids after too many wine spritzers. I feel bad for people who can't grow a beard. How does it feel that there's a woman in an Italian village that has a better beard than you, the man? If we can even call you men. I once grew a beard so massive it propped my head up on my chest so I could sleep in class with no one the wiser. One time it was raining so peasant farmers harvested my beard for thatch roofing. Last time I had a beard, it stopped kids bullying a nerd. Not out of fear, but out of respect. But seriously, my shit is thick. Like a novelty afro wig. My razor went dull in August. Instead of buying another I just stopped shaving. Had to shave it for my costume couple days ago. I'm not sure what's more manly, the beard itself, or shaving two months of beard with a dull razor. What? Am I going to go buy a package of new razors for one shave? Is that what I'm supposed to do? Having a beard is EXACTLY like "Kung-Fu." you wander the world having all sorts of beardy adventures.
I only get that going on in the summer when it's humid. Which is why my trend is to start growing my beard in October, and then shaving into something goofy at the end of april for my birthday. I would say the main reason I started growing a beard is laziness. In the winter it's hard enough to get out of bed in the morning without taking that extra 20 minutes to shave. Oh, when I am shaving I go old school with the badger hair brush and safety razor so it takes a little longer.
"Regularly scheduled maintenance" at least should be a mandatory go-to. A little hair doesn't hurt on women, I mean, they call it a pussy for a reason. However, I don't think they had Dr. Evil's cat in mind when they named it that. The Lolita look can really creep guys out.
Damn, I guess I need to resign my membership with TiB. I shave every day - Saturday and Sundays too. I also make my bed every morning, even when I stay in hotels. I clearly don't belong here and now I'm starting to wonder if I'm gay. I need a drink - now! Fuck you, OCD.
You should have your underarms waxed. I started having mine waxed when I was in Esthetician's school and it's awesome. It does usually hurt but it's so so very worth it. Within a couple waxes you'll be amazed at how thin and sparse the hair is. A lot of women can't stand to let it grow out long enough but that wouldn't be a problem for you it seems. Focus: I like short maintained facial hair. When it gets long enough to look like pubes, it's too fucking long. And grey is nice too...
Not quite. Nowhere near that tall, and my head was shaved almost a year ago, so the hair hasn't grown back THAT much. I will say that I've had a few suggestions to go out on Halloween as Einstein or Christopher Lloyd though. And everyone's shocked by all the grey in my hair.
I shave my pubic hair when I start to feel uncomfortable masturbating, but even then I haven't been bald since I was 10. Focus: I love a guy with some stubble. This might be because I'm a bit of a masochist, but I get turned on when I'm kissing a guy and I get stubble burn. Although, when it grows out the point where it's soft, I'm not so into facial hair.
Posted this in Rant/Rave before I saw this thread.. I cannot grow facial hair to any successful degree. It takes 3-4 days to appear as stubble on my chin and maybe a week as moustache stubble. Alongside my mouth and between my sideburns/chin is all virgin skin. I am 26, I fail. As to what I like in a woman, visually I have no real preference, I have seen good and bad in both. If I am going down on a girl, it isnt that important to me, but if it causes any difficulties then that is her bad luck.
Same here. That is basically my cue to trim so everything stays at a stubble length at all times. I keep a beard because not only does shaving suck ass, it is also fucking expensive. I hated nicking myself, the razor burn, the aftershave, the nuisance of shaving the tough to maneuver areas. I also fucking hated paying out the ass for blades, christ those things are fucking expensive. I'd much rather trim every 3-4 days which results in no physical discomfort whatsoever, and the only cost is 2 AA batteries maybe once a month. Hell even the ladies seem to like it. I honestly can't begin to understand why someone who is capable of growing a decent beard would choose not to do so.
I've had a beard since I was 15, and I've been clean-shaven exactly twice in the last five years (and both times it was a one-time thing and immediately grew it back out). I keep it fairly trimmed (#2 head on my electric clipper) and shave my neck/under my chin like twice a week or so. Beard > clean-shaven: - I'm too lazy to shave regularly. I can barely trim with the electric shave once a week, I have no idea how guys do this every morning. - It makes me look about 5 years older. I am always the youngest person in the crowd so it behooves me to look older. I think I probably have a baby-face under the stubble. - For some reason, the 2-day stubble gives me acne. Which means I either need to shave every day, keep my beard grown out a bit, or look like I'm going through puberty all over again. - I grow a pretty good beard, so it feels like it would be a waste to shave. Chicks love it so it is just free points for me. When I was traveling last year, I stopped shaving for about three months. My sideburns grew out a little faster than my chin/mustache area and I started getting numerous comments about how I looked like Wolverine. Which of course was awesome. Girls: - Totally shaven is best because it is less hassle for me. Hair creates more friction, more smell, and more chance of a stray pube getting caught in my throat. That is why it is less sexy—nothing to do with some kind of primordial urge to fuck hairless women. - A bit of hair is fine because it doesn't exacerbate the issues I just mentioned. - And generally, I tend to think that the effort a lady puts into maintaining her pussy will be matched by the effort she makes in the bedroom. So it is good for signaling also.
If I let nature have it's way I'd be a Sasquatch. I once let my facial hair grow out for the length of seven days. I couldn't stand it. It made my face feel greasy, and it just overall left me feeling less clean. I shave every morning, and if I have something going on in the evening will often shave again. Once in a great while I'll skip a morning shave if I am running late and it never fails to draw comments because by noon I look like I'm trying to grow a beard. As for the rest of me, I'm one of those guys. I started shaving my back when the first few hairs started popping up around 16. It's never gotten thick back there, but if I don't stay on top of it I'll get a couple dozen long ass hairs in my shoulder blade area, which is completely unacceptable. When my stomach and chest hair began to completely take over I switched from just shaving my balls with a beard trimmer on zero guard to just shaving everything with the face razor all the way down. I do leave my arms and legs alone though, I'm not a total freak. As for women, as long as it's maintained it's fine. The only time I've come across something I couldn't handle was when hooking up with a black girl. It was like rubbing my body against a brillo pad and her refusal to do SOMETHING about it quickly lead to the demise of the relationship. Well that, and she decided to quit eating meat.
Same here, fucking bullshit. My mustache looks like a 13 year olds. I grew it out with a goatee for my halloween costume but it just reminded me how little I have. A guy I work with claimed that his didn't fill in until his late 20's. Anyone else have that? There still hope I won't look like a teenager until I die?
I keep mine short because it's handy. I can use it to file steel, clean my BBQ, wipe my hands from spicy wing sauce and so on. Let's be honest, who else has tried to light a match with theirs only to leave what can be described as a small canyon in their face?
I can grow a full beard in two weeks. I used to grow one every winter, because of several of the reasons previously mentioned - saves money, time, annoyance. Then, it started coming in a little more grey so I stopped. I decided to grow one again this year, and had a nice 3 weeks worth going. But, I just shaved it off last week, because it was too hot. I was jogging the other day, and there were some bugs / gnats around my face. I went to do the ol' stick-your-bottom-lip-out blow-air-up-your-face trick and all the beard hair prevented the intended impact. So, I said "screw it" until it gets a little cooler. So, bugs, that's a reason not to . . .